英语人>网络例句>后成质的 相关的搜索结果


与 后成质的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The three types of reconstructed embryos(reconstructed embryo of goat-rabbit, goat-bovine and goat-goat) were produced respectively by nuclear transfer using goat ear firbroblast cells as donors and rabbit, bovine and goat ooctyes as recipients, and the factors of cytoplast environments influencing cloned embryo development in vitro, cytoplast effect in nuclear transfer, the methods of transferring cloned embryo and the effects of pregnancy factor on implantation of cloned embryo were studied in this experiment, in order to supply basis for solving the difficulty of implantation of inter-species cloned embryo in recipient and improving the efficiency of cloning.


However, deoxygenation induced further reduction of these metal ions at high temperatures.

过渡金属在二氧化锆基质中的氧化还原特性与其d轨域之电子组态有关,过渡金属具有d5或d10电子组态者(如Mn2+, Fe3+, Cu+,及Zn2+)具有高稳定性能阻绝低温锻烧(~550 °C)时去氢氧化所引发的还原反应,然而高温引发的去氧化可提供更高的还原力,因此这类过渡金属在高温锻烧后(~950°C)将继续还原成低价的物种。

Bone marrow containing hematopoietic stem cells has already been known , theses another group stem cells exists in bone marrow named mesenchymal stem cells. MSCs retain the potentiality of differentiating into osteoblast, chondroblast, adipoblast, tendonblast, myoblast, cardiomyoblast, neuron, etc , which displays a bright prosperity of its use in tissue enigeering, wound healing , cell transplatation and gene therapy. MSCs can be obtained and expanded easily compared to ESC without any problems of morality , law and ethic , immunology.

最早在130年前,德国病理学家Cohnheim在研究创口愈合时就推测在创口愈合过程中出现的部分细胞可能来自骨髓。20世纪70年代,Friendenstein发现一小部分骨髓中贴壁最牢固的细胞经数此传代后形成独特的纺锤形外观,具有形成成骨细胞或软骨细胞的能力。80年代以来,许多研究小组进一步证实了Friendenstein分离到的这些细胞是多能的,在体外特定诱导条件下,可以分化为成骨细胞、软骨细胞、脂肪细胞、成肌细胞、神经元等,被称为骨髓间充质干细胞(Bone MarrowMesenchymal Stem Cells,MSCs)。

With cellulose as the skeleton, gelatinized cassava starch solution and tungsten carbide were used as porogenic agent and inert densifier, respectively. The matrix prepared showed good sphericity and a logarithmic symmetrical distribution of particle size.


The mathematic relationship between coking coal's characters and coke reactivity index and coke strength after reaction was studied.Main effect factors were analyzed by dynamics model formed by metaplast and mesophase.Taking metamorphic degree of coal, coal maceral, caking property, ash and the content of K_2O and CaO as independent variable, forecasting model was set up by the coking tests with 25 kinds of coals used in the industries.It concludes that exinite in coal makes CRI increase and CSR...


Results Infected by this peptide, cell viability decreased 28.9%. Under light microscope, cells were shrinked and rounded, many cells were divorced from plate wall, some neuraxon shortened and broke. Apoptotic cells which nucleolus shrinked and rounded could be coloured orange by fluorescent colouration. Under electron microscope, chromatin gathered along the inside of the nuclear membrane, vacuole bodies appeared. Apoptotic peak was detected by flow cytometry and the ladder band appeared in DNA electrophoresis.


After special chemical process,it wi8ll inflate in to wormlike when expandable graphite in high temperature for an instant.


The kiln body is divided into two sections of electrical furnace body and dynamic rotation with the kiln body constructed of clayed circular hearth uniformly inserted with 9 silicon carbon rods along the circular axis( one group made up of 3 rods and Y connection for every 3 groups).

窑体部分又分为电炉炉体和动力转动两部分,炉体部分采用粘土质圆形炉膛,沿圆轴向均匀插9根硅碳棒(每三根串联成一组,三组按& Y &接线)高铝质的陶瓷炉管又置于硅碳棒内周,通电后硅碳棒产生高温,加热炉管。

The morphology and structure of reconstructed tissue was detected by microscope and scanning electron microscope.Results:(1) Compared with the control group, the cellular proportion of laminin group increased in 62 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly. As shown by the microscope, the cells of control group were in low density. The cells in mass connected tightly. The microfilament appeared reticular formation. The nucleus were the same in size. The cells of laminin group were in high density and put out so many lamellipodia, filopodia, which connected with the surrounding cells. The microfilament increased, elongated, and changed from reticulodromous to sarciniform, which reached to the pseudopods. The nucleus were different in size .(2) As shown by the inverted microscope and the cell growth curve, comparing with the controlgroup, cells of each test group increased evidently. The cellular proportion of each test group increased in S phase and G2 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly, but there was no considerable interations between LN and EGF;(3) As shown by the morphological observations, the cultured cat corneal endothelial cells formed an integrated membrane, and attached to the Descemets membrane closely, which was similar to the natural tissue. The cells connected tightly to each other, and some of them arranged in hexagon approximately.


Most sperm nuclei eventually developed into the male pronuclei, just like the normal sperms, except sperm nuclei in a few zygotes kept dense throughout the fertilization process. Dense chromosome body was seen at the nuclear area during the prophase of first mitosis, and in the middle of spindle at metaphase of first mitosis.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
