英语人>网络例句>同时地 相关的搜索结果


与 同时地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first one and the eleventh one are concentrate to the tensibility of finger,the second one are famous of it"s fingering techri-ique which is the typical fingering of Chopin,the third and six one are experience the layer of multi voice parts,the fourth one is difficult at it"s sharp-- pointed music proceeding and the fifth one are playing almost all black keys,humorousness is performance in the bass field in the eighth one,the ninth and the twelfth one are training stretching and running technique of left hand,harmonic innovate are visibly reflected at the seventh,the tenth and the eleventh one.


It will promote the work efficiency and quality, and also gives an example of network applications to other specialty of water conservancy and hydroelectricity industry.


There are several diagram for a multi-component system according to different ratio of element, which is especially useful to determine the technology flowsheet of hydrometallurgy process.


This results in adaptation to the repetitive noxious stimulus, and simultaneously and at the same site, in development of an area of pinprick hyperalgesia.


The deformation mechanism is mainly the single-slip and cross-ship, the fracture mechanism is mainly the congregation of transgranular micro-hole, and large uniform deformation occurred before tough fracture, and therefore, the ability of plastic deformation and the mechanical properties of the material were remarkably improved. These fully indicate that the new melt-treatment developed in this work is an effective and advanced technique, and further testify that the improvement of metallurgical quality of the material is the key to enhance its mechanical properties, especially its plastic deformation performance. The results of tensile and compression tests at elevated temperature also indicate that the suitable hot-working temperature range is 400~450℃. 4. A steady-state plastic flow exists during the plastic deformation of the aluminum sheet used for pressure can at elevated temperature. A hyperbolic sine relationship can be satisfied between the steady-state flow stress and strain rate by introducing an Arrhenius term which involves some thermal activation parameters, i.


Today, all the known proxy digital signature schemes has the same problem that can't provide the overall, complete, reliable control ability on the stretch of proxy digital signature power. In this paper, we advances a new proxy digital signature scheme based on hyperelliptic curve discrete algorithmic problems which is called as Xiao's Hyperelliptic Curve Limited Proxy Signature.


As you are learning this new alignment, it's helpful to watch yourself in a mirror or get feedback from a teacher with a good eye for structure; you want to make sure to correct your alignment enough to remove the hyperextension but not so much that you bend your knee.


They are as following: to establish the selection method of the slaving designed quality functions according to the interrelationship among designed quality functions; to construct the measurement functions of the optimality robustness with the hypersurface characteristics around the current iterative point of designed quality functions.


And you can't toot your moralistic philosophy when you hypocritically still depend on something from your heritage to support you that everyone knows is holding you back.


At the same time, education will focus more on the creativity, sense of responsibility and imagination, while problems like malnutrition, hypogenesis, psychological weakness and the lack of self-confidence that are universally found in students today can be better tackled.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
