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4DRG was co-culture with sciatic nerve segment in 10鸖 DMEM;the axons were longer and surround the sciatic nerve segment which was regard as anew evidence for chemotropism.


The material for formation of the granitoids isderived from mixing sources of crust and mantle, with decreasing in crust-derived componentsfrom early to late.5. The tectonic setting for formation of the Mesozoic granitoids in the region isdefined as a post-collisional setting. The occurrence of a small part of rocks with characteristics ofcollisional or anorogenic granitoids provides evidence for the continuous process oftransformation of tectonic regime from collisional through post-collisional to anorogenic.6. Themultiple cycles of mantle-derived magma underplating caused by the multiple stages oflithospheric thinning in the Mesozoic result in the partial melting of middle to lower crust orcrust-mantle syntexis to form magmas. The crystallization of these magmas emplacing afterfractionation is responsible for the formation of the Mesozoic granitoids in this region.


The invention provides a ginkgo pyroligneous liquor and the application thereof in promoting the seed germination of crops and the growth of seedling, and the ginkgo pyroligneous liquor is prepared according to the following steps: after ginkgo wood is split into wood chips, the charring of ginkgo wood is carried out in a retort, the gas generated in the process of charring is condensed, the liquid after condensation is collected and then is placed still for three months, after that, supernatant liquid is separated, thus obtaining the ginkgo pyroligneous liquor.


RESULTS: After differentiation of human adherent myoblasts by neural induction medium, no cells with a neural cell morphology (ie., small, refractile cell body with dendritic cell extensions) were seen. All remaining myoblasts cultured with neural induction medium, myoblasts with proliferation medium and myotubes with differentiation medium containing 20 mL/L HS were positive for β Tubulin Ⅲ. C2C12 myoblasts were negative for β Tubulin Ⅲ. In contrast, all the above cells were negative for the markers Neurofilament Mr 68×103 and GFAP.

结果:用诱导分化液作用后,未见小的、伴有突起的放射状形态的神经细胞;抗β Tubulin Ⅲ对经神经元胶质细胞诱导分化液作用后的人成肌细胞、增殖培养液培养后的各代人成肌细胞及仅含20 mL/L HS分化液分化形成的肌管细胞染色均为阳性; C2C12细胞β Tubulin Ⅲ抗体染色阴性;上述所有细胞抗Neurofilament Mr 68×103和抗GFAP染色均为阴性。

Shim current calculation When shim coils are excited by appropriate current, they can generate correcting magnetic field to compensate the imaging magnetic field unhomogeneity. Based on the indirect calculation method, we proposed a novel iterative optimization algorithm to calculate shim current. Because there is a direct proportion relationship between FID signal and magnetic field homogeneity, we use the intensity of FID signal as feedback information to the calculation. Shim current can be worked out in less than 3 minutes. This satisfied the requirement that active shimming should be performed in real time.


Shim current calculationWhen shim coils are excited by appropriate current, they can generate correcting magnetic field to compensate the imaging magnetic field unhomogeneity. Based on the indirect calculation method, we proposed a novel iterative optimization algorithm to calculate shim current. Because there is a direct proportion relationship between FID signal and magnetic field homogeneity, we use the intensity of FID signal as feedback information to the calculation. Shim current can be worked out in less than 3 minutes. This satisfied the requirement that active shimming should be performed in real time.


The fibrils of three levels,Which were macrofibrils of several tens micron in diameter,fibrils feW micron and microfibrils about 0.3 micron,were observed simultaneously with banded texture usingpolarized microscope.After annealing,fibrils in different levels relaxed to differentmorphology.Macrofibrils still oriented along shear direction,but fibrils relaxed to helical form,and microfibrils relaxed to waveform therefore the banded texture canbe seen.The smaller the diameter of fibrils was,the more easily the fibrils relaxed.Ori the other hand,the banded texture decoration of annealed unoriented filmsrevealed directly the distribution of directors within and out of domains and thevariation of directors on boundaries.


Reefs, reef-mounds and lime mud mounds are all carbonate buildups, and the reefs and banks are important targets for petroleum exploration The reefs, banks and mounds should be divided from each other not only in theory, but also in exploration practice, because of so many differences in sedimentary compositions, fabrics, environments, distribution in time and space, and the characteristics of petroleum geology If the original reef or bank itself was fine reservoir rocks, then it would become a better reservoir after the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The formation of a high quality carbonate reservoir is controlled by two factors: the sedimentary microfacies and the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The first is the basis for the formation of a high quality reservoir, and with the high energy reefbank facies as the best; the latter includes the cataclasis, the dolomitization and the karstification The dolomitization and karstification are the best for the formation of a high quality reservoir The karstification has the widest distribution, profoundest effect, and plays a vital role in the high quality reservoir forming The karst types are quite rich in the limestone reef or bank reservoir, including synsedimentary karst, penesedimentary karst, supergene karst and hydrothermal karst, and so does the dolomitization reef or bank reservoir The formation mechanism of synsedimentary karst and penesedimentary karst is related to the short time exposing and leaching of the cyclical highfrequency shallowupward sequence when the reefs or banks are forming The supergene karst is controlled by the exposing and leaching of tertiary cyclic sequence type I interface after the reefs or banks forming Thus, there developed a great deal of secondary corrosion pores, corrosion fractures and huge caves besides some original pores remained in the reef and bank reservoir Scarcely there are any original effective pores in reefmounds and lime mud mounds, especially in senkes among mounds, but secondary pores could be formed by karstification, and there would likely develop source rocks with high organic abundance


BMSCs were isolated, depurated, cultivanted, and identified,then incubated with the concentration of 25μg Fe per milliliter at 37℃in 5% CO2. The labeled cells were stained by Prussian blue/trypan blue,and observed under fluorescent microscope.2. The labeled cells of different density (1×104/ml,5×104/ml,1×105/ml,5×105/ml,1×106 /ml,5×106/ml)were imaged by MRI with T1WI, T2WI and T2*WI sequences;and the same density (5×104/ml,1×105/ml)labeled cells were imaged by T2*WI sequences at different time.Then the signal intensities were measured and statistically analyzed.3. The model of rabbit renal ischemia-reperfusion injury was set up and treated. Then BMSCs(5×105)were injected into 16 recipient rabbits(1abeled cells in 10,unlabeled cells in 6)from ear vein.MR images of kidneys were obtained respectively at the time points of 0,1,3,5, 8 days after transplantation and before transplantation. MR imaging findings were analyzed,which were correlated with histological findings.

实验方法1分离、纯化、培养、鉴定兔BMSCs并以SPIO以25μg Fe/ml培养液浓度标记,对标记后不同时间的细胞行普鲁士蓝染色和台盼蓝拒染后显微镜观察。2将不同细胞浓度标记细胞管(1×104/ml、5×104/ml、1×105/ml、5×105/ml、1×106/ml、5×106/ml),以不同扫描序列T1WI,T2WI,T2*WI(GRE进行MR成像,再选择相同细胞浓度组(5×104/ml、1×105/ml)进行不同时相MR成像,并测量信号强度,进行统计学分析。3缺血再灌注肾损伤模型建立和处理,然后将标记和未标记细胞(5×105个)经耳缘静脉移植入家兔体内(共16只:注入标记细胞者10只,注入未标记细胞者6只),两组均于注射前、注射后第0、1、3、5、8天应用MRI对移植细胞进行活体示踪并与肾脏组织切片对照,然后对收集的信号强度进行统计学分析。

Combined with water and then covered with fire stew, and pour out of steam, with a kitchen knife into filaments, bit by bit into the cage, and then pickled lumps of pressed wood, put it step by step, after the full release Sorghum followed by pole size of the cut-off into the mouth urn-shaped section, I urn on the top, coupled with a "pebble" pressed, the urn will be placed in the shade, add water daily, so that the leaves ferment inside the urn after the juice is leaking "Red Water" spillover.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
