英语人>网络例句>合线 相关的搜索结果


与 合线 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By designing the architecture as an outline for public space,This public sphere requires a break with the long-standing tradition of an urbanism based on the singular object; In contrast, they place architecture at the service of a definition by the public.


The mechanism was similar to the equivalent barotropic warm core structure. The Conditional Instability of the Second Kind was the primary mechanism of development and maintenance for MCSs in case 2005. As the MCSs intensified and persisted, the latent heating was highly efficient in producing significant enhancement of Mei-Yu front systems. The LLJ intensified by Coriolis acceleration of ageostrophic wind was induced by the effect of latent heat release. The LLJ and the effect of latent heat released reinforce each other in convection system through a positive feedback process.

综合而言,2005年个案中梅雨锋面结构为垂直近乎不倾斜的浅系统,槽线系统不明显,锋面水平温度梯度微弱,低层具有强水平气旋式风切,较似正压系统,个案中MCS发展及维持机制,主要是透过CISK 过程来维持;其过程是由於低层锋面带上之辐合激发对流发展,对流潜热释放造成局部气压梯度增强,因而增强地转风;而潜热释放亦有利低层辐合之增强,产生非地转风,再透过科氏加速增强西南风,使LLJ增强,形成一正向的回馈作用。

Unit 4: We introduce two methods of curve fitting, and then make use of them to extract body contour line, find the optimum fitting method.


To the market condition market condition's slot machine, star 97, Long Huji, 9999, Long Hu and, hundred happy 2, the five-star great splendor, the propitious treasure, run quickly the BMW, the fruit machine, the apple machine, Zhuang Xianhe, the Lion King to strive for hegemony, the hacker empire, the legendary master, the gold 12,000, real queue tiger, the super flaming chariot, the lottery prize money Lion King, the size leopard, super to fight the landlord, to fight the landlord, Shan Tiaowang, the world to gather, the alligator king, the Ahl gold, Taishan crazily to rush to the day pass, the wheel disk machine, the segment machine, the lion kingdom, the vehicle race wind and cloud, Shan Tiaodong and west, Longfeng machine, 36 leopards,The radiant pearl, the animal world, the animal paradise, the imperial crown train, the buried treasure surprise-attack forces, super Mary, the angry sea fight, the fruit western-style food, the animal series artillery, the animal demon, the animal kingdom, the golden imperial crown, the apple to pull the tyrant, lucky Man Guan, super big Man Guan, the Beidou god fist, the lightning king and so on all gambling machine to be possible to carry on explain

对市面市面上的老虎机、明星97、龙虎机、9999 、龙虎和、百乐2号、五星宏辉、吉祥宝贝、奔驰宝马、水果机、苹果机、庄闲合、狮王争霸、黑客帝国、传奇高手、黄金万两、真人龙虎、超级风火轮、彩金狮王、大小豹、超级斗地主、疯狂斗地主、单挑王、天地合、鳄鱼王、阿尔金、泰山闯天关、轮盘机、连线机、狮子王国、赛车风云、单挑东和西、龙凤机、三六豹、璀璨明珠、动物天地、动物乐园、皇冠列车、宝藏奇兵、超级玛丽、怒海争锋、水果大餐、动物连环炮、动物精灵、动物王国、金皇冠、苹果拉霸、幸运满罐、超级大满罐、北斗神拳、闪电王等一切赌机都可进行破解

The in-plane equivalent elastic modulus and tensile strength of stitched composite laminates are studied, and its found that the in-plane equivalent elastic modulus decreases with the increase of stitch density, stitch thread diameter, maximal misalignment angle and the distortion width, and the range is about 5%. The tensile strength of stitched composite laminate increases with the increase of stitch step and decreases with the stitch space.


In order to reconstruct them accurately, a method for fitting the ellipse based on the principle of conditional least square was applied at first, and then its fitting result was used as an initial value to find a more precise result according to the polar line geometrical properties of the ellipse.


Stamens inserted at corolla base; filaments distinct, threadlike, alternate with minute teeth; anthers connivent, adnate to stigma head, appendages membranous; pollen tetrads in solitary masses in each anther cell, pollen carriers erect; retinaculum minute, dilated at base.

在花冠基部着生的雄蕊;离生的花丝,线状,互生的具小牙齿;靠合的花药,贴生于柱头头状花序,附属物膜质;在每间花药小屋,花粉搬运工直立里的在单生群众里的四合花粉; retinaculum小,膨大的在基部。

As the complete characteristic curves of reversible pump turbine are often used to calculate the instantaneous parameters, this paper studies the characteristic curve and the wicket closure and opening law in pumped storage plants.Chapter 1 presents the importance and the necessity of this study and reviews the previous related research on hydraulic transient process and valve regulation in pumped storage plants.Chapter 2 analyzes the six collected characteristic curves of reversible pumped turbine and studies their diversification from the point of view of specific speed. The six collected discharge and moment curves with maximum efficiency have been fitted to piecewise continuous curves. This curve-fitting procedure is listed.Chapter 3 takes Liyang Pumped storage plant as an example and analyzes the effect of different characteristic curves on regulation guarantee parameters and the variety of its trochoid during the same operation status.Chapter 4 takes three pumped storage plants with different heads as examples and studies the characteristic of coordinated closure with wicket gate and ball valve and its effect on dynamic pressure in the spiral case, inlet pressure in the draft tube and the rise of rotating speed.Chapter 5 summarizes this paper and point out what should be done in the future research.


For vortex-liquid phase,the E-J relation could be described according to the Kim-Anderson model:U=U0(1-J/JC).While for vortex-glass phase,the electric field decays verydramatically with decreasing current density,so it is difficult to be observed with theinstrument has limited precision.In the intermediate current region,the E-Jrelations of the both phases could be fitted in terms of a phenomenological model:U=(U0/μ)[μ-1],it was concluded that the sign of μ-value changes fromnegative to positive when the temperature decreases lower than the glass-transitiontemperature Tg,meanwhile,the activation energy U enhances dramatically.Whilein the large current region,Zeldov's logarithmic model was suitable for fitthing theE-J curves of the both phase.Moreover,there was no abrupt change of U or thecharacteristic current density IC.However,the effective radius of vortex line variesremarkably around Tg.


In non-lack-of-money market situation, you should not measure the market being overoptimistic.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
