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与 同生的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We confess, then, our lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God perfect God and perfect man of a rational soul and a body, begotten before all ages from the Father in his godhead, the same in the last days, for us and for our salvation, born of Mary the virgin, according to his humanity, one and the same consubstantial with the Father in godhead and consubstantial with us in humanity , for a union of two natures took place.


The concept of zero-path tracking in homotopy is generalized into minimum-path tracking and a new method for the training of multi-layer perceptron is thus put forward──the homotopic BP algorithm. An analysis is made on the convergence property of the proposed method.


Flowers unisexual, dioecious or the same strain, integrated head-shaped, weed inflorescence or syconium, was born in the shape of the receptacle, the male flowers with perianth 2-6, and often four, separation, or a little co-sheng, stamens 4, and with the same number of tepals and on the health, female flower sepal 4, ovary win, and dilute the next bit, usually a room, each room has an overhanging ovules.


Sepals imbricate or valvate, rarely spathaceous, mostly (2 or)3-6, rarely more, usually free or connate at base only, sometimes partly united into a tube, caducous or persistent, rarely accrescent. Petals 3-8, rarely more, often isomerous and alternating with sepals, free, imbricate or valvate, rarely contorted, similar to sepals or not, sometimes with a fleshy adaxial basal scale, or petals absent. Disk present, entire, lobed, or comprised of free or connate disk glands, these extrastaminal, interstaminal, or intrastaminal, or extragynoecial, or disk absent.


Stamens 1 or 2 × as many as sepals; filaments short, slender; anthers basifixed, mostly oblong or linear, 4-loculed, dehiscing by slits, antisepalous anthers sometimes somewhat longer than antipetalous ones; pollen grains shedding at 3-celled stage. Ovary inferior, 1(or 2)- or 4-celled, septa solid or practically absent (present only at base and apex of ovary); styles as many as sepals, alternisepalous, free, mostly short, grading into globose or subulate stigmas, spreading in fruit; stigmatic papillae hairlike; ovules as many as styles, rarely 1, apical, pendulous, anatropous.

雄蕊1或2 *同数萼片;花丝短,纤细;花药基着,通常长圆形或者线形,4室,纵向开裂,对萼花药稍比对瓣花药长;花粉粒在3室的阶段散落子房下位,1(或者2)或4室,隔膜实心或几乎无(只在基部和子房先端存在);花柱和萼片同数,与萼片互生,离生,柱头乳突毛发状;胚珠与花柱同数,很少1,顶生,倒生。

Ovary superior, disk absent, locules and carpels 3-5 or more; placentation axile; ovules anatropous with a single integument, 10 or more per locule; styles as many as carpels, distinct or connate, generally persistent.


Stamens inserted on corolla, included to exserted, equal in number to corolla lobes and alternating with them or sometimes fewer; filaments free, much shorter to much longer than anthers; anthers basifixed, 2--4-locular, dehiscing introrsely or extrorsely by longitudinal slits, base slightly to deeply parted.


Stamens usually as many as or 2 × as many as petals or sometimes more numerous; filaments distinct or sometimes coherent or connate for at least part of their length; anthers introrse or sometimes latrorse, longitudinally dehiscent.

雄蕊通常同数或2 *同数花瓣或者有时更多的多数;花丝离生,有时粘在一起或至少部分合生;花药向内或者有时侧向纵裂,纵向开裂。

Stamens (6-)12-100+, inserted at or near base of floral tube, exserted, dimorphic in most species, 6 solitary in front of sepals with thick filaments and large anthers, 12-100+ in clusters in front of petals with thin filaments and small anthers, rarely monomorphic, then all filaments thin, subequal.

雄蕊(6-)12-100 +,着生在花被管或其近基部,外露,在大多数种里二形,在萼片前前面的6单生具粗的花丝和大的花药,在花瓣前12-100+簇生具细的花丝和小的花药,很少同型,同型则花丝细,近等长。

Ovary superior or semi-inferior, 1-loculed, with 2-9 parietal placentas, rarely incompletely 2-9-celled by placentas protruding deeply into locule; ovules 2 or more on each placenta, orthotropous, anatropous, or hemi-anatropous; styles isomerous with placentas, free or partly to completely united, rarely absent, stigmas small or large, capitate to flattened and branched.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
