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与 后成 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We used ITO glass substrate and high purity(99.99%) titanium , put to use sputtering process, add to high purity O2 make it complete the best structure film and the thickness about 1400 . By way of 500℃ anneal could got a better anatase phase, this result could easy reaction with electrolyte to increase electron-transferred. Used as spin casting covering PR on ITO substrate, transferring patterns of array circular shapes on a mask to photography, used optimize temperature and time to hard bake. Finally used HCl to etching underexposed TiO2 area, and acetone to tripper top PR, make it to accomplish pillars shape TiO2 electrode.


In this research, the spider silk from the major ampullate gland of native Nephila pilipes was collected via the forced-silking apparatus at the reeling speed of 3 m/min. The obtained silk was dissolved in hexafluoro-isopropanol. The influence of pH and temperature over the secondary structure of the silk protein in solution state was examined via Circular Dichroism. The effect of silk concentration and electrical field strength on the structure conformation of silk protein during film casting process was investigated via FT-IR. During the drying process, the increase of silk concentration and the presence of electric field tend to form β-sheet and β-turn. Finally, the dried film of silk protein was treated with different temperatures and cation solutions to study the post-treatment effects.

本研究所采用之蜘蛛丝蛋白质系取自本土品种人面蜘蛛之大囊壶腺体,以3 m/min之卷丝速度强迫取丝(forced-silking)收集蜘蛛丝,再将纤维溶於六氟异丙醇溶剂中配制成溶液,以圆二色光谱仪分析在不同 pH 值与温度条件下丝蛋白质在溶液中之二级结构变化,再将蜘蛛丝溶液以不同浓度及电场强度下乾燥成薄膜后,以傅立叶红外线光谱仪检测分析丝蛋白质在固体状态下之二级结构,最后以不同温度加温、离子溶液浸泡等条件对乾燥所得之薄膜进行后处理,并分析其二级结构之变化。

Results Mucopolysaccharidosis typeⅠ had characteristic X-ray changes of bones:①Enlarged skull and hook- shape Sella Turcica;②Short and thick phalanges and metacarpal Bones;③Dilated central part and thin ends of upper and lower limb bones;④Kyphosis deformity of spine, beak-shape stick out of anteroinferior margin of Kyphosis deformity vertebra;⑤Broadening ribs as paddle shape;⑥Shallow acetabulum and enlarged Acetabular Angle;⑦Prolonged femoral neck, Coxa Vara or coxa valga.

结果 粘多糖病Ⅰ型具有较典型的骨骼X线改变,(1)头大,蝶鞍呈乙型;(2)掌指骨粗短;(3)上、下肢骨中央膨胀两端变细;(4)脊椎后凸成角,后凸椎体前下缘成鸟嘴状突出,上下椎体呈卵圆形;(5)肋骨增宽呈船桨;(6)髋臼变浅,髋臼角增大;(7)股骨颈增长,髋内翻或外翻。

Methods Respectively analyzed the X-ray, CT and image post-processing manifestations of mucopolysaccharidosis type Ⅰ. Results Mucopolysaccharidosis typeⅠ had characteristic X-ray changes of bones:①Enlarged skull and hook- shape Sella Turcica;②Short and thick phalanges and metacarpal Bones;③Dilated central part and thin ends of upper and lower limb bones;④Kyphosis deformity of spine, beak-shape stick out of anteroinferior margin of Kyphosis deformity vertebra;⑤Broadening ribs as paddle shape;⑥Shallow acetabulum and enlarged Acetabular Angle;⑦Prolonged femoral neck, Coxa Vara or coxa valga.

结果 粘多糖病Ⅰ型具有较典型的骨骼X线改变,(1)头大,蝶鞍呈乙型;(2)掌指骨粗短;(3)上、下肢骨中央膨胀两端变细;(4)脊椎后凸成角,后凸椎体前下缘成鸟嘴状突出,上下椎体呈卵圆形;(5)肋骨增宽呈船桨;(6)髋臼变浅,髋臼角增大;(7)股骨颈增长,髋内翻或外翻。

RESULTS: Twelve days after mandibular vertical functional positioning the condylar height increased. Nine days after mandibular vertical functional positioning the thickness of prechondroblast layer and chondroblast layer increased significantly compared with control groups. However the thickness of hypertrophic layer decreased significantly after 6 days' mandibular repositioning. No change was found in the thickness of mesenchymal layer during the experimental period.


The results show that the diagenetic stages of different geologic history and distribution of source-reservoir-cap can be predicted by the improved method.


It was concluded that P2O5 was an effective nucleating agent for this glass system. The nucleation density of this glass system was too low to form tiny crystal after heat-treatment, when it contained no P2O5, and the major crystal phase was lithium silicate. Adding P2O5 resulted in major tiny crystal phase of lithium disilicate after heat-treatment.


General 薄本 first bookbiding after the die-cutting or trimming the better; and thick this processing method vary, there's plenty of stepwise cut after the finished product, some of them are single-page die cutting out heterotype bookbiding or paper again.


The forced expression of myogenin could induce NIH3T3 fibroblast to differentiate into myogenesis, it was identified as a pair of bands on SDS-PAGE. The phosphorylated form implies a significant structural change in the myogenin protein, which is expected to affect its function at post-translational level.


The results indicated that the bioactivity(touch kill, oviposit inhibition, repellency)of methyl linoleate was high , the adjusted mortalities of female mite and egg were 82.82% and 78.54%, Oviposit inhibit ion rate and repellency rate were 78.46% and 95.61%,respectively at the concentration of 5 mg/ml.

亚油酸甲酯具有较强的触杀、产卵抑制和驱避作用,浓度为5 mg/ml时,对朱砂叶螨的雌成螨和卵24h后的校正死亡率分别达到82.82%和78.54%,LC50分别为1.4434mg/ml和2.0283mg/ml;对雌成螨24h后的产卵抑制率和驱避率分别达到78.46%和95.61%。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
