英语人>网络例句>同生的 相关的搜索结果


与 同生的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In last chapter, we showed the ordering relationship of the residual life between multiple life insurance and the individuals assuming the individuals are independent and identically distributed, we also show...


But these were not the two Cats which I brought on Shore at first, for they were both of them dead, and had been interr'd near my Habitation by my own Hand; but one of them having multiply'd by I know not what Kind of Creature, these were two which I had preserv'd tame, whereas the rest run wild in the Woods, and became indeed troublesom to me at last; for they would often come into my House, and plunder me too, till at last I was obliged to shoot them, and did kill a great many; at length they left me with this Attendance, and in this plentiful Manner I lived; neither could I be said to want any thing but Society, and of that in some time after this, I was like to have too much.


Ominant groups of large-sized soil animal included Microdrile oligochaetes, Coleoptera and Stylommatophora, ominant groups of middle-small-sized soil animal included Acarina and Collembola, ominant group of wetlands soil animal was Rhabditidia. Ominant species of Vertebrates were Eremias argus, Parus palustris hellmayri, Phylloscopus inornatus inornatus, Emberiza coides weigololi, Phoenicurus auroreus auroreus, Pica pica cenicea, Lanius cristatus lucionensis, Lepus capensis, Citellus dauricus and Eutamias sibiricus.


Purpuraristatus, the growth, fertility, chromosome configuration, EST isozyme etc. were analyzed in this paper. The results showed that the growth potentiality of (E. sibiricus×E. purpuraristatus) F2 and (E. purpuraristatus×E. sibiricus) F1 were much stronger than their parents, the plant height of the former was 143.2 cm. The whole plant was reseda, the latter was 129.7 cm. The spike nodding of two hybrids were in the middle of their parents, the anther was yellow; the pollen fertility was 0.02%~0.03%, seed set was 0; the average chromosome configuration of former pollen mother cell at PMC M Ⅰ was 6.90Ⅰ+14. 02Ⅱ, the latter was 7.82Ⅰ+13.59 Ⅱ, and lagging chromosome and bridge fragment were observed at meiosis anaphase Ⅰ the EST of the two hybrids F1 and their parents at tillering stage was some certain different in locus, number and intensity.

结果表明,正交F1和反交F1植株的生长势均很强,正交F1株高143.2 cm、全株浅绿色,反交F1株高129.7 cm、全株灰绿色;正、反交F1的穗型均呈双亲中间型,花药呈黄色,花粉可育率0.02%~0.03%,结实率为0,说明杂种高度不育;正交F1的花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ平均染色体构型为6.90Ⅰ+14.02Ⅱ,反交F1为7.82Ⅰ+13.59Ⅱ,减数分裂后期丁有落后染色体和染色体桥等不规则现象;亲本及其正、反交杂种F1分某期幼叶的EST同工酶酶带的位点、数目和强弱均存在一定差异,可作为亲本及杂种在蛋白质水平识别的重要依据。

Let us accept the lesson—through death to life. In the power of Christ Jesus, with Whom we have been crucified, and Whose death now works in us, if we will yield ourselves to it, death to sin, death to the world with all its self-pleasing and self-exaltation, is to be the deepest law of our spiritual life.


Eggs and soyabean milk contains soap protein enzyme stayer,which can control liveness of flesh's protein enzyme,affecting protein digestion and absorption internal to the body.Egg white contains tough protein,which can integrate with soap protein enzyme in the soybean milk,blocking the break down of protein,thereby reducing the protein absorptivity of the body.


She carried forward the sum of her dislike, and put it out at a steady rate of interest, until the breach between her step-daughter and herself widening a little every day, became a great gulf utterly impassable by olive-branch-bearing doves, from either side of the abyss.


Richer, well-educated families share their poorer neighbours' preference for sons and, because they tend to have smaller families, come under greater pressure to produce a son and heir if their first child is an unlooked-for daughter.


Grass of willow leaf horsewhip belongs to herb of perennial of horsewhip female division, formal name: Verbena Bonariensis illustrious name: Purpletop Verbena, alias: Long bine horsewhip is South-American horsewhip grass, careless, originate in South America formerly of Brazil, Argentine and other places, the flower is cyme, small tubular flower is worn be born at spending cauline coping, open amaranth or lilac flower, along with spends a bine to consider individual plant tall to make an appointment with 100-150 centimeter, liu Xie is crossed opposite, the primary part of a historical period after sowing is elliptic brim somewhat notch, beautiful bine is smoked tall the Xie Zhuai after is the slightness leaf that be like willow shape the brim still has pointed notch, the bine is a square this a little bit very special, entire individual plant has cilium to feel the feeling that pricks thorn a bit, the meeting in ground of be out of office is cross of plant of fringy horsewhip female division with a few congeneric flowers, so often a few inflorescence upright among Yu Jusan and fringy model state plant appears.

柳叶马鞭草属于马鞭草科多年生草本植物,学名:Verbena bonariensis英名:purpletop verbena,别名:南美马鞭草。长茎马鞭草,原产于南美洲,花为聚伞花序,小筒状花着生于花茎顶部,开紫红色或淡紫色花,连同花茎算株高约100-150公分,柳叶为十字对生,播种后的初期叶为椭圆形边缘略有缺刻,花茎抽高后的叶转为细长型如柳叶状边缘仍有尖缺刻,茎为正方形这点十分非凡,全株都有纤毛摸起来有点刺刺的感觉,在野地里会与一些同属花为穗状的马鞭草科植物杂交,所以常有一些花序介于聚伞与穗状的中间型态植株出现。

He then went on to kill Isus and Antiphus two sons of Priam, the one a bastard, the other born in wedlock; they were in the same chariot- the bastard driving, while noble Antiphus fought beside him.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
