英语人>网络例句>同种的 相关的搜索结果


与 同种的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The accrete effects of rough concrete slab, wood board with rustproof paint, iron plate with green paint and gray plastic board were the best among the same material.


In the study of infrared radiation character, different species of tourmaline and Draviteoccurring in pegmatites from Hebei that are different in granularity and heattreatmenttemperature are chose for infrared radiation ratio testing. The result shows:The infraredradiation ratio of tourmaline powder is above 0.80 when the surrounding temperature is 20℃and the testing temperature is below 100℃;Schorl has a close infrared radiation ratio to Dravite,which is higher than Elbaite;No matter to Dravite or Schorl, as the content of ferric oxideincreases, the infrared radiation ratio decreases;tourmaline's size is smaller, its infraredradiation ratio is higher;after tourmaline is heat-treated under 800℃, its infrared radiation ratiodeclines;Dravite heat-treated at 800℃ has the highest infrared radiation ratio, 0.90;andDravite's structure suffers from destruction above 900℃ heattreatment, so its infrared radiationratio goes down.


The first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata, and contraction of the chromosomes.


The first stage of meiosis ,constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication,the synapsis of homologous chromosomes,crossing over,the formation of chiasmata,and contraction of the chromosomes.


The results were analyzed and compared. After 12 weeks, the X ray density, the torsional moment and angle in failure load test and the score of callus in histological grading were all improved in the experimental side, compared with the control side.


First, the information revolution has helped to unbundle existing companies. In 1 937 Ronald Coase argued, in his path-breaking article on "The Nature of the Firm", that companies make economi c sense when the bureaucratic cost of performing transactions under one roof is less than the cost of doing the sam e thing through the market.

首先,信息革命促使现有企业破产。1937 年罗纳德科斯在其具有开创意义的著作《论企业的本质》中提到,当同企业内部交易的科层成本低于在市场上进行同种交易的成本,该公司才具有经济效益 12。

There are many reasons for this. First, the information revolution has helped to unbundle existing companies. In 1937 Ronald Coase argued, in his path-breaking article on "The Nature of the Firm", that companies make economic sense when the bureaucratic cost of performing transactions under one roof is less than the cost of doing the same thing through the market.


This paper has set up the fingerprints of the ephedrine by HPLC relevant parameters of 17 batches,and applied the vector norm to analysis it.


The compound eyes of cotton bollworm showed higher sensitivity under similar conditions; for one insect, the compound eyes were more sensitive to light in the evening than at the daytime, with dark eyes had higher sensitivity than bright eyes;(4) The comparison of the transition between different adaptative state at different time showed that the compound eyes of cotton bollworm showed more obvious daily rhythm.


Objectives:(1) to introduce immunetolerance in mice sciatic nerve allograft by intrathymic injection of allogene.(2) to compare the effect of fresh sciatic nerve allotransplantion and cold preserved sciatic nerve allotransplantation with different diameter.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
