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与 合线 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the paper, the math model of the fitting machining benchmark curve of stone slice has been given, which used on the handrail of eddied ladder , and circular helix has been used to bi a fitting curve, the general control machining linear slicer of stone, and has resolved the practical question on the machining of stone.


A mesoscale convergence line, which is formed by downslope wind from the Taihang Mts. Converging with southwest warm humid wind in front of a surface trough, induces the release of the CAPE and initiates convection and organizes the convective cells into a squall line.


Numerical tests are also conducted to investigate the microphysical effects to the mesocale convective systems. The evaporation of raindrops can strengthen the surface "cold pool" to decease the temperature of rainfall center. The condensation of vapor can lower the air pressure and increase the convergence and updraft so that the convective echo develops stronger. The melting of graupel can cool the air to restrain the convective activity. The falling of precipitation particles can increase the downdraft and induce the outflow nearly the surface. The effect of condensation is the most important among all the microphysical processes. It can change the whole structure of cloud system.


Head alignment - There shall be visual separation between 封合封之位置 the outside of the seal to edge of the cover tape.


The results showed that the fracture toughness of the weld of HFW pipe was lowest.The value of absorbed energy of HFW weld was closely related to the heat treatment process.But the fracture toughness of fusion zone of submerged-arc welded jointer,its microstructure was coarse granular bainite,and was lower than the other locations of heat affected zone;and with the increasing of steel strength,the effect of welding heat cycles on the pipeline steel became stronger,and form coarse microstructure in fusion zone leading to decrease fracture toughness.


The results suggest that the squall line occurred under the favorable weather conditions.


The result shows that the severe convection weather arise in the transition from verticality to forward slant of the upper trough, so there was a different advection between the mid- and lower- troposphere, which was quite important to the formation and development of convective instability. The event was triggered by the surface low and meso-scale convergence line, and the squall line was direct influencing system.


Study of the causes of MCS intensification and rainstorm shows that( 1) just before the heavy rains occur, there are high temperature, considerably wetness and unsteady convective stratification in the air over the rainstorm-hit area, in addition to significant increase in convectively efficient potential energy, condensation height and decrease in the height of free convection – all these favor the happening of the heavy rain,(2) the mergence of meso-βcloud clusters leads to the MCS such fast growth as to produce rainstorm,( 3) the two lines of cumuli in the north and west correspond, separately, to two convergences on the surface wind field, with stronger convergence at their meeting point responsible for such intense development of meso-βcloud cluster as to bring about torrential rains.


Wire professional manufacturer, our many years of manufacturing enameled wire, silk envelope, Stranded line, self-adhesive lines, braided line, copper line experience, with advanced production equipment and excellent production staff, and constantly develop new research of wire products for customers to replace old ones, provide an excellent platform wire.


The severe storms on the squall line had large radar reflectivity and high tops of echoes. There was a divergence at lower level, a convergence at middle level, and a divergence at upper level in the velocity cross section of the squall. The VIL (Vertical Integrated Liquid water) of the storms increased rapidly to a large value, which is a good indictor of hailstorm. When the probability of severe hail is larger than 30% according to the hail index products, a hail storm is very likely to happen. The convergence line in the boundary can trigger and intensify convections.


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