英语人>网络例句>同时地 相关的搜索结果


与 同时地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet such was the Fright I had taken at the Moors, and the dreadful Apprehensions I had of falling into their Hands, that I would not stop, or go on Shoar, or come to an Anchor; the Wind continuing fair,'till I had sail'd in that manner five Days: And then the Wind shifting to the southward, I concluded also that if any of our Vessels were in Chase of me, they also would now give over; so I ventur'd to make to the Coast, and came to an Anchor in the Mouth of a little River, I knew not what, or where; neither what Latitude, what Country, what Nations, or what River: I neither saw, or desir'd to see any People, the principal thing I wanted was fresh Water: We came into this Creek in the Evening, resolving to swim on shoar as soon as it was dark, and discover the Country; but as soon as it was quite dark, we heard such dreadful Noises of the Barking, Roaring, and Howling of Wild Creatures, of we knew not what Kinds, that the poor Boy was ready to die with Fear, and beg'd of me not to go on shoar till Day; well Xury said I, then I won't, but it may be we may see Men by Day, who will be as bad to us as those Lyons; then me give them the shoot Gun says Xury laughing, make them run wey; such English Xury spoke by conversing among us Slaves; however I was glad to see the Boy so cheerful, and I gave him a Dram (out of our Patroon's Case of Bottles) to chear him up: After all, Xury's Advice was good, and I took it, we dropt our little Anchor and lay still all Night; I say still, for we slept none!


However,stepwise enclosure,landlords' appropriating the common into private pasture,deprived the poor's living materials and further deteriorated the pauperization. Moreover,those landless people had on alternatives but to wander otherwise to begaround and hence forced profound change in social policies.


It is suggested that physiographic features, which are ignored in current neural network models, can be and should be put into the neural network learning mechanism. This, together with hydrological features, would enable the neural network models to remedy the limitations mentioned above.


As a result that this design, on the one hand, protected microwave system better, on the other hand, it made the microwave transmit efficiently; Using triangle copper plane to couple rectangle wave-guide can make the microwave transmission efficiency reach as high as 92%; Adjusting the magnetic electric current can realize the changes of the magnetic profiles.

这种设计,一方面能很好地保护微波系统,另一方面又能使微波高效地馈入,效率高;同时采用三角形均铜片的耦合矩形波导的设计,使微波转换功率达92%;磁场分布的设计上,通过改变磁场线圈电流来实现,当磁场线圈电流减小时,ECR 区位置朝微波窗口方向移动,将更有利于提高微波的吸收。

the digitized mapping technique is to combine the field data collection system with the computer assisted mapping system in surveys by computer technology.it aims to realize the information collected and processed digitally and automaticaity.the digitized mapping technique can cut short the working time,lighten the labor intensity and enhance the precision of the productions.the system consists of three parts,such as data input,data processing and data output.the survey-record digitized mapping technique is widely used in the digitized mapping working pattern.for its superiority over traditional plane-table mapping in accuracy and efficiency,the large scale digital mapping is becoming more and more popular.compared with traditional analogue mapping,digital mapping has more quality control pivotai points,and its contents and methods are more complex.with the appearance of new technology gps ,the coordinate of different levels controlling points may be surveyed in high precision and it has been applied widely in topographic survey.the operation process of gps electronic tachometer is introduced and its application in topographic survey is br

计算机应用论文,计算机论文, rtk ,全站仪,数字测图,地形测量, gps论文摘要:数字测图是在测量工作中利用电子计算机技术将野外数据采集系统与内业机助制图系统相结合,其目标是实现信息采集处理的数字化、自动化、信息化。数字测图可以缩短作业时间,减轻劳动强度,提高成果精度。数字测图系统主要由数据输入、数据处理和数据输出3部分组成,数字测图作业模式中测记式数字测图应用最为广泛。大比例尺数字测图正以其测图精度高,成图速度快等优势逐步的取代传统的,以平板仪为主的模拟测图。与传统的模拟测图相比,数字测图的质量控制关键点更多、内容与方法更为复杂。gps 新技术的出现,可以高精度并快速地测定各级控制点的坐标,在地形测量中已得到广泛地应用。本文介绍了gps 配合全站仪的作业流程,简要阐明了其在地形测量中的应用。在利用实测数据成图的过程中,解决一些常见的问题,并给出解决的办法及依据,同时给出一些有益的结论,以适应实际使用的需要。

The results of the two sorts of references both indicated that P1 and N1 relatively enhanced in selective attention, but there still had a little difference, in the case of a point at infinity reference, the enhancement of P1 was more obvious and P2 appeared in both attended and unattended cases.


Polyandry is most typical in populations with limited amounts of resources.


With monophonic audio, intelliScore accurately tracks changes in volume and pitch while notes are being held, faithfully recreating effects such as pitch bend, vibrato, tremolo, and portamento, so MIDI performances are now more expressive.

与单声道音频, intelliScore准确地跟踪变化的数量和间距,同时注意到正在举行,忠实地再现效果,如弯音,颤音,颤音和滑音,所以现在的MIDI表现更加明显。

The system of Chinese Prepositional Phrase Identification in this thesis adopts a statistical model based Maximum Entropy.


The brown skin, on the chin goat beard formed the short braid, the eye edge has spread the deep color eye shadow, in the mouth is also having several noticeable gold teeth ......If speaks not pretentiously, not the coy affection, Jake Captain looks like with a genuine pirate not any difference, what a pity his three not five o'clock is coquettish, let you shake body goose flesh at the same time, any serious image also did not destroy.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
