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与 后成 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Senate, much ridiculed for antique practices like the filibuster and the cloture vote, was expressly designed as a "cooling" chamber, where bills might indeed die unless they commanded broad support.


The noxious gas contained in the tail gas out of garbage incinerator and coal burning boiler is collected by bag filter with japanese techniques, This technology can achieve desulfuration and harmness gas through ejecting slaked lime dry power and reaction auxiliary agent to fult gas, sulfur dioxide and harmful gas.harmful gas and slake lime carry chemical reaction adequately,forming solidastate calcium sulfate and and other attachments, which will either adhere to stive or coacervate into nice granule and finally been absorbed.


During liquefaction of the ejaculate, the semen coagulum proteins semenogelin I (SEMG1) and semenogelin II (SEMG2) are degraded to low molecular mass fragments by kallikrein-related peptidase 3 (KLK3), also known as prostate-specific antigen.

射精后精液液化的过程中,精液凝结蛋白semenogelin I(SEMG1)和semenogelin II(SEMG2)被血管舒缓素相关肽酶3(kallikrein-related peptidase 3,KLK3)降解成小分子量片断。KLK3也被称作前列腺特异抗原。

The histopathologic observations of corneas after penetrating keratoplasty in dogs: Thestructure of wholly transparent graft was the same as that of host cornea apart from the upperdonor-host junction where there was minimal irregularity of the corneal lamellae. However, thecorneal lamellae at the lower donor-host junction were neat. The graft with its central part beingtransparent only showed poor coaptation with recipient, in which the graft shifted inward and had marked wrinkles and folds in Descemet"s membrane. On the back of Descemet"s membranethere was hyperplastic stromal fibers that thickened the graft and partially adhered to iris.


Immunohistochemical staining was used to detect the protein levels of Bcl-2 and Bax in the cochlea after 3 months.


In addition, using RT-PCR to detect expression of centrin homogene during Urechis unicinctus spermatid deferentiation and early embryonic development. The result revealed that (1) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during spermatid defferentiation including spermtid and sperm, but not in adult tissues including body wall tissue,intestinal mucous memberane cells and cell in coelom succus;(2) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is not present in unfertilized oocytes but present in that of released polar bodies after fertilization and parthenogenesis oocytes treated with A23187;(3) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during early embryonic development including two-cell stage,multicell stage,gastrula to trochophora.


The differences of electric mechanism, phase behavior and high temperature stability of cyhalothrin drug-loading microemulsion were investigated when the dodecyl benzenesulfonic salts combined with five coherer counter-ions and polyoxyethylene styrenyl ether were mixed at the same molar ratio.


The lines were Chaixing organizations, and so the mixture, the color line still retain many of the inherent color.


A complementary text: two color mixture, assumes the black, the two colors, RGB: any one of the primary color and the other two primary colors mixed 间色, that is, as a complementary colors.


The invention adopts surfactant of amphipathic block copolymer as structure-directing agent to be dissolved in alcohol solvent, and niobium sources and aqueous solution of inorganic salts are added as structural promoter to be stirred for a certain period of time in the room temperature to form colloid; the colloid is then heated and volatilized under low temperature to remove the solvent and dried and calcined under high temperature to obtain the mesoporous columbium oxide.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
