英语人>网络例句>后期 相关的搜索结果


与 后期 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result shows that: The variation rhythm of the sensitivity index changed unanimously for Jensen,Blank and Stewart water production functions of spring wheat in Liangzhou city,the volume is small in the former stage,then become large at the middle stage,and less at the last stage. Jensen and Stewart water production functions are better of spring wheat in Gulang County in 1987-1989. The Variation rhythm of water deficiency sensitive index is unanimous: the volume are small at first,then large at middle,and diminish at last. The Variation rhythm of water deficiency sensitive index is unanimous in Jensen,Blank and Minhas of flax in Liangzhou county in 1987-1989. The water deficiency sensitive index in Gulang district in 1987-1989 models bad,are too many minus. 3 Establishing the non-linear model to definitive the irrigation quota and dimension of single crop,according the three prototype Precipitation,allocating the limited water optimally according to full water supply,95 percent,75 percent and 50 percent. Economy benefit is the biggest aim function,so getting three groups for irrigation quota,irrigation dimension and benefit,the biggest benefit is the most optimal result.

结果表明:1985-1986 年凉州春小麦Jensen 模型、Bl(来源:10a1ABC论文网www.abclunwen.com)ank 模型和Stewart 模型的敏感指数变化规律接近一致,在前期较小,中期增大,最后再减小。1987-1989 年古浪春小麦水分生产函数以Jensen 模型和Stewart 模型拟合较好,其敏感指数变化规律比较一致,敏感指标值前期较小,中期增大,后期又减小。1983-1985 年凉州亚麻水分生产函数以Jensen 模型、Blank 模型和Minhas 模型敏感指标值变化规律比较一致:先减小,后增大,最后再减小。1987-1989 古浪亚麻敏感指数出现负值较多,模型拟合较差。3 建立单作物种植条件下灌溉定额与灌溉面积的确定的非线性规划模型,将有限的水量按照充分供水,95%、75%和50%供水来分配水资源,以经济效益最大为目标函数,得出三组灌区灌溉面积和效益结果,其中以效益最大为最优解。

Moreover the influence of consolidation pressure on the coefficient of secondary consolidation, the effect of load increment ratio on secondary deformation and the pore water pressure at the latter stage of consolidation are investigated.


The degasification from water occurred under the condition of markedly structural uplift, water migration along fault or deformation of overpressure system.


The following key future research fields are needed to understand and predict Antarctic Ice Sheet mass balance: Observation and modeling of the surface elevation changes, determination of surface mass balance and its distribution over drainage basins as well as fluxes at the grounding lines and the bottom melting underneath ice shelves, understanding of the deglaciation history, development, comparison and improvement of all kinds of models related to modeling and prediction of ice sheet mass balance.


ABP. Sedimentation rate is very low on the whole core and shows three apparent variations at three phases:① A comparatively high SR during marine isotope stage 3 (MIS3) and LGM, about 7.3 and 14cm/ka respectively;② A very low SR of 1.5cm/ka during the last deglaciation, which is different from the deeper Okinawa Trough with higher SR during the last deglaciation than the last glaciation;③ A negligible sediment accumulation since 6.4 cal.

DOC-42孔沉积速率整体较低,呈明显的阶段性变化:在氧同位素3期和LGM期间沉积速率相对较大,分别为7.3和14cm/ka;末次冰消期以来的沉积速率则显著降低,与冲绳海槽冰后期沉积速率高于末次冰期明显不同;自约6.4 cal。

Beyond this stage, certain kinds of cognition and demeanour will hardly be acquired again.


A review on different demineralization processes for coal-based activated carbon including pretreatment,metaphase and post treatment was presented.


Add dene: Defeat gun and CB, of course later period prevents a gun amiable ancestor also be to comparative of BT.

沙加 :破枪和CB,当然后期防枪和气宗也是相当BT的。

Mentioned above are mainly pre-thought and Pang Yun Yuan Hongdao the meeting point, while the latter part of the academic, literary and ideological change, Buddhist thinking of Xiujing mainly to see if Zen is still respected and denigration of the only so-called "silent photo Zen evil."


This paper applies 2007 survey data and income statistics in some migrants' resettlement areas of Jiangsu Province to descriptively study and analyze the related problems of the late-stage support to the Three Gorges migrants.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
