英语人>网络例句>同时地 相关的搜索结果


与 同时地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With this technology the multimedia information can be displayed while it is being downloaded, so that the users do not have to waste their time when downloading, and there will be a redically reduced need in the system memeory capacity, and then the multicast technology of the streaming media transmit technology has more advantage, it has the functions which can transmit a stream for a group of client without any delay or broadcast storm. Therefore it can inprove the availability of the network system.


It solves the problem that the unitary contour presentation can not correctly extract face contour in a face image which suffers from scale, rotation etc. The definition of the internal and external energy function is provided. At the same time, the global matching algorithm and local matching algorithm is given. The experiment shows that this presentation and the accompanying matching algorithm can be used to extract the face contour very well. So the image segmentation can be implemented by using it.②By analyzing the recognition principle of PCA method, we can conclude that the face images coming from different surrounding consist of different face image space. This is the essential reason that makes the generality of PCA method worse. Also, we give a measurement means to measure the distance from different face image space, so we can analyze face image space more conveniently.③We also construct various scale models and rotation pose models to detect the scale and rotating angle of face image to be recognized. The experiment results show that the detecting precision is very high. So it is good for face image feature extraction and face image representation.④Similarly, we construct local feature models of face image and utilize them to detect the local feature of face image. At the same time, we put forward a novel face image local feature detection algorithm, locating step by step. The experiment results show that this method can accurately detect the location of local face feature in a image.⑤A novel face image presentation model, dual attribute graph , is put forward. Firstly, it utilizes attribute graph to present the face image, then exact the local principal component coefficient and Gabor transform coefficient of thc pixels which corresponds to the nodes of the graph as the attribute of the nodes. This representation fully makes use of the statistical characteristic of the local face feature and utilizes Gabor transform to present the topographical structure of face image. So DAG has more general property.⑥Based on the DAG presentation, we give a DAG matching function and matching algorithm. During the design of the function and algorithm, the noise factor, e. g., lighting, scale and rotation pose are considered and tried to be eliminated. So the algorithm can give more general property.⑦A general face image recognition system is implemented. The experiment show the system can get better recognition performance under the noise surrounding of lighting, scale and rotation pose.


Nietzsche"s political philosophy is not piled up a dish of messy sand by maxim form, the writer thinks that Nietzsche"s political construction has his continuous logicality. It"s an expression of political philosophy that is constructed on the base of force will and life will, it makes life reach at a transitional bridge that can supply condition for the salvation of art. Thus, there are three understandings here. Firstly, politics is an objective expression of power will, also is an external expression of power will. The real politics depends on power will and services to their requirement and regulation; Secondly, the life faces on the double crises, on the one hand, the life falls into denial of Christian morality. Morality of Christianity presumes another world that life never touch for. This is world of soul belief and pursue, meanwhile, life is depreciated and degenerated as "evil", so the value of life suffers from misunderstanding and denial. Things of presence are subverted as things of exeunt."Uprising of slave in morality" results in the denial of ",master morality, at the same time, although modern democratic politics that based on morality of Christianity makes person return secular life and makes life identity and trite. This kind of politics creates privation of special vulture and race. On the other hand, internal requirement of power will results in the crisis of life because the characteristics of power will is continuous making and destroy.


Solve the two problems, encourage the wealthy, and protect the poor, suppress misery, put an end to the unjust farming out of the feeble by the strong, put a bridle on the iniquitous jealousy of the man who is making his way against the man who has reached the goal, adjust, mathematically and fraternally, salary to labor, mingle gratuitous and compulsory education with the growth of childhood, and make of science the base of manliness, develop minds while keeping arms busy, be at one and the same time a powerful people and a family of happy men, render property democratic, not by abolishing it, but by making it universal, so that every citizen, without exception, may be a proprietor, an easier matter than is generally supposed; in two words, learn how to produce wealth and how to distribute it, and you will have at once moral and material greatness; and you will be worthy to call yourself France.


Methods ①Intermittent and high flux inhalation of oxygen humidified by 50%alcohol;②Aerosol inhalation of silicon oil to the patientwith significant symptom of lung;③Intro venous injection of Methylene blue and Vitamine C according to the cyanosis;④Intro venousinjection of half dosage cedilanid to the patient with high heart rate;⑤10~ 20 milligram furosemide intro venous injection;⑥The key point iscombine and high dosage using hyoscyamine and dexamethason during the treatment and to apply respirator to the patient those who have respi-ratory failure or hypoxemia.


The influence of high temperature and high pressure on foaming agent's properties in opened and closed system, and influence of the change of foaming agent's properties on foaming capacity and foam stabilizing capacity are also studied. The multiple regression theory is used to establish the quantitative characteristic functions of foaming agent versus temperature and pressure. Based on the Gibbs Principle, the quantitative characterization is carried out on relation of foam system's free energy versus its surface tension, surface area and concentration, and the analysis of energy concluded that the disintegration of the foam is inconvertible. At the same time, the influence of change of foam's shape and structure on distribution of reservoir temperature and pressure is qualitatively described, and the coupling mechanism between temperature field, pressure field and chemical field is systematically expounded.


Further more, the thesis lucubrates some key techniques: aiming at the management of the distributed objects, we skillfully construct the isomorphic project object tree for the real projects structure by using the CORBA naming service, and laconically and effectively implement the management of the services and modules by using the location service. And we also propose a design which uses CORBA event service and Borland MIDAS to implement the distributed data service in a creative way and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this design at the same time.

并针对一些关键技术做了深入的讨论和分析,例如针对整个系统的分布式对象的管理,巧妙地借用CORBA的名字服务构造了同构于实际工程组织的工程对象树,同时使用定位服务简洁而有效的实现了对服务和模块的管理;针对分布式数据库的实现,创造性地提出了一种使用CORBA事件服务和Borland MIDAS组件来实现分布式数据服务的设计,并实现了这个设计,同时分析了这种设计的优劣。

For the frame foundation beam with prestressed anchor cable on the linearly elastic Winkler foundation model, elastic two-constant foundation model and isotropic elastic half-space foundation model, the thesis puts up the finite element computation model which can consider the harmonious deformation of the beam and foundation and the influences between the prestressed anchor cables. The limit design idea of the cable foundation beam has been brought out, which can ensure the safety of the beam with the limit capability of the anchor cable. The computing procedure has been given and programmed.


The moment was finally broken when their wristbands beeped simultaneously.


The file operations to the different volume can always work simultaneously independent of re-entrancy setting.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
