英语人>网络例句>后形质 相关的搜索结果


与 后形质 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result shows that taking the liquefaction technique under the condition that the starch raw material is out of the process of making koji can save 40% of starch raw material and the overplus can be used to produce the modified starch.


By means of instructional supervision, two text-based tests and interview analysis, we can observe and obtain what the performance of students in perceptibility and problem solving are when meeting regular problems.


RESULTS: Some cell colonies were detected at 4 days after pDC316-SOX-9 plasmid transfection. Spindle-shaped cells were collected after clone amplification.

结果:pDC316-SOX-9质粒转染4 d出现小片的细胞集落,挑取克隆扩增培养后,细胞呈梭形纤维状。

RESULTS: After co-culture, morphology of bone marrow stromal stem cells was changed, showing that flat cells began to retract and became spindle-shaped and some cells displayed a linear arrangement like Schwann cells.


The results indicate seawater concentration has no effect on absorbency, pH, relative density, dry matter and water contents in Aloe vera leaves. While, seawater stress causes increased MDA and membrane penetration, decreased phytochroms, prolines and NO_3~--N. It is beneficial to plant growth when irrigation was done with 10% seawater, because of higher ratio of K~+/Na~+ and lower ratio of Na~+/Ca~(2+). In addition, the polysaccharide contents in Aloe vera leaves increase twice and triplication under 25% and 50% seawater irrigation respectively, the barbaloin contents increase over triplication in var. 75% seawater and over twice in var. 50% seawater and var. 100% seawater. However, when seawater concentration exceeds 25% the growth of plant was inhibited, biomass decreased, flowering time was deferred, Ca~(2+) content decreased caused by Na~+ accumulation in leaves.


RESULTS:①Children bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells could easily adhere to the wall, appeared fusiform, had high reproductive activity and arranged vortically after fusing.


The mice inoculated with Coxiella burnetii intrana- sally developed interstitial pneumonia,while the primary pathological changes of mice inoculated intraperitoneally are granulomas in spleen and liver.2.The pathological changes became more severe followed the dosage increasing.3.Coxiella burnetii can be detected in spleen and liver at day 2 after inoculation.the lesion became more and more serious from day 2 to day 12.The characteristic changes were observed at day 7,and recovered at day 14. 4.The reticuloendothelial system are main target of Coxiella burnetii.The pathogen was detected in cytoplasm of monocyte -macrophages of spleen, liver, lung, and endothelioid cells of blood vessel. 5. Coxiella burnetii can be found in macrophages lysosomes by electron microscopy. Most of them are round or rod, and polymorphic shape can also be observed in different size.

结果:1、通过不同感染途径的实验证实,滴鼻感染的小鼠主要表现为间质性肺炎,而腹腔注射感染小鼠则以脾脏、肝脏肉芽肿为主要病变。2、通过不同剂量的感染实验发现,随着感染Q热立克次体剂量的加大,动物病变愈加严重。3、通过感染后不同时间的动态病理学观察发现,在腹腔注射后第2d的脾和肝脏即可发现病原体,主要脏器的病理变化从第2d到第12d逐渐加重,第7d动物的病变最典型,至感染后14d动物的受损器官已开始出现修复性变化。4、 Q热立克次体主要侵害机体的网状内皮系统,在感染小鼠的肝、脾、肺和外周血管单核巨噬细胞以及血管内皮细胞胞浆中查见病原体。5、透射电镜观察可见Q热立克次体主要位于巨噬细胞吞噬溶酶体内,呈多形性,多见圆形和杆状,大小不一。

Scientists have known that neural stem cells play a key role in both embryonic and postnatal mice, driving the development of specialized cells within the brain such as neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymal cells.


Results:(1)The primary cells in cultured were observed from the edge of the cultured tissues after 10-15 days. The cultured cells were round , oval, fusiform and multiangular.


Methods Employing cholera toxin B-subunit combined horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing technique and cholera toxin B-subunit combined colloid goldretrograde tracing with calcitonin gene-related peptideimmunohistochemical double-labeled staining technique,the innervation of musculus sacrococcygeus ventralis medialisin rats was studied.

大鼠骶尾腹内侧肌又称荐尾腹侧中肌(musculus sacrococcygeus ventralis medialis)或屈尾短肌,是位于盆腔后壁、骶椎前方的一对梭形肌肉,属尾肌群,因其功能似乎仅为屈尾,故至今尚未引起人们的注意,而与该肌位置关系较密切的会阴肌因在某些运动神经元疾患时仍可保持其正常生理功能而一直受到神经工作者的关注,尤其是近年来有诸多文献报道了会阴肌的神经支配、相关神经元的细胞构筑、神经递质和神经调质的分布以及纤维联系特点[1~10],藉以探讨运动神经元疾病的神经病理学。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
