英语人>网络例句>同成的 相关的搜索结果


与 同成的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This I learned from her benefactress; from the pious and charitable lady who adopted her in her orphan state, reared her as her own daughter, and whose kindness, whose generosity the unhappy girl repaid by an ingratitude so bad, so dreadful, that at last her excellent patroness was obliged to separate her from her own young ones, fearful lest her vicious example should contaminate their purity: she has sent her here to be healed, even as the Jews of old sent their diseased to the troubled pool of Bethesda; and, teachers, superintendent, I beg of you not to allow the waters to stagnate round her.


An Austrian critic criticized Brod's viewpoint of connectin g the castle's ruling directly with mercy which is a religious concept in the postscript of the first edition of The Castle. In doing so, Brod gave a precedent to those critics who want to find religious symbols and other symbols in the novel and comprehend Kafka's illusion by theological explaining. In translating art images directly into the languages of theology, philosophy and psychology, it was certain that Brod would lower the value of Kafka's art.


The Duke of Medina Sidonia now sent a message to the Duke of Parma in Dunkirk:"I am anchored here two leagues from Calais with the enemy's fleet on my flank. They can cannonade me whenever they like, and I shall be unable to do them much harm in return." He asked Parma to send fifty ships to help him break out of Calais. Parma was unable to help as he had less than twenty ships and most of those were not yet ready to sail.That night Medina Sidonia sent out a warning to his captains that he expected a fire-ship attack. This tactic had been successfully used by Francis Drake in Cadiz in 1587 and the fresh breeze blowing steadily from the English fleet towards Calais, meant the conditions were ideal for such an attack. He warned his captains not to panic and not to head out to the open sea. Medina Sidonia confidently told them that his patrol boats would be able to protect them from any fire-ship attack that took place.Medina Sidonia had rightly calculated what would happen.


I observ'd, that the two who swam, were yet more than twice as long swimming over the Creek, as the Fellow was, that fled from them: It came now very warmly upon my Thoughts, and indeed irresistibly, that now was my Time to get me a Servant, and perhaps a Companion, or Assistant; and that I was call'd plainly by Providence to save this poor Creature's Life; I immediately run down the Ladders with all possible Expedition, fetches my two Guns, for they were both but at the Foot of the Ladders, as I observ'd above; and getting up again, with the same haste, to the Top of the Hill, I cross'd toward the Sea; and having a very short Cut, and all down Hill, clapp'd my self in the way, between the Pursuers, and the Pursu'd; hallowing aloud to him that fled, who looking back, was at first perhaps as much frighted at me, as at them; but I beckon'd with my Hand to him, to come back; and in the mean time, I slowly advanc'd towards the two that follow'd; then rushing at once upon the foremost, I knock'd him down with the Stock of my Piece I was loath to fire, because 1 would not have the rest hear; though at that distance, it would not have been easily heard, and being out of Sight of the Smoke too, they wou'd not have easily known what to make of it: Having knock'd this Fellow down, the other who pursu'd with him stopp'd, as if he had been frighted; and I advanc'd a-pace towards him; but as I came nearer, I perceiv'd presently, he had a Bow and Arrow, and was fitting it to shoot at me; so I was then necessitated to shoot at him first, which I did, and kill'd him at the first Shoot; the poor Savage who fled, but had stopp'd; though he saw both his Enemies fallen, and kill'd, as he thought; yet was so frighted with the Fire, and Noise of my Piece, that he stood Stock still, and neither came forward or went backward, tho' he seem'd rather enclin'd to fly still, than to come on; I hollow'd again to him, and made Signs to come forward, which he easily understood, and came a little way, then stopp'd again, and then a little further, and stopp'd again, and I cou'd then perceive that he stood trembling, as if he had been taken Prisoner, and had just been to be kill'd, as his two Enemies were; I beckon'd him again to come to me, and gave him all the Signs of Encouragement that I could think of, and he came nearer and nearer, kneeling down every Ten or Twelve steps in token of acknowledgement for my saving his Life: I smil'd at him, and look'd pleasantly, and beckon'd to him to come still nearer; at length he came close to me, and then he kneel'd down again, kiss'd the Ground, and laid his Head upon the Ground, and taking me by the Foot, set my Foot upon his Head; this it seems was in token of swearing to be my Slave for ever; I took him up, and made much of him, and encourag'd him all I could.


The study wanted to make clear the index of freeze injury to Lichi. Low temperature data of Fujian province recent years and now, information about freeze injury of lichi in survey and literature were gathered, refering to photo and corresponding low temperature data about five county in winter in 1999 that provided by guangxi research institute of meteorological disaster mitigation; by statistic methods dealing with above information gave the result on the extreme low temperature data gathering by thermometer screen and the freeze injury grade of lichi; correlation analysis on data of freeze injury and the extreme low temperature indicated that the temperature of no freeze injury and slight freeze injury and moderate freeze injury and serious freeze injury and most serious freeze injury is respectively -0.3℃ and -1.9℃ and -3.1℃ and -3.8℃ and -4.1℃; Difference of teperature between every freeze injury grade of lichi turned to disappear when grade increased.


And we established a new material which included some sortable indexes to each base logogriph, such as difficulty, accuracy and reaction time. Each pair of riddles included one base logogriph and a target logogriph. A new experimental paradigm was also adopted: a two-stage model for learning-testing, so as to research the time course of successful insight problem solving. Firstly, subjects learned a logogriph (a base logogriph with the answer offered)—learning stage, and then they were asked to solve a homotypical logogriph (a target logogriph, and the base logogriph learned beforehand would provide heuristic information for solving the target logogriph)—testing stage.


Technique development, basic facilities improvement and cost decline make "globalization" communication possible. 4. Globalization of communication technique aggravates the "unfairness" of international communication and leads to its different layers, classes and unbalanced distribution. 5. The end of "cold war" deconstructs the opposite between the East and the West, but not ends the difference between the South and the North and the "civilization conflict". 6. The population redistribution makes the traditional nations and countries in the relevant areas unstable and influences the original national cultural identity. 7."Globalization" communication deepens the alertness of national elite intellectuals, which makes them strengthen their sense of mission to keep and guard the spiritual home of national traditional culture (including traditional belief, value, cultural pattern and so on) that will be possibly subverted and maliciously remade. 8. The combination of "direction" and "strategy", or the speciousness makes big trans-national media corporations sweep away all obstacles and occupy the markets in the developing countries, in which have appeared the phenomenon of "narrations of traditional cultures tending to similarities". 9."Global village": myth or reality? 10. The difference of culture and ideology often causes the different understanding and value judgement to the contents of trans-national communication.


The following results are made from this research: Assessing data quality and band combination of different bands in line with geo-target features in desertification areas, and determining basic bands for desertification monitoring. And understanding and studying the spectral features and variation rules of geo-targets in the experimental area, raising that it is the basis of geo-targets information collection with imaging spectrometer data to understand spectral features and variation rules of geo-targets, realizing that in a great extent spectral-integrated-form-based classification method can remove the phenomenon of "different spectrum with same objects" resulted from reflection ratio curve translation because of the angle change among sensor, targets and observation direction, and the average and variance images can be introduced to solve the problem of two kinds of geo-target with similar spectral forms and much different values of whole reflectionratio. It is suggested that "red edge" range bands of vegetation, which has close relationship with vegetation cover and biomass, is the main characteristic bands and important basis for careful vegetation classification and quantitative retrieval, and pixel-based derivative spectral analysis is very useful for removing the effects of soil background values and quantitatively retrieving vegetation biomass and cover. The remote sense quantitative retrieval model is developed for main appraisable factors of desertification monitoring assessment with imaging spectrometer data and then the applicability of model is analyzed.


Results show that the Spiti shale in Zanskar terminated 15Ma later than that in southern Tibet, while the lowermost Cretaceous quartz sandstone in Zanskar appeared 18Ma later than that in southern Tibet. The age of volcanic sandstone in southern Tibet is very poorly time constraint and their deposition occurred somewhere within Berriasian~early Albian. In Thakkhola, the Chukh Group volcanic sandstone are of late Hauterivian-early Albian age (duration about 20Ma), while in Zanskar, the volcanic sandstones facies only appeared in Albian (duration of less than 10Ma). Therefore, it can be concluded that the onsets of both quartz sandstone and volcanic sandstone occurred earlier in eastern Tethys Himalayas than in western Tethys Himalayas .


The following results are made from this research: Assessing data quality and band combination of different bands in line with geo-target features in desertification areas, and determining basic bands for desertification monitoring. And understanding and studying the spectral features and variation rules of geo-targets in the experimental area, raising that it is the basis of geo-targets information collection with imaging spectrometer data to understand spectral features and variation rules of geo-targets, realizing that in a great extent spectral-integrated-form-based classification method can remove the phenomenon of "different spectrum with same objects" resulted from reflection ratio curve translation because of the angle change among sensor, targets and observation direction, and the average and variance images can be introduced to solve the problem of two kinds of geo-target with similar spectral forms and much different values of whole reflectionratio. It is suggested that "red edge" range bands of vegetation, which has close relationship with vegetation cover and biomass, is the main characteristic bands and important basis for careful vegetation classification and quantitative retrieval, and pixel-based derivative spectral analysis is very useful for removing the effects of soil background values and quantitatively retrieving vegetation biomass and cover. The remote sense quantitative retrieval model is developed for main appraisable factors of desertification monitoring assessment with imaging spectrometer data and then the applicability of model is analyzed.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
