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与 同伴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Spread throughout the Isle of Conquest are several capturable locations, each granting a unique strategic advantage to your team.


I was without stop to convince my fellow-members and even their parents that I did not play only because I was the son of Cesare.


Oh, come on, Chetty. We're partners here.


She made him the Horos, or Methorion Pneuma, the Boundary-Spirit, the Sweet Odour of the Second Filiation, a companion on with Christos, etc., etc. In some systems he is entirely left out.

她使他horos ,或methorion纽玛( horos , metherion牛马),边界的精神,甜气味的第二个父子关系,同伴永旺与克里斯托,等等,在一些系统,他是完全排斥在外。

To mention a few instances of this -- Saints Columba in Scotland, Augustine in England, Boniface in Germany, Ansgar in Scandinavia, Swithbert and Willibrord in the Netherlands, Rupert and Emmeran in what is now Austria, Adalbert in Bohemia, Gall and Columban in Switzerland, were monks who, by the example of a Christian society, which they and their companions displayed, led the nations among whom they lived from paganism to Christianity and civilization.

更遑论数的实例,这-圣人科伦巴在苏格兰,奥古斯丁在英格兰,博尼法斯在德国, a nsgar在斯堪的纳维亚半岛, s withbert和威利布罗德在荷兰,鲁珀特和e mmeran在现在的奥地利, a dalbert在波西米亚,胆和c olumban在瑞士,分别为僧侣谁,例如由一个基督教社会,他们和他们的同伴显示,主导国家,其中他们住从异教的基督教文明。

After their long-time quarrel, her coony buddy says: I am the unique child of my parents, and I never told them our tours to Tibet.


When St Francis had received this revelation, he forthwith shut himself up in his cell, and, in great recollection of soul, prepared himself for the mystery which was to be revealed to him; and from that time forth he began to taste more frequently the sweetness of divine contemplation, by which he was sometimes so absorbed in God, that he was seen by his companions to be raised corporally above the ground, and rapt in prayer; and in these raptures were revealed to St Francis not only things present and future, but even the secret thoughts and desires of the brethren, as was experienced by Brother Leo, his companion in those days.

当圣方济各收到这个启示以后,他立刻把自己关在房子里,努力回忆,为显示给他的这个奥迹作准备;然后,他开始越来越频繁地尝到了冥想的甘甜,有时候他如此的专注于冥想上帝,他的同伴发现他在全神贯注地祷告时,身体被抬起;方济各不仅仅得到了关于现在和将来的启示,也知道了他弟兄们心里的秘密。 Leo弟兄后来告诉我们。

It is a capital ship so is limited to low sec (0.0 - 0.4) and has touse a jump drive and a gang mate with a cynosural field to move betweensystems.

这玩意是旗舰啊大哥,和其他旗舰一样,需要同伴的诱导力场帮助她在低安全区(0.0 - 0.4)内跳跃。

However, in the drafting of "wood" national standard, the Yang Lao and his companions after repeated serious research cf finally clear its "identity", which is produced in the name of Madagascar's wood science Dalbergia Lushi black, black acid-vest Chi class.


In the tenth and last book of the Rig Veda some new themes are explored, but the Dasyus are still condemned for being "riteless, void of sense, inhuman, keeping alien laws," and Indra still urges the heroes to slay the enemies; his hand is prompt to rend and burn, O hero thunder-armed: as thou with thy companions didst destroy the whole of Sushna's brood.

& ( Rig Veda X:22)在第十次和最后一本书的钻机吠陀一些新的主题进行了探索,但仍然Dasyus谴责为& riteless ,无效的意义上来说,是不人道的,使外来的法律,&和Indra仍敦促英雄来杀死敌人,他的&一方面是迅速向雷德和烧伤,噢英雄雷声武装:因为你与你的同伴didst摧毁整个Sushna的沉思。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
