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Results: Fifty-two of 66 patients with unilateral fractures were, after 9–13 years, rated as excellent/good according to the Green and O'Brien score as modified by Cooney et al.


But in SD rats, cardiac muscle fibers were fractured seriouly , contracted to wavilness obviously, then muscle fibers fracture were contracted like entasia by the hypoxia time increased , injury intensify , all the changes refered SD rats compensatory mechanism can not be transferred in this hypoxia degree. 3. Exposed to 4% oxygen concentration, the cardiac muscle ultrastructure of Gansu zokors had serious injury after hypoxia 2h.


The material for formation of the granitoids isderived from mixing sources of crust and mantle, with decreasing in crust-derived componentsfrom early to late.5. The tectonic setting for formation of the Mesozoic granitoids in the region isdefined as a post-collisional setting. The occurrence of a small part of rocks with characteristics ofcollisional or anorogenic granitoids provides evidence for the continuous process oftransformation of tectonic regime from collisional through post-collisional to anorogenic.6. Themultiple cycles of mantle-derived magma underplating caused by the multiple stages oflithospheric thinning in the Mesozoic result in the partial melting of middle to lower crust orcrust-mantle syntexis to form magmas. The crystallization of these magmas emplacing afterfractionation is responsible for the formation of the Mesozoic granitoids in this region.


Shows the end of Henan, Shaanxi Opera and after the introduction Puzhou Clapper, and local folk songs, made minor combination; one that transferred from the Northern Song direct the development of cable made of string; a folk concert in Henan is art, particularly since the Ming Dynasty later, in the Central Plains region based on the prevailing fashion Xiao Ling, absorbing "string rope" and other artistic achievement evolved.


The stable clones are further identified by RT-PCR and Western blot; 6 MTT assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell growth of cells (AGS, SGC7901, MKN28, NIH3T3, GES-1); 7 Soft agar assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the clonality of cells (AGS, MKN28); 8 Nude mice assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell growth of gastric cancer cells (AGS, MKN28); 9 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell cycle distribution of cells (AGS, MKN28, NIH3T3, GES-1); 10 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell apoptosis of cells (AGS, MKN28, NIH3T3); 11 MTT assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the drug sensitivity of cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60, HL-60/VCR) in vitro; 12 SRCA is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the drug sensitivity of gastric cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR) in vivo; 13 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on adriamycin accumulation of cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60, HL-60/VCR); 14 Transmission electron microscope is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the sensitivity of SGC7901 cells towards drug-induced apoptosis; 15 Flow cytometry and DNA ladder assay are used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the sensitivity of cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60/VCR) towards drug-induced apoptosis; 16 Microarray is used to investigate the profiling of ZNRD1-responsive genes in gastric cancer cells (AGS, MKN28, SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR); 17 RT-PCR and Western blot are used to identify the results of microarray; 18 Reporter gene assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the transcriptional activity of cyclin D1; 19 Reporter gene assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the transcriptional activity of MDR1; 20 Kinase assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the activity of cyclin E-CDK2 kinase; 21 The antisensenucleic acids of p21 is used to inhibit the expression of p21, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of p21 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 22 The antisensenucleic acids of p27 is used to inhibit the expression of p27, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of p27 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 23 Liposome is used to up-regulate the expression of Skp2, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of Skp2 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 24 Western blot is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the stability of Skp2 and p27 in gastric cancer cells; 25 MVD assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the angiopoietic activity of gastric cancer cells; 26 ELISA is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the expression of VEGF165 in gastric cancer cells; 27 The roles of DARPP-32 in MDR of gastric cancer cells are investigated using gene transfection, MTT assay, SRCA, flow cytometry and DNA ladder assay.

应用杂交瘤技术制备ZNRD1的首个单克隆抗体;2)利用RT-PCR、Western blot和免疫组化检测ZNRD1在胃癌组织、胃炎组织、正常胃上皮组织、胃癌细胞和正常胃组织上皮细胞中的表达;3)构建ZNRD1的小干扰RNA载体,并测序鉴定;4)利用脂质体将ZNRD1的真核表达载体及其空载体转染胃癌细胞(AGS、SGC7901、MKN28)和小鼠成纤维细胞(NIH3T3),G418筛选后进行鉴定;5)利用脂质体将ZNRD1的小干扰RNA载体及其空载体转染药敏胃癌细胞(SGC7901)、正常胃组织上皮细胞(GES-1)、对长春新碱耐药的胃癌细胞(SGC7901/VCR)、药敏白血病细胞(HL-60)、对长春新碱耐药的白血病细胞(HL-60/VCR),G418筛选后进行鉴定;6)利用MTT实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(AGS、SGC7901、MKN28、NIH3T3、GES-1)生长的影响;7)通过软琼脂克隆形成实验检测上调ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞克隆形成能力的影响;8)通过裸鼠成瘤实验检测上调ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞体内成瘤性的影响;9)通过流式细胞仪分析ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(AGS、MKN28、NIH3T3、GES-1)的细胞周期的影响;10)通过流式细胞仪分析上调ZNRD1对细胞(AGS、MKN28、NIH3T3)的凋亡的影响;11)通过MTT实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60、HL-60/VCR)体外药物敏感性的影响;12)通过肾包膜下移植法检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR)体内药物敏感性的影响;13)通过流式细胞仪分析ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60、HL-60/VCR)内阿霉素蓄积和泵出的影响;14)通过透射电镜检测上调ZNRD1对SGC7901细胞凋亡敏感性的影响;15)通过流式细胞仪和DNA梯度试验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60)凋亡敏感性的影响;16)通过基因芯片检测ZNRD1高/低表达对胃癌细胞内基因表达谱的影响;17)利用RT-PCR、Western blot对基因芯片的结果进行鉴定;18)利用报告基因实验检测ZNRD1对cyclin D1的启动子活性的调节作用;19)利用报告基因实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对MDR1的启动子活性的调节作用;20)利用激酶试验检测ZNRD1对cyclin E-CDK2 激酶活力的影响;21)利用反义核酸技术抑制p21的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测抑制p21对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;22)利用反义核酸技术抑制p27的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测抑制p27对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;23)利用脂质体转染法上调Skp2的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测上调Skp2对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;24)利用Western blot检测ZNRD1对p27和Skp2的蛋白稳定性的影响;25)利用微血管密度实验检测ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞裸鼠移植瘤微血管形成的影响;26)利用ELISA检测ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞培养上清和移植瘤匀浆中VEGF165含量的影响;27)利用脂质体转染法、MTT实验、肾包膜下移植法、流式细胞仪和DNA梯度试验检测新耐药相关分子DARPP-32对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、对阿霉素耐药的胃癌细胞SGC7901/ADR)多药耐药表型的影响;利用脂质体转染法和MTT实验检测下调ZNRD1对DARPP-32介导的胃癌多药耐药的调控作用。

General 薄本 first bookbiding after the die-cutting or trimming the better; and thick this processing method vary, there's plenty of stepwise cut after the finished product, some of them are single-page die cutting out heterotype bookbiding or paper again.


The forced expression of myogenin could induce NIH3T3 fibroblast to differentiate into myogenesis, it was identified as a pair of bands on SDS-PAGE. The phosphorylated form implies a significant structural change in the myogenin protein, which is expected to affect its function at post-translational level.


RESULTS: After differentiation of human adherent myoblasts by neural induction medium, no cells with a neural cell morphology (ie., small, refractile cell body with dendritic cell extensions) were seen. All remaining myoblasts cultured with neural induction medium, myoblasts with proliferation medium and myotubes with differentiation medium containing 20 mL/L HS were positive for β Tubulin Ⅲ. C2C12 myoblasts were negative for β Tubulin Ⅲ. In contrast, all the above cells were negative for the markers Neurofilament Mr 68×103 and GFAP.

结果:用诱导分化液作用后,未见小的、伴有突起的放射状形态的神经细胞;抗β Tubulin Ⅲ对经神经元胶质细胞诱导分化液作用后的人成肌细胞、增殖培养液培养后的各代人成肌细胞及仅含20 mL/L HS分化液分化形成的肌管细胞染色均为阳性; C2C12细胞β Tubulin Ⅲ抗体染色阴性;上述所有细胞抗Neurofilament Mr 68×103和抗GFAP染色均为阴性。

The fibrils of three levels,Which were macrofibrils of several tens micron in diameter,fibrils feW micron and microfibrils about 0.3 micron,were observed simultaneously with banded texture usingpolarized microscope.After annealing,fibrils in different levels relaxed to differentmorphology.Macrofibrils still oriented along shear direction,but fibrils relaxed to helical form,and microfibrils relaxed to waveform therefore the banded texture canbe seen.The smaller the diameter of fibrils was,the more easily the fibrils relaxed.Ori the other hand,the banded texture decoration of annealed unoriented filmsrevealed directly the distribution of directors within and out of domains and thevariation of directors on boundaries.


Reefs, reef-mounds and lime mud mounds are all carbonate buildups, and the reefs and banks are important targets for petroleum exploration The reefs, banks and mounds should be divided from each other not only in theory, but also in exploration practice, because of so many differences in sedimentary compositions, fabrics, environments, distribution in time and space, and the characteristics of petroleum geology If the original reef or bank itself was fine reservoir rocks, then it would become a better reservoir after the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The formation of a high quality carbonate reservoir is controlled by two factors: the sedimentary microfacies and the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The first is the basis for the formation of a high quality reservoir, and with the high energy reefbank facies as the best; the latter includes the cataclasis, the dolomitization and the karstification The dolomitization and karstification are the best for the formation of a high quality reservoir The karstification has the widest distribution, profoundest effect, and plays a vital role in the high quality reservoir forming The karst types are quite rich in the limestone reef or bank reservoir, including synsedimentary karst, penesedimentary karst, supergene karst and hydrothermal karst, and so does the dolomitization reef or bank reservoir The formation mechanism of synsedimentary karst and penesedimentary karst is related to the short time exposing and leaching of the cyclical highfrequency shallowupward sequence when the reefs or banks are forming The supergene karst is controlled by the exposing and leaching of tertiary cyclic sequence type I interface after the reefs or banks forming Thus, there developed a great deal of secondary corrosion pores, corrosion fractures and huge caves besides some original pores remained in the reef and bank reservoir Scarcely there are any original effective pores in reefmounds and lime mud mounds, especially in senkes among mounds, but secondary pores could be formed by karstification, and there would likely develop source rocks with high organic abundance


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
