英语人>网络例句>同步地 相关的搜索结果


与 同步地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Numerical simulation shows that as long as the proper linear feedback control parameter vector is chosen, it is easy to achieve the rapid synchronization between the driving system and response system.


For the first time, we study the radio afterglow behavior during the trans-relativistic phase of the fireball shock wave. Considering the trans-relativistic shock dynamic and the synchrotron self-absorption effect of the relativistic electrons on the radio emission, we find that the dense medium model can not only explain the fast decline of the X-ray and optical afterglows of GRB980519, but also account for its radio afterglow quite well.


The research work presented in this dissertation focused on developing the scheme and techniques of OPCPA. This dissertation gives the results of the theoretical and experimental investigation on OPCPA scheme. The validation of OPCPA at high energy level was demonstrated successfully. And some important results were achieved. Several key techniques related to developing table-top ultra-intense and ultra-short OPCPA laser system were put forward, for example, the generation of femtosecond seeding pulses, the precisely temporal synchronization of the pump and signal pulses, the pulse stretching and recompression, the OPCPA process with high energy conversion efficiency and etc. Based on the integration of these key techniques, a 1.46-TW/153-fs OPCPA table-top ultra-intense and ultra-high laser system has been developed, which, to the best of our knowledge, has generated laser pulses with the shortest pulse duration and the highest peak power among the joule level OPCPA systems in the world.

本学位论文工作主要是瞄准 OPCPA 这一国际上提出不久并处于初级阶段的新概念,重点开展了 OPCPA 新原理的理论模拟、实验验证,以及基于 OPCPA 新原理的小型化超强超短激光系统的研究与发展,创造性地解决关键科学技术问题,建立并发展相关关键科学技术,如超短脉冲种子源的产生、小型化强激光泵浦源的研制及其脉冲的整形、信号光与泵浦光的精确同步、高效率光学参量放大及高保真脉冲展宽与压缩等关键技术,并在单元技术的总体集成方面取得了重大创新性进展与突破性研究成果,获得了国际上高量级泵浦条件下 OPCPA 激光研究中峰值输出功率最高且脉冲宽度最短的总体领先结果。

Repurpose existing applications to adhere to accessibility guidelines The drag-and-drop behaviors in Director MX let you easily control speech and tab ordering, as well as synchronize text with spoken words, in order to update existing Director applications.

重定义已存在的应用程序以符合接口标准为了更新已存在的Director应用程序,Director MX中的拖放行为能让你更加容易地控制语音和制表命令,同时使语音和文字实现同步。

The Spanish name, desemboltura, partly expresseth them: when there be no stones, nor restiveness in a man's nature; but that the wheels of his mind keep way with the wheels of his fortune.


At the same time, sounds generated by the animal were detected and the sound level was recorded as root-mean-square values at 1-sec intervals.

结果 初步研究结果表明运动与声音的同步监测能够更精细全面地反映动物的活动,有助于动物行为的识别。

The system controls a tunable fiber Fabry-Perot filter with sawtooth wave voltage and synchronous signal of its digital phase to interrogate FBG sensors in a single fiber. Meantime, a reference FBG and a digital thermometer provide an accurate reference wavelength, which is used to calibrate the wavelength readout of the TFFP in real-time by a digital signal processor.


Rare elements and REE are mainly enriched in gray-black trachyte and less in other rocks. In addition, schistosity, pyritization, silicification and carbonation in gray-black trachyte are contributed to enrich rare element and REE. It is suggested that alkaline rocks in Hongyang area have the characteristics of subvocanics, and alkaline rocks in Hongyang and Miaoya areas all came from upper mantle and mixed with some substances of crust. Intrusion of alkaline rocks is related to the occurrence, development and evolvement of the deep rupture zone in the areas.


Synchronous generators will cause self-excitation with the help of a r mature reaction,its sttor current and voltage will increase.


Rogues have nearly always been strong in PvP, just because their shtick of coming out of stealth to stun and then unload on an opponent translates so well to everything from Arena to random world ganking.

流氓几乎始终是强大的外汇交易同步交收,仅仅因为他们的shtick出来的隐形轻伤,然后卸载的对手,以便很好地转化,从舞台上随机世界ganking 。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
