英语人>网络例句>同生的 相关的搜索结果


与 同生的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cryptobiotic crust consists of tiny communities of organisms that appear as a blackish and irregular raised crust upon the sand.


Another carjacking occurred this month at 20 o'clock on the 7th, three suspected Indian man with a group of robbers, the trick in the town of skudai Li-Ning, a Chinese housewives to start, when the 44-year-old The woman was sharing with two children to return home after dinner, the same three robbers held a parang knife dry case, stole the victim's blue Toyota Camry.


All these evidences indicate that the dolomite is resulted from dolomitization due to mixture of sea water with fresh water from the penesyngenetic period to the early diagenetic stage in the environment of intertidalsubtidal zone of continental sea.


An inflorescence with the pistillate flowers borne above the staminate, as in some Carex species.

雌雄同序的 Gynaecandrous 雌花着生部位高于雄花的花序,如苔草属的某些种。

Another recent innovation is their precision direct-drive technology for their 12-inch prober, the EG6000, which allows this system to achieve the highest accuracy available today.


Ovary with as many locules as sepals, rarely more, apex flat or conic, often with a depressed nectary surrounding base of each epipetalous stamen; stigma capitate or hemispheric, entire or lobed, upper 1/2-2/3 receptive.


The chemical composition of pyrite, galena and sphalerite clearly shows that there are dual features of synsedimentary deposits and subma rine exhalation-sedimentary deposits in the ore formation in this area.


The abundance and occurrence state of an element shows its difference in affinity and could provide important information for the geochemistry system and for the behaviors of an element in the system. The occurrences states of Pt and Pd in the parental rocks and in the fluid inclusions of the Western Guizhou Province basalt are studied. The result of this study shows the importance of determing the occurrence state of an element using its affinity, revealing that the PGE can be used in studying the migration and enrichment of elements in syngenetic fluid of the basalts.


They committed adultery with their idols; to feed them they immolated the children they had borne me.


Any of a class of antibodies produced in the laboratory by identical offspring of a hybridoma; very specific for a particular location in the body.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
