英语人>网络例句>后勤的 相关的搜索结果


与 后勤的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a rear service accommodator, before the reform, there is little concern over the matter of development plans and not to say operation and envelopment strategy of the group.


As the war progressed, there were more Chinese pilots and aircrews, many trained in the United States. In 1945, Chinese divisions with American advisors, training, and logistical support turned to the offensive.

随着战争的发展,涌现了更多的中国飞行员和机组人员,许多人在美国受训。1945 年,拥有美国顾问、接受美式训练和美国后勤支持的中国军队开始反攻。

The award was presented by Professor Ying-Hao Wan on behalf of Lincoln University in order to appreciate TTNews great support in EMBA Leisure Industry Program. Hoping the students whoever receive the scholarships will make extra efforts in their study, so that they can repay the society with their expertises and even help more people.


WDCS is a web-based application system for management of universities and colleges, consisting of sub-systems of Educational Administration, Office Automation, Research Administration, Human Resource Management, Library Management, Logistics Management, Far-distant Education, Instruction Aided, Virtual Community and Personal Information Center.


The higher-level party committees, government and education authorities, under the leadership of schools fully implement the Party's education policy, efforts to implement quality education, and focus on teaching, promote entrepreneurial spirit, especially in recent years, Schools actively promote educational reform,"established norms increase characteristics schools, plus fortes train qualified personnel" as their purpose, aimed to education, as if the quality of life, so that the schools work one step at a time, one year to a new level, from small to large and from weak to strong.

20年来,在上级党委、政府及教育主管部门的领导下,学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,努力实施素质教育,注重因材施教,提倡进取精神,尤其是近几年来,学校积极推进教育教学改革,以&创办规范加特色学校,培养合格加特长人才&为宗旨,以育人为目的,视质量如生命,使学校工作一步一个脚印,一年一个台阶,由小变大,由弱到强,现已跻身于郑州市教育教学先进行列。 90年至今,学校连续获得省、市、区政府或教育主管部门的表彰,中招成绩连年居二七区前列;学校被评为&郑州市教育教学先进单位&、&郑州市德育工作先进单位&、&郑州市后勤工作先进单位&、&郑州市文明学校&、&郑州市标准化初中&、&二七区教育工作先进单位&、首批获得&二七区教学质量优秀奖&。

During the entire preparation of Sales Tournament, I got full support from NCIC's management in manpower as well as budget, some very useful suggestions from Marketing Dept., Sales Dept., Dealer Development Dept., Aftersales Dept., logistic assistance from Beijing Yuntong and event supports from all vendors.


July 1942 -1943 in May Rommel's Afrika Korps took over the north-eastern Libyan port city of Tobruk and Egypt into the territory, back-up materials piled up in the Libo Li and Benghazi.

1942年7月-1943 年5月隆美尔的非洲军团攻下利比亚东北部港口城市托布鲁克并进入埃及境内的时候,后勤物资堆积在的黎波利和班加西。

Because Hertha BSC has the best training, best player, most outstanding rear service.

因为Hertha BSC有最好的教练,最棒的球员,最优秀的后勤。

The Chinese limited the tour party to players and stage crew, Mr. Sokoloff, logistical magician Joseph Santarlasci, Mr. and Mrs. Ormandy, Orchestra Chairman C. Wanton Balis and his wife, publicist Louis Hood, and five members of the press: New York Times critic Harold Schonberg, Philadelphia Bulletin columnist Sandy Grady, Kati Marton and her cameraman for Channel 10, and myself.

中国限制随行人员和舞台人员的数量,最后精简到只有乐团总经理索克罗夫先生,后勤主管约瑟夫·圣塔拉斯迪,奥曼迪夫妇,乐队主席华顿·巴厘夫妇,评论员路易斯·胡德和5名新闻记者——《纽约时报》的乐评人舒恩堡、费城公告专栏作家Sandy Grady、Kati Marton和第10频道的摄影师以及本人。

Modern Hebrew is somewhat different from the Hebrew that was used in the time of Jesus, so a modern back-translation would probably be close but possibly not precise.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
