英语人>网络例句>同源多倍体 相关的搜索结果


与 同源多倍体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Discussions are given of the fate of Ms2 during translocation in the hexoploid triticale, the exchange of the names for 4A and 4B chromosomes in common wheat and the possible expoitation of the new locus Ms2 (4BS), and the following speculations are made: In geneic genes of allopolyploid organisms the donor chromosomes tend to be intergenomically translocated to their phylogically and evolutionarily close chromosomes with the same order number and the same arm; it is cofirmed that the 7th International Conference of Wheat Genetics was right to exchange the names between chromosomes 4A and 4B of common wheat in 1988; and as a new genetic marker and a breeding tool for all the chromosome B-carrying species in the tribe of Tritceae, Ms2 (4BS) may have wide application in building and expanding the gene pool of germplasm resources of various species of wheat.

对 Ms2基因在六倍体小黑麦与原太谷核不育小麦远缘杂交中易位时的走向,普通小麦4A与4B染色体的互换更名以及 Ms2(4BS)新位点的开发利用进行了讨论:认为异源多倍体生物核基因的组间易位倾向于从供体染色体向进化亲缘关系较密切,且染色体序数与染色体臂相同的部分同源染色体易位;1988年第7届国际小麦遗传学会对普通小麦4A与4B染色体的互换更名是正确的; Ms2(4BS)作为一个新型的遗传标记,作为小麦族内所有携带B染色体组的物种的育种工具和在拓建各类小麦种质资源的基因库等方面均有广泛的用途。

Primary culture and subculture were adopted using lung cells of a female Elaphodus cephalophus' embryo. A new karyotype and a pair of big telocentric chromosomes were found. The diploid has 48 chromosomes, and the karyotype formula is 2M+2ST+42T+XX. C-banding analysis shows that these chromosomes are homologous with those reported relevant chromosomes. This article is the first to report the polymorphism of Elophodus cephalophus B-chromosomes and studies it's transmitted mechanism.


This may be due to the characteristics of soybean genome,an ancient tetraploid.


A new picorna-like virus was isolated from dead Evtropis oblique larvae deceased from NPV infection. Electron microscopic observations of purified virions were non-enveloped isometric particles with diameter of 26nm. The virions contain two capsid proteins: 31.5kDa and 28.8kDa, the amount of later is 2.5 times more than that of the former. Analysis of 3′terminal sequence of EoPV clone identified that it can encode RdRp and has eight conserved motifs. Homology analysis shows that it is closely related to Perina nuda picorna-like virus.

从核型多角体病毒感染致死的茶尺蠖幼虫尸体中分离到一株微小RNA病毒透射电镜观察纯化的病毒粒子为无囊膜、无表面特征、直径约26nm的球状颗粒。16%的SDS-PAGE显示它有两个分子量为31.5 kDa和28.8 kDa的衣壳蛋白,后者的含量是前者的2.5倍。3′端克隆序列分析表明EoPV基因组3′有poly尾,编码RNA聚合酶,含有微小RNA病毒RNA聚合酶的八个保守基序,同源性分析表明它与榕透翅毒蛾微小RNA病毒亲缘关系最近。

Autotetraploid rice IR36-4X was treated with ion implantation of low energy nitrogen ion beams and a polyembryonic seedling mutant IR36-Shuang was identified in M2 generation.


In the present study, the autotetraploid rice IR36-4X was treated with ion implantation technique by nitrogen ion beams and a polyembryonic seedling mutant (named as the IR36-Shuang) was identified in M2 generation. The mutant line was systematically investigated about the location of seedling in polyembryonic seedling, and the cytological initiation of the additional embryo in the 1R36-Shuang was observed and determined.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
