英语人>网络例句>同成的 相关的搜索结果


与 同成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results of analysis on LDH isoenzyme spectrum showed that there were 2 spectrums in Beijing Fatty Chicken and Langshan Chicken, and 5 spectrums in Small-tailed Han Sheep. The result of analysis on MDH isoenzyme spectrum shows that there were 2 spectrums in all the three breeds, but mobility of Small-tailed Han Sheep was significant higher than the 2 poultry breeds.


The experiment technique and condition of neutron phase contrast imaging are discussed.


Sea ice severe degree and disaster in Bohai Sea from 1950 through 2007 promulgated by State Oceanic Administration People's Republic of China has been summarized. According to these reports and bulletins involved with sea ice severe degree and disaster, the statistical means of 5-year moving average are applied, the feedback of sea ice disaster to the societal activity in every National Five-year Plan has been exhibited, the relation between sea ice disaster and sea ice severe degree has been quantificationally analyzed. Some conclusions have been derived as follows: sea ice disaster appeared proportionably to industrial activity and sea ice severe degree, but inverse proportionnably to the understandings of cognition of defending in sea ice disasters; so that the weaken sea ice conditions could not inevitably result in the loosening of sea ice disaster.


The concrete connotations of Trairūpya can be explained: paksadharmatā, Sapaksasattvam, Vipaksasattvam.


It was a rectangular piece of woolen or linen fabric sewn partway up the sides and fasted on each shoulder by a tied belt.


Small pair but with a flush or straight draw as well.


The batch seeded isothermal desupersaturation experiments of SPM in aqueous solution were carried out and the overall crystal growth kinetics parameters were determined by the nonlinear optimization techniques. Assuming that the volume diffusion rate at growth is equal to the mass transfer rate at dissolution under the same conditions, the two-step crystal growth rate parameters can be determined. At the fow supersaturation, the surface integration rate is proportional to relative surface supersaturation.


The synthesis of dvysocket luvigel and ofmaize after into mud, luvigel itself is also novosorb prefilming, its specific requirements to the bottle, it basically the same high temperature baking after solid prefilming cannot be yellow, luvigel do not in themselves, usually with yellow paint direct printing the appearance in yellow and kerosen luvigel of heavy are unavailable.


Reefs, reef-mounds and lime mud mounds are all carbonate buildups, and the reefs and banks are important targets for petroleum exploration The reefs, banks and mounds should be divided from each other not only in theory, but also in exploration practice, because of so many differences in sedimentary compositions, fabrics, environments, distribution in time and space, and the characteristics of petroleum geology If the original reef or bank itself was fine reservoir rocks, then it would become a better reservoir after the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The formation of a high quality carbonate reservoir is controlled by two factors: the sedimentary microfacies and the reservoirconstructive diagenesis The first is the basis for the formation of a high quality reservoir, and with the high energy reefbank facies as the best; the latter includes the cataclasis, the dolomitization and the karstification The dolomitization and karstification are the best for the formation of a high quality reservoir The karstification has the widest distribution, profoundest effect, and plays a vital role in the high quality reservoir forming The karst types are quite rich in the limestone reef or bank reservoir, including synsedimentary karst, penesedimentary karst, supergene karst and hydrothermal karst, and so does the dolomitization reef or bank reservoir The formation mechanism of synsedimentary karst and penesedimentary karst is related to the short time exposing and leaching of the cyclical highfrequency shallowupward sequence when the reefs or banks are forming The supergene karst is controlled by the exposing and leaching of tertiary cyclic sequence type I interface after the reefs or banks forming Thus, there developed a great deal of secondary corrosion pores, corrosion fractures and huge caves besides some original pores remained in the reef and bank reservoir Scarcely there are any original effective pores in reefmounds and lime mud mounds, especially in senkes among mounds, but secondary pores could be formed by karstification, and there would likely develop source rocks with high organic abundance


Editor this segment Culture, Galileo's free fallers experiment Legend, was born in 1590 Pisa's Italian physicist Galileo, once in Pisa in free fall, two experiments of different weights from the same height and ball down, the ball at the same time, two of free fall, and found that the overthrow Aristotle first heavy objects will reach the ground with its head, the speed is proportional to the mass of the view.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
