英语人>网络例句>后成质的 相关的搜索结果


与 后成质的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results It was demonstrated that β-TrCP expressed in oral epithelium, tooth bud, mesenchymal cell cytoplasm of ameloblast and edontoblast of different stage of tooth development.


When scales are proposed by nutrition solution, the information of bulblet is very regular: information of bulblet is almost located in inside 1—2mm of wound, the root is formed below of bulblet.


The histopathologic observations of corneas after penetrating keratoplasty in dogs: Thestructure of wholly transparent graft was the same as that of host cornea apart from the upperdonor-host junction where there was minimal irregularity of the corneal lamellae. However, thecorneal lamellae at the lower donor-host junction were neat. The graft with its central part beingtransparent only showed poor coaptation with recipient, in which the graft shifted inward and had marked wrinkles and folds in Descemet"s membrane. On the back of Descemet"s membranethere was hyperplastic stromal fibers that thickened the graft and partially adhered to iris.


A549 cells are more sensitive to CDDP-induced apoptosis(P.01) and less sensitive to THP andβ-Ele-induced apoptosis than A375p(P.01, P.05 respectively). Condensation and crack of nucleus and apoptotic bodies appeared in apoptotic cells of A549 and A375p cell lines in all treated groups and necrocytosis were to be seen in some groups. Fluorescence imaging experiments demonstrated that accumulation of iASPP in cytoplasm but little distribution in nucleus in all groups. untreated groups in two cell lines presented a bright-green colour,followed by CDDP-treated groups,and THP-treated groups is the darkest one in all groups.


Rat glioma cell C6 was infected by the deficiency recombinant retrovirus (named C6TK). The sensitivity of C6TK cells to GCV or ACV increased 450 or 10 times than that of C6 cells respectively. Rat C6 glioma model was successfully built, and SD rats inoculated intracerebrally C6TK cells had normal gliomas. The average survival periods of the rats were about 15 days. However, after treated with ACV, the growth of C6TK tumors obviously regressed, and the survival periods extended to 57.8±8.1 days, especially in rats injected with mixed PA317TK and C6 cells or in situ PA317TK cells, which the tumors nearly disappeared after ACV administration and the survival periods extended to over 120 or 71.4±36.1 days respectively, P<0.001.


Results: GINaTK retroviral vector containing HSV-tk was constructed and transduced into PA317 retrovirus packaging cell by lipofectin (named PA317TK). Rat glioma cell C6 was infected by the deficiency recombinant retrovirus (named C6TK). The sensitivity of C6TK cells to GCV or ACV increased 450 or 10 times than that of C6 cells respectively. Rat C6 glioma model was successfully built, and SD rats inoculated intracerebrally C6TK cells had normal gliomas. The average survival periods of the rats were about 15 days. However, after treated with ACV, the growth of C6TK tumors obviously regressed, and the survival periods extended to 57.8±8.1 days, especially in rats injected with mixed PA317TK and C6 cells or in situ PA317TK cells, which the tumors nearly disappeared after ACV administration and the survival periods extended to over 120 or 71.4±36.1 days respectively, P <0.001.


Results:(1)NSCs form typical neurospheres under adequate concentration in vitro, which are immunoreactive to Vimentin. Typically and terminally differentiated mature neural cells could not be found without the stimulus of mitogen or only under NSCs self-regulation and self-induction;(2)NSCs derived from hippocampus maintain the character of stem cells much longer with better biological behavior; NSCs passed to the 2-3 passage are the best to graft since they have not differentiated;(3)NSCs cultured in vitro could self-regulate and differentiate into neurospheres and progenitors positively immunoreactive to specific antibodies representing neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells;(4)There are widespread synaptic contacts between various kinds of descendent clones and cells;(5)Neurospheres could be formed without the stimulus of mitogen when NSCs and OECs are cocultured. Many neurospheres and cells immunoreactive to Vimentin, GFAP, MAP2, 02, p75NGFR, GFAP, S-100, Synaptosis, Vimentin, Tau (Tau is only positive in cocultureof HNSCs+HOECs) could be found;(6)The supernatant fluid triturated from adult rat spinal cord stimulates NSCs to differentiate into neurons, but do not terminally differentiate;(7)Fibroblasts and O4 oligodendrocytes are not supported to grow under this culture medium.Part II: Isolation, culture and identification of rat and human olfactory ensheathing cellsOlfactory ensheathing cells/glials are the most powerful cells to enable the regeneration of axons in the central nervous system.


After osteoplastic induction, peripheral blood MSCs had strongly positive reactions for alkaline phosphatase staining, total collagen staining, alizarin red staining.


The SPECT imaging of ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 can show the tumor mass clearly and ~(131)I-GEBP11 has anti-tumor effect with weak toxicant and secondary effect, which is the foundation for them to develop nuclide probe or radiotherapeutics drugs targeting to tumor vasculature.3. GEBP11 can inhibit angiogenesis, which comes true probably through its inhibition effects on the proliferation, invasion, migration and adherence of ECs.

1、GEBP11具有活体内胃癌血管靶向结合的能力,它与胃癌血管内皮细胞膜受体特异结合后可被内化。2、~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 SPECT成像能较好地显示体内肿瘤灶,~(131)I-GEBP11具有明显的抗肿瘤效应及较弱的毒副作用,为开发肿瘤血管成像核素探针及受体放射治疗新药奠定了基础。3、GEBP11具有抑制胃癌血管生成的作用,这可能通过抑制ECs增殖、基质降解及迁移、粘附能力实现。

Nerve and ligament tissues could be clearly observed from light and soft patch, and this might and prevent hurt by mistake, improve repairing operability, enhance correct putting of patch, and decrease incidence of pain.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
