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与 同余的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is proved to be a residuated lattice. In the second chapter, the concept of congruence relation on a residuated lattice is introduced. It is proved that the quotient algebra of a residuated lattice about the congruence relation is still a residuated lattice. Then as a generalization of the congruence relation, the concept of fuzzy congruence relation is brought in.


Chapter three: Define fuzzy congruence relation of MTL-algebra, prove that fuzzy fiter and fuzzy congruence relation is a bijective function in MTL-algebra, quotient algebra induced by congruence relation still forms a MTL-algebra; Introduce the relation between some kinds of fiters and fuzzy filters maitained above in IMTL-algebra,i.e. BR_0 algebra, which is a MTL-algebra satisfied inversely odering and involutive relation.


WT9.BZ: Theory of generalized tautology in logic system , W and W k is generalized and applied to Lukasiewicz logic system. The main results are as follows: congruence about on set of logic formulas F has been obtained in the system; it is proved that in this system, for any irrational number α, there does not exist accessible α-tautology; and for any real number α, there does not exist accessible α+-tautology; and the relation theorems have been given between categori...

将逻辑系统 W ,W ,Wk 中的广义重言式理论进行推广并应用到Lukasiewicz逻辑系统中,主要结果是:得到了逻辑公式集F在该系统中关于﹁同余的分划;证明了在该逻辑系统中对每个无理数α而言,不存在可达α重言式,且对每个实数α而言,不存在可达α+重言式;给出了广义重言式、广义矛盾式各类之间的关系定理。

In fact, it was proved by Pastijn that the idempotent semirings for whichis a congruence form a proper subvariety of the variety of all id empotent semirings. Also the defining equations were given with three free var iables of this variety.


In chapter two of this paper, we introduce the transitivity, which is an important definition in the 1-permutation group.


In this paper obtains the conclusion by the discrete property of integer: If a, b∈Z+, also a≤b, b-a=d, then d is one of 0,1,…,b-1 in these b integers; Theorem: a | b also a | c to abitrary x,y∈Z, has a | to promote to more sums; By promotes the cancellation from additivity of coresidual; By the prime number is the infinite inferential reasoning continual divisible number also is infinite.

论文中由整数的离散性得到结论:若a,b∈Z+,且a≤b,b-a=d,则d为0,1,,b-1这b个数中的一个;将定理:a | b 且 a | c 对任意的x,y∈Z,有a |推广到更多项的和;由同余的相加性推出相减性;由素数的个数是无限的推导出连续合数的个数也是无限的。

The congruences on orthorings are studied. Results concerning congruences and congruence-pairs on orthorings are obtained.


Since there is a close connection between principal filters and the smallest complete semi-lattice congruences on a po-semigroups, the study of the structure of filters has attracted a number of authors. For example, Kehayopulu, Xie X.Y, Cao Y.


We discuss some U-classes and V-classes which consist of special congruences respectively,and describe the corresponding special E-solid semigroups.


At the beginning the representatives of elementary rectangular band of E-unitary in-verse semigroups is studied, with the congruences on lattices and on completely simplesemigroups the congruences and congruence lattices on elementary rectangular band ofE-unitary inverse semigroups are described.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
