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与 后成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Each of the subband signals is then fed into its corresponding subband array processor, of which the outputs are combined by the synthesis filter and recovered into wideband signal.


Stickonto a page of a book with pasteA Hawaiian food made from taro corm that is cooked,pounded to a paste ,and fermented.


Gold Baby ferment can be used to feed a variety of energy fermented feed and fodder, such as rice powder, corn flour, wheat bran, rice bran and straw crops, Cotton Seed Hull and grass and so on, after the fermented feed energy is transformed into the bacterial protein feed , which is transformed into the roughage feed.


Therefore, we utilize optical switch to switch over two routes P1 and P2 which are normal feeder fiber P1 and protecting fiber P2. Signal pass P1 and P2 and through 2X2 coupler, splitter, and 2X1 coupler into the drop fiber. Finally pass through WDM coupler and filter into ONU.


Methods Animals were randomly and equally divided into five groups: saline control group, positive drug control group, low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose crocetin group. Animals were anesthetized with urethane (1.2 g/kg), then followed by the perfusion of aconitine (10 μg/mL) through caudal vein in rats, or of ouabain (9 μg/mL) through external jugular vain in guinea pigs in a constant velocity of 0.1 mL/min, and the emergence time of ventricular fibrillation, ventricular extrasystole, ventricular tachycanlia and cardiac arrest were then detected and recorded. The recorded time was then translated to the cumulated amount of aconitine and ouabain. Experimental arrhythmia was induced by rapid injection of 4% CaCl2 (140 mg/kg), and the emergence time, persistence time, incidence and death of arrhythmia after the administration were observed.

将实验动物随机分为生理盐水组,阳性药物对照组,藏红花酸高、中、低剂量组,SD大鼠采用1.2 g/kg乌拉坦麻醉后,从尾静脉匀速(0.1 ml/min)灌注10μg/ml乌头碱溶液,豚鼠麻醉后从颈静脉匀速(0.1 ml/min)灌注9μg/ml哇巴因溶液,观察出现室性期前收缩、室性心动过速、室颤和心脏停搏的时间,然后换算成乌头碱和哇巴因的累积量;快速推注4%氯化钙(140 mg/kg)诱导大鼠心律失常,观察给药后心律失常出现时间、持续时间、心律失常发生数及死亡数。

Assembling a quilt requires some thinking ahead. First, a quilter selects a pattern and then cuts pieces of fabric and sews them together to form an overall design. Usually, smaller pieces of material are sewn together into larger blocks or squares, and then those blocks are stitched together to make the top layer of the quilt. Once the top layer is as big as the quilter wants, it's joined together with the padding and the bottom layer using a frame.


Fresh Squid tentacle sections, mashed yellow croaker and pollution-free cubed carrot and green string bean sections are selected as raw materials which are then added, mixed and stirred with an adhesive, a seasoning agent and a tenderizer in proper amount to form fillings; the fillings are then moulded into caked filling cores which are steamed and cooled; the outer surface of the filling core is evenly coated with a layer of stiff paste, the outer surface of which is evenly attached with a layer of puffed outer coating so as to form a caked quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak which takes the shape of a puffed powder slice and is internally provided with a filling core wrapped with the stiff paste; after being quick-frozen, the squid and vegetable steak can then be made into the quick-frozen squid and vegetable steak food.


Analysis is conducted on model checking for three valued logic formulae of modal transition system using existing model checking techniques. We reduce the three valued logic model checking problem for modal transition system to the two valued model checking problem under Kripke structure. This reduction is linear in the number of states, size of transition relations, and number of atomic propositional formulae in the new formed model compared with those in the original model. It does not increase the comple...


We used ITO glass substrate and high purity(99.99%) titanium , put to use sputtering process, add to high purity O2 make it complete the best structure film and the thickness about 1400 . By way of 500℃ anneal could got a better anatase phase, this result could easy reaction with electrolyte to increase electron-transferred. Used as spin casting covering PR on ITO substrate, transferring patterns of array circular shapes on a mask to photography, used optimize temperature and time to hard bake. Finally used HCl to etching underexposed TiO2 area, and acetone to tripper top PR, make it to accomplish pillars shape TiO2 electrode.


And then adding NAA at low concentration in MS was used to give rise to roots. We also found that lower level of hormone could control effectively browninng and vitrifaction during the culture and G1 n (6mg/L) and AgNOj (2mg/L) supplemented in shoot induction media could improve the shoot information rates apparently (about90%).The whole period of plant regeneration from leaflets of peanut could be divided as five steps: germination - shoot induction -shoot elongation-rooting- tranplant.

用1/2MS培养基萌发花生种子,9-10d后,从无菌花生苗上切取幼嫩叶片中部为外植体。2500Lux光照和27±1℃条件下,在诱芽培养基(MS+BA3mg/L+NAA0.8mg/L+AgNO_32mg/L十Gln 6mg/L)培养12-14d即可观察到明显芽点或瘤状突起,较前人报道的培养时间大大缩短了,4w后芽点进一步发育成丛生芽,芽诱导率达90.2%,每个外植体平均产9个丛尘芽,然后转至培养基MS+BA3 mg/L+AgNO_32 mg/L上诱导芽的伸长,3-4w后可长至3-4cm,切下带有2-3片叶片的幼芽移至生根培养基(MS+NAA0.8mg/L+AgNO_32mg/L),1w后切口处可见白色不定根形成。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
