英语人>网络例句>同种的 相关的搜索结果


与 同种的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an implant, 81.1% partially decalcified allograft bone is appropritiate for therepair of bone defects.

1。经过特殊理化方法处理后,脱钙率81.1%的同种异体骨更适宜作为修复骨缺损的植入物; 2。

RESULTS: The quantity of new bone formation in PCL-BMP group was prior to that in simple PCL group. The pattern and speed of bone defect repair in PCL-BMP group were similar to those in decalcified bone matrix.

结果 PCL/BMP组不同时间新骨形成的量均优于单纯PCL组,其骨缺损修复的方式和速度与同种异体脱钙骨较相似。

The wasp prefer to laying in the female scale during before ovipositing with eggs.


Protozoans of the same species temporarily couple and exchange genetic material.


There are many different kinds of wheelchair or scooter ramps for sale, so you need to do your research to discover what types of ramps are out there for you to purchase.


The purpose of this study is to identify factors in the sera of highly sensitized patients that inhibit T-cell alloresponses.


All of these circumstances are referred to as Comorbid illnesses.


The immunological traits such as titer,affinity,sensitivity and specificity of this mAb were characterized.The results showed that the conjugation ratio of SM to BSA in SM artificial antigen was about 25∶1.The titer of supernatant hybridoma cell lines of 3F9-C4 was 1∶3.2×10~2 by indirect ELISA.The isotypes in ascites was IgG_(2a)/κ,the affinity constant was 8.4×10~(11)L/mol,IC50 was 8.99μg/L,cross-reactivity to dihydrostreptomycin was 109.6% and little cross-reactivity to other compounds.


The immunological traits such as titer, affinity, sensitivity and specificity of this mAb were characterized. The results showed that the conjugation ratio of SM to BSA in SM artificial antigen was about 25:1. The titer of supernatant hybridoma cell lines of 3F9-C4 was 1:3.2×10^2 by indirect ELISA. The isotypes in ascites was IgG(subscript 2a)/k, the affinity constant was 8.4×10^11L/mol, IC50 was 8.99μg/L, cross-reactivity to dihydrostreptomycin was 109.6% and little cross-reactivity to other compounds.

结果表明,BSA-SM人工抗原分子结合比为1:25;筛选出3F9-C4敏感特异的杂交瘤细胞l株,间接ELISA 刚定细胞培养上清,效价为l:3.2×10^2,同种型为IgG(下标 2a)/k腹水的亲和常数为8.4×10^11L/mol;IC50为8.99μg/L,与双氢链霉素交叉反应为109.6%,与其他SM结构相似物和功能近似物无交叉反应性。

But it still remains to be determined the best ratio of calcium phosphate bone cement and allogenic micromorselized bone.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
