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与 后成 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After its decommissioning as a mint, the building served a variety of purposes, including as an assay office, a United States Coast Guard storage facility and a fallout shelter.


Since I changed my blog to English version, the number decreased astoundingly fast.

不知道是怎么一回事,自从我把BLOG改成English Version后,访问量减少了很多,郁闷ing……所以,这次改成双语版本吧,呵呵

Based on the petrological and geochronological study of metamorphic complexes from the Grove Mountains, the following conclusions are reached.(1)Exsolution texture is widely found in clinopyroxene in mafic granulites. A peak metamorphic temperature of 850 C was obtained from the reintegrated compositions of exsolved clinopyroxene. The preservation of augite megacrysts suggests a single episode of high-grade metamorphism for the Grove Mountains.(2)The compositional comparison of garnet from pegmatites with that from country rocks demonstrates that garnet in pegmatites is of xenocryst origin, and late amphibolite facies metamorphism does not occur in this area.(3)The Pan-African charnockite and post-tectonic sheet-like granite were first recognized in East Antarctica. Their occurrences suggest a collisional orogeny during the Pan-African time.(4)The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on various rock types indicates that the major metamorphism in the Grove Mountains occurs at c. 550 Ma, and the tectonothermal evolution terminated at c. 500 Ma. The Grenvillian granulite facies metamorphism did not develop in the studied area.(5)The Prydz belt, the second Pan-African suture within the Gondwana suppercontinent, was further comfirmed based on this study. The Gondwana suppercontinent was not formed by the simply juxtaposition of East and West Gondwana, but by the collision of several blocks during the Pan-African time.

本项目通过格罗夫山地区高级变质杂岩的变质岩石学和同位素年代学研究,获得如下重要认识:(1)发现辉石出溶结构,由此获得峰期变质温度为850 C,并根据火成普通辉石的识别确定该区只存在单相麻粒岩相变质;(2)通过伟晶岩中石榴石斑晶与围岩中石榴石的对比研究提出了石榴石的捕虏晶成因,进而确定该区不存在晚期角闪岩相变质作用;(3)在东南极首次识别出泛非期紫苏花岗岩和后构造层状花岗岩,为泛非构造热事件的碰撞造山成因提供了重要佐证;(4)对不同岩石类型的锆石SHRIMP定年精确地限定了格罗夫山地区主期变质作用发生于泛非期,~550 Ma,热事件结束于~500 Ma,年代学数据没有揭示在该区存在格林威尔期麻粒岩相变质作用的迹象;(5)进一步确认了东南极内部普里兹带的存在,它属于冈瓦纳超大陆内部的第二条泛非期缝合带,据此认为冈瓦纳超大陆并不是由东、西冈瓦纳陆块的简单拼合而成,而是多个不同块体拼合的结果。

The invention discloses a connecting city white duck blastodisk fiber cell system with connecting city white duck embryo as material with preservation number at CGMCC No.1877 in cellular biology domain, which is characterized by the following: the fiber cell does not possess epithelial cell with high purity; the quality of freezing cell is stable; the active ratio can reach between 93.5% and 96.8%; the passage growth is stable and fit for big scale culture.

本发明利用连城白鸭胚胎作为材料,进行初代培养、传代培养及细胞冻存等研究。最终获得高活率、高纯度的连城白鸭胚成纤维细胞系,其保藏编号为CGMCC No.1877属于细胞生物学领域。本发明培养的成纤维细胞无上皮细胞等,细胞纯度高;冻存后细胞质量稳定,活率可达到并维持在93.5%~96.8%之间,传代生长稳定,适合大规模培养。

In segments of pedicels, flower buds may arise from the vascular cambium also.


The red oil principal constituent is also the hot pepper surface, I boil the system red oil the concrete procedure: Adds 10 grams star anises, 10 grams Chinese cinnamon 15 kilogram salad oils, burns to 60% heat when leaves the fire, adds 1500 grams to do the hot pepper surface, 50 gram fragrant onion sections, 30 grams corianders, burns down 2 minutes after the fragrance overflow filters namely becomes, some chefs to cause the red oil the luster to be redder brightly also will boil in the system process to join 500 grams purple grasses.


With the corm and scale of A. albus in Zigui County in Hubei Province as tested material, MS was used as the basic medium with different hormones to respectively match 10 kinds of media for induction, differentiation for tissue culture of A. albus The induced clumpy buds were cut into single plants and were put into the rooting medium of MS+NAA 0.1-0.5 mg/L and the effects of different hormone matching on callus formation, bud differentiation and rooting were studied.

方法]以湖北省秭归县的花魔芋球茎和鳞片作为外植体,以MS培养基为基本培养基,添加不同激素,分别组配成10种诱导培养基和分化培养基进行组织培养,然后将诱导的魔芋丛芽切成单株后接入MS+NAA0.1~0.5 mg/L生根培养基,研究不同激素配比对愈伤组织形成和芽分化以及生根的影响。

This design is low stretch of 30,000 tons of high-strength type polyester production workshop after preliminary design, high low stretch of polyester staple fiber dosage is in the biggest species, it is PTA or dimethyl terephthalic acid and glycol as raw materials via esterification or the ester exchange reaction and condensation of terephthalic acid polymer fibre - together into glycol, this design USES Germany JiMa process, high scientific and technological content, is a kind of high strength, good elasticity, and heat resistance, good abrasion resistance, corrosion resistant polyester.


Stickonto a page of a book with pasteA Hawaiian food made from taro corm that is cooked,pounded to a paste ,and fermented.


This technique uses a spiral phase plate with a small central aperture placed on the Fourier plane of so imaging system. If the spiral phase filter is rotated by a certain angle around its central axis, a phase shift between the zero-order spatial frequency component and the remaining of the object is produced, and the magnitude of this phase shift is proportional to the rotation angle. Using this property, we can record a sequence of intensity distribution of the output beams corresponding to different rotation angles, and then digitally reconstruct the objects by using a phase-shifting algorithm. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation experiment results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
