英语人>网络例句>同时地 相关的搜索结果


与 同时地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a federal party, it is handicapped by internal factions in the party. Therefore, the Labor Party must slowly reform and manage capitalism, while building up quasi-socialist factors to improve the ordinary people's material life and political status.


Starts with the three parts of the relationship of the villages and towns government and the villager committees and the relationship of the two rural committees and the relationship of the two rural committees and villager, analyzes how the agriculture tax-and-fee reformation effects on the villagers" autonomy systematically, and think the agriculture tax-and-fee reformation will be advantageous to die down "theadministeration turn" of the village committees, meliorate the relationship of the two rural committees and the crowd, alleviate the two rural committees antinomy, promote organization construction of the two rural committees, but in the meantime also bring some series problems for the village autonomy such as public finance problem, tax fee tail owe problem etc., in the end put forward that we should push forward the villager" autonomy of the post-agriculture tax ages from the four parts of the Grass-roots Government, relationship between officials and the masses, relationship between the two rural committees and the village collective economy.


But, whatever might really be its limits, it was enough, when perceived by his sister, to make her uneasy, and at the same time, to make her uncivil . She took the first opportunity of affronting her mother-in-law on the occasion, talking to her so expressively of her brother's great expectations, of Mrs. Ferrars's resolution that both her sons should marry well, and of the danger attending any young woman who attempted to DRAW HIM IN; that Mrs. Dashwood could neither pretend to be unconscious, nor endeavor to be calm.


The main contents of this dissertation are as follows:(1) According to involved theories of ferromagnetics, the microscopic mechanism of domain structure is analyzed systematically; through the movement variation of domain structure, that is the movement of domain wall and rotation of magnetic moment, the magnetization process is illustrated in an applied magnetic field. Meanwhile, by the use of energy methods, a study is performed on influencing factors of domain movement including stress, dope, scattering field, etc. The influence of various energies is dealt with on the magnetic behavior and parameters of ferromagnetic material; the corresponding theories of the spontaneous magnetization and technical magnetization are also discussed.


Although leading to a rationalist dogmatism itself,the Leibniz-Wolff System proved to be a violent assault to the pietism or fideism,then a dominant dogmatism in German ethos,and did so much to mould the development of German Enlightenment.


According to authors practice, detailed discussion on selection of test field, field management and mouse control in south-breeding procedure is given.


At the same time, missing teeth as much as possible for the elderly should also fill a tooth, or tooth set of dentures fitted with a view to improving the mouth of the chewing function.


While the files may be located elsewhere on the computer or hard drives, Bridge enables you to locate the media files, explorer style, and display the media as thumbnails, which provides the file name and date; as Filmstrip, which provides a larger preview of the media file as well as the file name and date information; as Details, which contain any metadata information attached to the file, and as a slide show that enables you to quickly cycle through a large number of images.

无论媒体文件存放于计算机或者硬盘的任何地方,Bridge 都可以帮你找到文件,确定它的类型,并显示出缩略图,还可以显示文件的名称和日期,比如视频文件,Bridge 除了显示日期和名字,还提供了大量各种类型的文件的预览功能,同时也关注文件附带的媒体数据等细节,Bridge 能使你很方便地浏览管理大量的图片。

While the files may be located elsewhere on the computer or hard drives, Bridge enables you to locate the media files, explorer style, and display the media as thumbnails, which provides the file name and date; as Filmstrip, which provides a larger preview of the media file as well as the file name and date information; as Details, which contain any metadata information attached to the file, and as a slide show that enables you to quickly cycle through a large number of images. 4 ~ C2 l3 e' q r

无论媒体文件存放于计算机或者硬盘的任何地方,Bridge 都可以帮你找到文件,确定它的类型,并显示出缩略图,还可以显示文件的名称和日期,比如视频文件,Bridge 除了显示日期和名字,还提供了大量各种类型的文件的预览功能,同时也关注文件附带的媒体数据等细节,Bridge 能使你很方便地浏览管理大量的图片。

The ADWM filter has the features of directional filter, which is especially effective at preserving edges, and the features of center weighted median filter, which can reduce random noise, and moderate amounts of impulsive noise also, to some extent, as well as preserve the details via adaptively determining the weight of the center pixel according to the lowest variance of pixels within all the sub-windows.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
