英语人>网络例句>同生的 相关的搜索结果


与 同生的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The inheritance and variation of the biological characters including colony morphology, growth rate, homothallism, pathogenicity, metalaxyl-resistance and antheridium attachment mode of Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada, the important homothallic Phytophthora species causing cotton and ramie blights in China, were reporteed in this paper.


And in one Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, the only-begotten.


Formed hundreds of millions of years ago during the Palaeozoic era, it is believed that the pegmatite rocks found at the location of Alexandrite's discovery in the Urals in Russia and at Narsipattnanm are the same.


Recently polypod ferns have been demonstrated to undergo diversifications in the Cretaceous after the rise of angiosperms. To further test this proposal, an adaptive evolutionary analysis was performed on the rbeL gene sequences of Polypodiaceous ferns under models allowing w (nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratio) to vary among sites.


It is considered that the above historical tales event results from the huge contradiction between the personalities of Li Bai and Wang Wei along with the dual character (self esteem and self-contempt) of Li Bai.


A ring-like arrangement of similar parts arising form a common point or node; a verticil.

轮生 Whorl 自同一点或节上长出的相似部分的环状排列形式;环生。

Stamens usually twice as many as petals and in 2 whorls, rarely as many as petals by loss of 1 whorl, isomorphic or dimorphic; filaments distinct, often geniculate, inflexed in bud; anthers typically 2-celled, introrse, basifixed, dehiscent by 1 or 2 apical pores or by short longitudinal slits; connective often variously appendaged.

雄蕊通常是花瓣数量的两倍并且2轮,有时1轮而与花瓣同数,同形或二形;花丝离生,通常膝曲,在芽期内折;花药通常2室,向内,基着,通过1-2顶孔或短纵裂裂缝开裂(Astronia ,Memecylon;药隔通常有不同的附属物。

I would be in a class with kids 2 years older, meaning kids with two more years of experience in math. Moeller is famous for upper classmen picking on freshmen.


The interplanting grass system created better micro-environment which benefit for apple trees to growth., but the system of different sod species or differ year have differ impacts on the microclimate , The same sod grass with longer planted can improve its microclimate impacts, while lolium perenne system was better than white clove system.

不同生草类型小气候效应存在一定的差异,且同一生草类型随生草年限的增加,其效应有增强的趋势,4 中种植模式以黑麦草小气候效应较优,冬季调温作用显著,但白三叶在夏秋季降温、增湿效果却强于黑麦草。

The cumulus cells of OCC were cut off and dispersed by 1 mL syringe. The cumulus cells were co-cultured with the immature oocytes retrieved from the COH cycles after they adherent to the bottom of the dish. The immature oocytes were experienced IVM procedures in different culture media. They were divided into 3 groups(the oocytes at germinal vesicle stage from one woman were allotted to the same group randomly). Group 1: basic culture medium+ human follicular fluid; Group 2: solution A+ cumulus cells; Group 3: solution A+ OCC+ follicle stimulating hormone + epidermal growth factor. Then, the maturation rate, fertilization rate and formation rate of available embryo were observed.

在控制性促排卵周期有未成熟卵母细胞时,将同周期成熟卵丘复合体切出部分卵丘细胞,用1 mL注射器抽打分散细胞,贴壁培养。113个治疗周期中,298枚生发泡期卵母细胞经3种不同培养液体外成熟培养(同一病人的生发泡期卵被随机分到某同一组中):第1组28个周期中73枚:基础培养液+卵泡液;第2组40个周期中115枚:A液+分散贴壁的卵丘细胞;第3组45个周期中110枚:A液+分散贴壁的卵丘细胞+促卵泡生成激素+表皮生长因子。

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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
