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与 后成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effect of combination tannage were studied by measurin g the change of shrinkage temperature during tanning processes, which were perfo rmed with different dosages of three tanning agents in the same tanning order.


This week, after an unaccountably long lag, professional acclaim for this bold, purposeful theorist finally converged on its natural rate.


It seems that the traditional catholic concept of limbo, an afterlife realm populated by unbaptized babies, is being dusted off and polished up.


Morning drives to Yokohama, visit the Ramen Museum, and learn the history of Japanese instant noodle and see many famous noodle shops. Next visit the Kamakura Daibutsu. Then to Yokohama China Town, the biggest in Japan. Afternoon drive to Mt.


The bonding properties and electronic structure of the inequivalent oxygen atoms on MoO 3 (100) and (010) crystal surfaces were studied by ab initio Hartree Fock method.

用从头计算Hartree Fock方法研究了MoO3(0 10 )和(10 0 )晶面上几种结构不等价氧的成键特征和电子结构,并考察了H+在不同氧位上的吸附性能以及吸附后形成的OH从表面脱附的性质。

Legends, there are two people occasionally met with the gods, the god of wine to teach them, ask them to election day Duanyang mature and filled with rice, and the early melting snow and ice at the mountain Feibao, Liu Quan reconcile the water, injected into the Millennium Zisha Taoweng fired into the soil, and then bathed in early summer, Chaoyang first of the new Dutch Guojin, confined 49 days, until the chicken is three times the early morning before the unsealing.


First, they must survive their migration from the calving grounds off the coasts of Florida and southern Georgia — where airplanes were used to count and photograph them — through East Coast shipping traffic to their summer habitat around Canada's Bay of Fundy.


First, they must survive their migration from the calving grounds off the coasts of Florida and southern Georgia — where airplanes were used to count and photograph them — through East Coast shipping traffic to their summer habitat around Canadas Bay of Fundy.


By a piece of type-II critical phase matching biaxial crystal LBO for extra-cavity and for the compound system of telescope and Lens second-harmonic generation,green laser at 532 nm was achieved with average power of 40.6 mW,pulse duration of 16 ns, and peak power of 181 W.

先采用双凸透镜组合成的望远镜系统对1 063 nm的红外激光进行扩束,再对该光束聚焦,最后经双轴晶体LBO倍频后,得到了平均功率为40.6 mW,脉冲宽度为16 ns,重复频率为14 kHz,峰值功率高达181 W的绿光激光输出,1063 nm→532 nm的转换效率高达58%。

Relative abundance of trees was positively correlated with soil organic matter and the distance to old-growth forest, which had the highest distribution in the secondary forest stands.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
