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与 合萼的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Calyx tube cup-shaped; lobes triangular, valvate, adaxially medially keeled, with a basally inserted beaklike protrusion.


Sepals 3(or 5); lateral sepals free or connate, margins entire or serrate; lower sepal large, petaloid, usually navicular, funnelform, saccate, or cornute, tapering or abruptly constricted into a nectariferous spur broadly or narrowly filiform, straight, curved, incurved, or ± coiled, swollen at tip, or pointed, rarely 2-lobed, rarely without spur. Petals 5, free, upper petal flat or cucullate, small or large, often crested abaxially, lateral petals free or united in pairs. Stamens 5, alternating with petals, connate or nearly so into a ring surrounding ovary and stigma, falling off in one piece before stigma ripens; filaments short, flat with a scalelike appendage inside; anthers 2-celled, connivent, opening by a slit or pore.


Sepals (2-)4 or 5(or 6), imbricate or decussate or rarely wholly united in bud, inner ones sometimes petaloid.


Sepals 5, valvate or slightly imbricate, usually slightly shorter than hypanthium.


Sepals imbricate or valvate, rarely spathaceous, mostly (2 or)3-6, rarely more, usually free or connate at base only, sometimes partly united into a tube, caducous or persistent, rarely accrescent. Petals 3-8, rarely more, often isomerous and alternating with sepals, free, imbricate or valvate, rarely contorted, similar to sepals or not, sometimes with a fleshy adaxial basal scale, or petals absent. Disk present, entire, lobed, or comprised of free or connate disk glands, these extrastaminal, interstaminal, or intrastaminal, or extragynoecial, or disk absent.


Botany The lower, cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx.


Male flowers: sepals mostly 5, imbricate to valvate, free; petals 5, smaller or nearly equal to sepals; disk glandular, usually 5, and opposite sepals; stamens 10-20; filaments free, inflexed in bud; anthers muticous; pistillode absent.

雄花: 多数的萼片5,覆瓦状到镊合状,离生;花瓣5,小或近等长于萼片;花盘具腺,通常5,与萼片对生;雄蕊10-20;花丝离生,在芽中内折;花药钝;无退化雌蕊。

Male flowers: sepals 5, imbricate, slightly connate at base; petals 5, imbricate, free, sometimes coherent or connate at base; disk glands 5, free or connate into ring; stamens 8-12, sometimes more, in 2-6 series; filaments at least partly connate, sometimes inner filaments connate into a column; pistillode filamentous or absent.

雄花 萼片5,覆瓦状,稍合生在基部;花瓣5,覆瓦状,离生,有时连着的或在基部合生;花盘腺体5,离生或合生为环状;雄蕊8-12,有时更多,在2-6 轮;花丝部分至少合生,有时内部花丝合生为柱子;退化雌蕊丝状的或无。

Sepals valvate in bud; style usually strongly elongate and plumose in fruit; cauline leaves opposite, rarely alternate

镊合状的萼片在芽中;通常花柱强烈拉长和在果期羽状;茎生叶相反,很少互生 29 Clematis 铁线莲属

Scape suberect, usually shorter than leaves, loosely bearing 6-12cm or more flowers; bracts 5mm long; pedicel including ovary 4cm long; flower light yellow-green, faintly fragrant like Osmanthus fragrans ; dorsal sepal nearly oblong, 4.5-6cmlong, 1.2-1.8cm wide, yellow-green ,base tinged purple-brown on back, lateral sepals oblique-oblong, slightly narrow, petals narrower than sepals, 5-12mm wide, light yellow-green, spotted purple-red at base; lip slightly short-clawed, 3-lobed, side lobes erect, striped purple-red, mid-lobe somewhat reflexed, waved at margin, disk pubescent above, with 2paralles lamellae, long-hairy.

花葶近直立,常短于叶,疏生6~12朵或更多朵;花苞片长约5mm ;花梗连子房长约4cm ;花浅黄绿色,稍有桂花香气;中萼片近矩圆形,长4.5~6cm ,宽1.2~1.8cm ,黄绿色,背面基部有紫褐色晕,侧萼片斜矩圆形,稍窄;花瓣比萼片窄,宽5~12mm ,浅黄绿色,基部有紫红色的小斑点;唇瓣略有短爪,3裂,侧裂片直立,具紫红色条纹,中裂片略反折,边缘波状,唇盘上表面被短柔毛,2条褶片平行,生长毛;合蕊柱须长,3~4.2cm 。

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