英语人>网络例句>后成的 相关的搜索结果


与 后成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oilcan is a kind of typical rigid target with big backscattering coefficient, which takes on point figure if the resolution of SAR image is not very high; these point targets to be recognized gather together, and form a target region with some distribution area; the center of the region appears as a beeline, and the speckle noise appears scattered, therefore, considering the different grey distributions between point target and speckle noise region and the space geometry distribution, these point targets can be recognized by this algorithm.


The Stairs were such as whereon Jacob saw [ 510 ] Angels ascending and descending, bands Of Guardians bright, when he from Esau fled To Padan-Aram in the field of Luz, Dreaming by night under the open Skie, And waking cri'd, This is the Gate of Heav'n [ 515 ] Each Stair mysteriously was meant, nor stood There alwayes, but drawn up to Heav'n somtimes Viewless, and underneath a bright Sea flow'd Of Jasper, or of liquid Pearle, whereon Who after came from Earth, sayling arriv'd, [ 520 ] Wafted by Angels, or flew o're the Lake Rapt in a Chariot drawn by fiery Steeds.


POWER OF ATTORNEY请将该段翻译成中文 The Chargor irrevocably appoints the Lender, the Receiver and any persons deriving title under either of them by way of security jointly and severally to be its attorney (with full power of substitution) and in its name or otherwise on its behalf and as its act and deed to sign, seal, execute, deliver, perfect and do all deeds, instruments, acts and things which may be required or which the Lender or the Receiver shall think proper or expedient for carrying out any obligations imposed on the Chargor hereunder including any act or thing to be done for transferring or assi娜ng (or completing or perfecting any transfer andlor assignment ofj the title, ownership and right of the Chargor of and in the Machinery or any part thereof to the Lender upon or for the purpose of the enforcement of this Deed or for exercising any of the powers hereby conferred or in connection with any sale or disposition of all or any part of the Machinery or the exercise of any rights in respect thereof or for giving or granting or transferring or assigning to the Lender the full benefit of this security or the title, ownership, right of the Chargor of and in the Machinery and so that the appointment hereby made shall operate to confer an the Lender and the Receiver authority to do on behalf of the Chargor anything which it can lawfully do by an attorney.

该chargor不可改变指定放款,接收器和任何人产生标题下,无论他们的担保方式共同及个别作为自己的律师,并在其姓名或以其它方式代其与作为其法和实际行动上签字,盖章,执行,交付,完善和尽一切事迹,仪器仪表,行为和这件事可能需要或贷款人或接管人应想正当或权宜措施,为履行任何义务加诸于chargor 以下(包括任何行为或事情需要做转让或assi娜伍(或完成或完善任何转让andlor转让ofj业权,所有权和右的chargor的,并在机械或其任何部分向贷款后,或用以执行这项契约),或行使任何权力兹授予或与任何出售或处置的全部或任何部分机器或行使的任何权利,在尊重或给予或给予或转让或指派向贷款人的全部利益,这种安全或名称,所有权,权利主体chargor的,并在机械等,这兹任命应取得经营授予放款者和接收者管理局做代表该chargor什么,它可以合法地做一个律政司。

It is convenient for sinter to be leached, and the secondary reaction appears little. The slurry after sinter leaching is transferred into autoclave for desilicification at about 170℃, and the siliceous modulus of solution reaches more than 200. Then some lime is added for deep-desilication at normal pressure, the siliceous modulus of solution increases more than 600 even if the Al2O3 content is more than 200g/L.The SiO2 coefficient in hydrate garnet from deep-desilication is more than 0.28. Under conditions of the addition of seed and application of novel technology of carbonization, the contents of Na2O and SiO2 in product are less than 0.37% and 0.025%, respectively.

实验结果显示:烧成的熟料溶出条件宽松,二次反应程度弱;溶出浆液在170℃左右直接进行加压脱硅,脱硅后溶液的硅量指数大于200,再加入适量的石灰进行深度脱硅,即使溶液中氧化铝浓度超过200g/L时,精液的硅量指数也大于600,且得到的水化石榴石中二氧化硅饱和系数大于0.28;通过加入晶种和采用新的碳酸化分解工艺制度,产品中的SiO2 含量降至0.025%, Na2O含量小于0.37%;加入表面活性剂,不仅能将碳分母液蒸发至Na2OT浓度大于300g/L,而且还可有效减缓表面上结疤的形成速度。

The location and structures of sex-pheromone-producing gland in female H.insularis were studied by EAG,GC,SEM,and TEM.These studies showed that thegland situate in the intersegmental membrane between the eighth and ninthabdominal segments,and is an eversible abdominal fold;Many plump cones disturbon the surface of the gland.The glandular cells of 2-day old virgin female H.insularis are arranged in one layer,among which the central cells are columnarepithelial cells and flat on two sides.The nucleus is irregular elliptical.There isevident conjugation between cells and the involution is more in the basal membraneof cell.Microvilli are distributed on the cytoplasmic membrane and linked withendocuticle on which there are many layers of chitin,and the outer cuticule is staineddeeper.The cell contains bubbles,mitochondria,glycogen deposits,roughendoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.


Everywoman . His late career brought such works as his masterpiece, The Iceman Cometh (1946), an Ibsenian portrait of man's hold on his pipe dreams, and A Long Day's Journey into Night (1956), the posthumously published and painfully autobiographical tragedy of a family haunted by a mother's drug addiction.

他已故的职业生涯带来了这些作品作为他的杰作,该送冰的人来( 1946年),一个Ibsenian肖像人的举行,他管的梦想,和漫长的一天的旅程进入黑夜( 1956年),死后出版的自传体悲剧和痛苦的家庭闹鬼一个母亲的吸毒成瘾。

Chapter Four deals with Wen Yi monthly edited by Din Ling, It point out that :firstly, after liberation, the party culture ideology had changed Din Ling's original intention which was desighed for a literary journal, and turn it into the party organ whose fuction was to supervive national culture movement and to guide the battle in thought field.


The studies was proceeded on the the supercritical CO2 extraction technique of rotenone from Tephrosia vogelii. The extraction influences of technology conditions were systematically groped, The research results were listed as follows:1 The analysis method applied in this paper has been proved to be suitable to technology research of the studies on the SC-CO: extraction technique of rotenone from Tephrosia vogelii. 3 indexes, extraction ratio of rotenone. extraction ratio of total compounds and rotenone content percent in total compounds weight, were carried out with HPLC quantitatively determination combined with the sample weight loss after extraction. With these 3 indexes. The extraction influences of technology conditions were evaluated by synthesis. Then the best technology conditions were ascertained for different extraction aims.2 The pretreatment of rough material should be needed before extraction. Comminuting the material to 0.28mm size is most fit to SC-CO: extraction.3 Firstly static extracting 20 min then turn to dynamic doing is the better extraction mode than other ones.4 The orthogonal experiment was conduct with 3 factors and 5 levers.


Yu is the most beatiful girl among us.and she has many chaser ,and at that time.,we just kidding to yu .told her that dont occupy all the handsome,and try to introduce someone to us four.but something something always happen unexpectedely ,yu's little brotehr had been put in jail and after that yu's parents health is not well ,so that affect yu to llok for a bf till now.hope yu can find a good hus soon.xiu is the gentlest person,,but something unfortune happen to her ,and she married soon afterwords .


The agitation power consumptions in boiling systems decrease uniformly with the increase of agitation speed, whereas the relative power demand (RPD-the ratio of agitation power input of HEDT for gassed system to that for ungassed system and under the same agitation speed) can maintain at a high level for high gas loadings even when the impeller is operating with a high impeller tip speed. The gas hold-up in the boiling system is much lower than that in the cold gassed system, and the gas hold-up in boiling system increases at first and then decreases with the increase of the agitation power consumption per liquid mass P(subscript m. It implies that the boiling three-phase system has a maximum gas hold-up point. The changes of nucleation site of vapour bubble and the character of suspension of the solid particles with the rotational speed of the impeller are responsible for those behaviors mentioned.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
