英语人>网络例句>吉格 相关的搜索结果


与 吉格 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, one night they all appeared, standing around my bed ragging on me,ever last one of them, Bub Beantrap, his wife Miss Huneysuckel, Mayor Nitburn, Old absent minded Doc Sprocket, and Willie Saul Gizzard HIMSELF even started appearing.


It was the absorption of the misls under Ranjit Singh (1780-1839) that led to the formation of the Sikh state of the early 19th century.


After the death of Ranjit Singh, however, the state rapidly disintegrated into anarchy.


After Gobind's assassination, the Sikhs were persecuted by the Muslim Mogul rulers until 1799 when, under Ranjit Singh (1780 - 1839), they laid claim to a large part of northwest India.

经过gobind的暗杀,锡克教徒遭到迫害,由穆斯林Mogul的统治者,直到1799年时,根据兰吉特-阿特沃尔( R anjit辛格( 1 780- 18 39),他们开出的索赔相当大的一部分,西北印度。

One of the provisions in the Treaty of Lahore said, The gem called the Koh-i-noor which was taken from Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk by Maharajah Ranjit Singh shall be surrendered by the Maharajah of Lahore to the Queen of England.

&其中的规定,在条约拉合尔说:&宝石称为宝轩印度餐厅是来自国王舒亚- UL认证穆尔克由大王兰吉特辛格应退还的由大王拉合尔向英国女王。

Colleagues watch the cremation of Ranjit Yadav, one of the Indian government soldiers killed in Tuesday's rebel attack, at Dalitpur village, in Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh state, India, 8 Apr 2010


One of the provisions in the Treaty of Lahore said, The gem called the Koh-i-noor which was taken from Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk by Maharajah Ranjit Singh shall be surrendered by the Maharajah of Lahore to the Queen of England.


Ranjit Singh, president and CEO of Aptara, a leader in content transformation, says: The publishers and authors are not aware of the business model — how the publishers will earn their profit and how the authors will get compensated.


After Gobind's assassination, the Sikhs were persecuted by the Muslim Mogul rulers until 1799 when, under Ranjit Singh (1780 - 1839), they laid claim to a large part of northwest India.

经过戈宾德暗杀,锡克教徒遭到迫害的穆斯林统治者,直到1799年莫卧儿时,根据兰吉特辛格( 1780年至一八三九年),奠定声称他们有很大一部分西北印度。

Ranjit Bhatnagar took one of those punched-strip programmable music box kits, put a half-twist in the strip, and looped it back on itself to make an endlessly-looping Mbius strip music box.


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I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while.


He is too young to join the army.


Over time Winfrey has made the contents of the show more sophisticated and sympathetic, moving away from its sensationalist beginnings to an exploration of spirituality and community which has proved popular particularly with women.
