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与 后成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The presence of guttural sounds, diacritic aspirations, epenthetic and servile letters in both languages: their antiquity, both having been taught on the plain of Shinar 242 years after the deluge in the seminary instituted by Fenius Farsaigh, descendant of Noah, progenitor of Israel, and ascendant of Heber and Heremon, progenitors of Ireland: their archaeological, genealogical, hagiographical, exegetical, homiletic, toponomastic, historical and religious literatures comprising the works of rabbis and culdees, Torah, Talmud, Massor, Pentateuch, Book of the Dun Cow, Book of Ballymote, Garland of Howth, Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto S.


Based on the summarizing of the exiting algorithms of the texture mapping and antialiasing, this paper goes deeply into the basic theory and processing of texture mapping. The texture compress algorithm which can satisfy the need of the memory and time is given for the stochastic sampling in the inverse texture mapping; the geometry transformation in the texture mapping are discussed and the concepts of the unitary parametrization and the patch parametrization is proposed, some kinds of the unitary parametrization methods of parametric surfaces and the geometry transformation in the patch parametrization are also presented; in order to solve the aliasing in the parametrization of intermediate surface-sphere in two-part texture mapping, an area-preserving transformation is presented also; to improve the quality of the graph the aliasing in the texture mapping is analyzed from the aspect of signal process, and the modified summed-area tables algorithms is proposed; the distortion of the scanline conversion algorithms under perspective transformation is analyzed and the proper interpolation algorithm is presented so the aliasing problem of the polyhedral object after the unitary parametrization is efficiently solved.


From these two incontrovertible premises he deduced that the Library is total and that its shelves register all the possible combinations of the twenty-odd orthographical symbols (a number which, though extremely vast, is not infinite): Everything: the minutely detailed history of the future, the archangels' autobiographies, the faithful catalogues of the Library, thousands and thousands of false catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of those catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of the true catalogue, the Gnostic gospel of Basilides, the commentary on that gospel, the commentary on the commentary on that gospel, the true story of your death, the translation of every book in all languages, the interpolations of every book in all books.


Methods:(1) The two-sided ovary of female animal and the two-sided testicle of male animal were excised. After the XLGBC to treat 28 days, the estradiol and the teststerone of serum were checked;(2) With intramuscular injection the Hydrocortisone,the Yangxu animals was made. After the XLGBC to treat 10 days, the testicle coefficient,the spermathecal gland coefficient and the ovary coefficient were observed;(3) With ig the Thyroid tablets and the Reserpine, the Yinxu animal was made. After the XLGBC to treat 10 days, the testicle coefficient,the spermathecal gland coefficient and the ovary coefficient were observed.


Objective: This experimental study is based on earlier animal and clinical experiment, drawn thinkings of combinations with two methods and pursued a synthesis method of high-efficiency, cheap and convenient calcium and exercise treatment. We adopt taking natural-clam's casing powder and preconcereted-intensity excises to intervene shape of osteoporosis in gelded rats, than we compare the indexes such as the biomechanics indexes of the right femur and the third lumbar vertebrae, the weight and uterus quotiety of rats before the experiment to these indexes after the experiment. We hope to find better and suitable way to prevent and treat the postmenopausal osteoporosis and offer reference for clinic.

目的 本实验的主要目的是在前期动物实验的基础上,引入两种方式联合干预的思维,立足于探求既高效又经济、方便的补钙剂加上与运动疗法相联合的方式,对切除雌性大鼠卵巢而复制成的骨质疏松症模型进行服用天然贝类蛤蜊壳粉,同时施以预定强度的运动刺激的方法,再通过试验前后大鼠体重、子宫指数的变化及大鼠股骨和椎体生物力学指标的对比变化进行分析,以期探索出防治绝经后骨质疏松症的更好的、更适宜于大众的手段;并为天然钙剂和运动联合作用防治PMOP提供参考。

Study of peripheral nerve lesions and the effects of the recipe of supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation on it in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: It was showed that the weight, MNCV and SNCV were significantly reduced, H reflex were significantly prolongated, the level of blood sugar were significantly increased in diabetic rats compared to normal rats at 1 week, 3 week and 5 week after STZ injection (p.05), some changes of the sciatic nerve structure were occurred after 5 weeks of the diabetic progress.


The kindly dimness of the weak candle abstracted from her form and features the little blemishes which sunlight might have revealed - the stubble scratches upon her wrists, and the weariness of her eyes - her high enthusiasm having a transfiguring effect upon the fact which had been her undoing, showing it as a thing of immaculate beauty, with a touch of dignity which was almost regal.


In early days, there were two kinds of Old-fashioned Clear Ice. One is to sprinkle the syrup onto the shaved ice; the other kind is to shave the frozen ice brick, which is a mixture of boiling water, white sugar and banana oil, into snow-like tiny pieces.


Only with such characteristics, the movement equations can be expressed as matrices, and the idea of transforming the movement equations to the simplest form through a nonlinear transformation can be realized;(2) The form of Zi =Yi + YTH2i Y + Y7H3i Y(2)+ Y(2)T H4i Y(2)+ YTH5i Y(3) is adhibited in the nonlinear transformation, so that the multivalued problem caused by the nonlinear transformation is avoided, and the higher order transformation can be taken next;(3) The fourth order nonlinear transformation matrices H21,H31,H41 and H51 are derived, by which the original movement equations of electric power system is transformed to Jodan form in Z space;(4) By use of the fourth order nonlinear transformation, the approximate expression of the stability boundary is obtained, in Z space it is Z1= 0,in Y space it is Y1 + YTH21 Y + YTH31 Y(2)-i- Y(2) TH41 Y(2)+YTH51 Y(3)= 0;(5) The criterion used in this paper to judge whether the system critical unstable is simple and quick;(6) The method used in this paper is a direct method, and no need to construct an energy function.

正是由 于电力系统的运动方程具有这样的特性,才能写成矩阵的形式,通过非线性变换将电力系统的运动方程变换为最简单的线性形式的思想才能得以实现;(2)将通常运用于电力系统暂态稳定性分析的Normal Form变换的形式由 Yi= Zi+ ZTh2riZ变形为 Zi= Yi+YTH2iY+YTH3iY(2)+Y(2)TH4iY(2)+YTH5iY(3),从而使得在对持续故障轨线实施同样的非线性变换以确定临界切除时间时,避免了非线性变换带来的多值性的问题,而只有在没有多值性问题的困扰下,才能采用较高阶的变换:(3)推导出了将原始电力系统系统的运动方程变换到Z空间的约当形式的非线性变换矩阵H21、H31、H41、HS1:(4)在运用四阶了「线性变换的情况下,给出了受扰动后系统的稳定边界的近似的解析表达,在Z空间为Z1=0,在y空间为: Y1+YTH21Y+YTH31Y(2)+Y(2)TH41Y(2)+YTH51Y(3)=0 (5)确定临界失稳的判据简单、快捷:对于一个复杂的电力系统,其稳定边界是相当复杂的一个高维曲面,即便是已知系统稳定边界的解析表达,要求出系统持续故障轨线何时与这一高维曲面相交,在数学上几乎是不可能实现的。

It is a further object of the invention to provide a method of assembly of a foldable plastic slider comprising a body having a depending separator finger and a pair of foldable wings, with a profiled plastic reclosable fastener particularly suited for thermoplastic bags for opening and closing the fastener comprising the steps of positioning a plastic bag having a plastic reclosable fastener along the top edges of the front and back faces of the bag to receive the foldable plastic slider in straddling relation, the fastener comprising a first interlocking element having a female fastener profile attached to one of the faces of the bag and a second interlocking element having a male fastener profile attached to the other face of the bag, inserting the plastic separator finger between the first and second interlocking elements, and forming the slider in straddling relation around the male and female fastener profiles at the top edges of the bag by folding the pair of wings downwardly toward the plastic separator finger and against the opposite sides of the body, and securing the pair of wings to the opposite sides of the body in fixed relation with the separator finger to form a pair of side walls for the slider whereby movement of the slider in one direction opens the fastener elements and movement in the opposite direction recloses the fastener elements.

资讯科技是提供一个组成一个有一只靠区分者手指和一双可折叠的翅膀身体的可折叠的塑料滑动器的一个集会的方法发明的一个较进一步的物体,由于一特别地描绘塑料的 reclosable 牢系工具轮廓为打开而且关闭组成放置一个沿着袋子的前面和后面脸的最高边缘有一个塑料的 reclosable 牢系工具在跨立关系方面接受可折叠的塑料滑动器的塑料袋子的步骤牢系工具为热后可塑性的袋子适合,组成一种第一的联锁元素的牢系工具对袋子的脸之一和一种第二种联锁的元素附上女性的牢系工具描绘附上男性的牢系工具描绘到另一个袋子面对,插入塑料的区分者手指在第一和秒联锁的元素之间,而且形成滑动器在向塑料的区分者手指向下地在折叠双翅膀旁边的袋子最高边缘在男性的和女性的牢系工具的周围跨立关系描绘方面和反对身体的相反边,而且固定到与区分者手指的固定关系的身体相反边的双翅膀为一个方向的滑动器的运动打开相反的方向牢系工具元素和运动的滑动器形成一双旁的墙壁再关牢系工具元素。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
