英语人>网络例句>后成 相关的搜索结果


与 后成 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The network is brought into into addiction this message of mental category, caused extensive comment and attention instantly, netizen saliva is drawn to fly all over the sky on the net, the diagnostic level that the netizen becomes addiction to the network cannot understand, they state the network becomes addiction is a kind of morbid state admittedly, but by no means " mental disease ", however obstacle of a kind of spirit, with card games addiction, shopping addiction, do not need to be diagnosed clearly, although examine bring up the rear needs treatment, mental hat is too old still.


Why is the government not active in legislative action on the compensation issue of existing roads so that the special sacrifice of damage compensation due to limitation of property right in Taiwan may be legalized? Using an excuse of financial difficulty in "poverty counterargument", the government has adopted "contingency consideration" in recent three years to obtain ownership of the existing roads through "bidding sales". After all, what difficulty does the country face in dealing with the issue of existing roads?


Provided that the initial prior intensity of the states is Gaussian or can be identified as a Gaus- sian sum, the analytical results of the algorithm show that the posterior intensity at any subsequent time step remains a Gaussian sum under the assumption that the state noise, the measurement noise, target spawn intensity, new target birth intensity, target survival prob- ability, and detection probability are all Gaussian sums.


To those friends possessing computer,by super herosoft2000,the selected obbligato music can be compressed into MP3 or transfered to WAV form,then to make a obbligato CD.

有计算机的朋友可以利用超级解霸2000将选定的伴奏音乐压缩成MP3 或转成WAV 格式文件后再刻录成光盘。

Studies discover that the minimal deposition threshold is 20eV and the maximum is 60eV with the different incidence point locations and incidence postures of C36 clusters. When the incidence angle is not over 60, C36 may roll or slip to the region of smaller bonding energy and then bond. So the bonding probability is raised.


The Buyer shall have the right to claim against the Seller for compensation of losses within 60 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,should the quality of the goods be found not in conformity with the specifications stipulated in the Contract after re-inspection by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau and the Buyer shall have the right to claim against the Sellers for compensation of short-weight within 60 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,should the weight be found not in conformity with that stipulated in the Bill of Lading after re-inspection by the CCIB.

此句由两个结构相同的并列分句组成,均为主句在前,条件状语在后,在两个条件状语中均含有时间状语,此外,两个并列分句中也都含有时间状语,均为within 60 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination,译成中文时,条件状语应分别置于主句之前,而所有的时间状语均放在各自修饰的动词的前面。同时,为了符合汉语句式较短的特点,可以将两个并列分句断开,分解成两个单句,即译成

Shows the end of Henan, Shaanxi Opera and after the introduction Puzhou Clapper, and local folk songs, made minor combination; one that transferred from the Northern Song direct the development of cable made of string; a folk concert in Henan is art, particularly since the Ming Dynasty later, in the Central Plains region based on the prevailing fashion Xiao Ling, absorbing "string rope" and other artistic achievement evolved.


Results The mortality rate of mice in 80 mg/kg, day cyclophosphamide group was 16.7%, and T level [ at 30th day :( 1.38 ± 0.31 );45th day:( 1.15 ± 0.26 ) ] and T/LH ratio [ at 30th day:(0.163 ± 0.014); 45th day:(0.127 ± 0.023 ) ] were significantly decreased (all P<0.05) at 30th day after induction;The concentration of MDA [at 15th day:(2.70 ± 0.41);30th day:(2.710.36);45th day:(2.67 ±0.43) ] was maintained at a high level (all P<0.05) during the 45 days ; Number of Leydig's cells [ at 15th day:(9.65 ± 0.75 ); 30th day:( 14.05 ± 0.67 ); 45th day:(8.49 ± 072)] and layers of spermatogenetic epithelia [ at 15th day:(4.75 ± 0.82);30th day:(3.60 ± 0.49);45th day:(3.74 ± 0.43 ) ] were significantly decreased ( all P < 0.01 ) and stabilized in a low level. The induced model was stable and the mortality rate was acceptable. In the 60 mg/kg, day cyelophosphamide group, the T level and T/LH ratio had no significant change (P > 0.05 ), and the concentration of MDA ,number of Leydig' s cell and layers of spermatogenetic epithelia recovered at 30th day after induction. The induced model was unstable.

结果 剂量每日为80 mg/kg体重小鼠成模后死亡率为16.7%,血清T[30 d:(1.38±0.31);45 d:(1.15±0.26)]及T/LH比值[30 d:(0.163±0.014);45 d:(0.127±0.023)]于诱导后第30天出现显著下降(P均<0.05),而诱导后睾丸组织内MDA含量[15 d:(2.70±0.41);30 d(2.71±0.36);45 d:(2.67±0.43)]维持高水平(P均<0.05),生精上皮层次[15 d:(4.75±0.82);30 d:(3.60±0.49);45 d:(3.74±0.43)]和间质细胞[15 d:(9.65±0.75);30 d:(14.05±0.67);45 d:(8.49±0.72)]均显著减少(P均<0.01)并稳定于低水平,模型稳定,死亡率适当;每日60mg/kg体重组小鼠血清T及T/LH比值于不同时段并未出现明显变化(P>0.05),且睾丸组织内MDA含量、生精上皮层次和间质细胞计数在30 d后有所恢复,模型不稳定;每日100 rag/ks体重组死亡率为30.0%,死亡率过高。

METHODS: Acetic acid solution was added into chitosan to prepare 8% chitosan acetic acid hydrosol, which was then stayed for one day. Flowing the immersion into the hydrosol and immediate dislodgement, plastic tube was soaked in 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide for 3 minutes. Hydrosol out of the tube etiolated and coagulated into jells, the tube was removed when the jells were semi-dried.

利用乙酸溶液制备8%壳聚糖乙酸水溶胶,溶胶放置1 d,将硬塑料管浸入溶胶后迅速取出放入1 mol/L氢氧化钠液内3 min,见管外溶胶变白凝固成胶冻状,取出后晾到五分干后轻轻退下内管,晾干后即成为壳聚糖导管。

This study was conducted to examiune the fibrotic effect of Ni-Ti and 317L al loys in esophagus.The extract fluid from Ni-Ti,317L alloys was made according t o the ASTM standards of U.S.A. The Fb of esophageal scar was cultured primarily ,then incubated with alloy abstract fluid. The proliferating activity of Fb was measured by MTT at 4, 24, 48, 72 hours in the course of culturing. The esophagu s embedding test of Ni-Ti,317L alloys was made according to ASTM standards of U .S.A.The tissue around the alloys was taken at weeks 2 and 12,and the pathologi c changes were analysed.

为探讨新型支架材料Ni-Ti、317L合金在食管局部的致纤维化作用,按美国ASTM标准制备NiTi、317L合金的金属浸提液;&组织块培养法&原代培养食管壁疤痕的成纤维细胞,传代后以金属浸提液进行培养,分组后分别培养4、24、48、72 h,MTT法检测不同培养时间后Fb增殖功能的变化;按美国ASTM标准进行NiTi、317L合金试件的食管壁内包埋实验,即将金属试件经表面处理后直接置入食管壁粘膜层与肌层之间,术后2、12周取出包埋组织,分析试件周围组织的病理变化,并进行胶原纤维染色,观察纤维形成状况。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
