英语人>网络例句>合并的 相关的搜索结果


与 合并的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All the production items formed through multiple additional investments after initial investment of an enterprise with foreign ivestment, which have not enjoyed any preferential treatment of fixed-term abatement or exemption of taxes (except for the additional investments that have not formed production items) may be merged into one item for calculating the its new incremental registered capital. If this new incremental registered capital meets with the requirements specified in Article 1 of CaiShuiZi [2002] No.56, it may enjoy preferential treatment of fixed-term abatement or exemption of taxes for the independent item after the merge.


Then, introduces the regulations of consolidated range of the consolidated accounting statement.


Eastern Airlines and Shanghai Airlines as a result of poor performance, the merger of the two sides assume that, in order to reduce the debt ratio may be too high to The combined company's operations and a huge financial risk, the Government must give the combined company into a lot of money.


Results: All of 21 patients had oral cavity ulcer, 16 kids with crissum and hand foot skin rash, 5 patients with hand foot herpes.

结果: 21例患者均有口腔疱疹、溃疡, 4例发热, 16例合并有肛周及手足皮疹, 5例合并有手足疱疹;诊断后除1例患儿转诊后方医院外,其余患儿均就地隔离治疗, 1周后痊愈,局部无手足口病的暴发流行。

Getting a debt consolidation quote is very much desirable when searching for a debt consolidation service or company.


A dissentient shareholder of a Cayman constituent company is entitled to payment of the fair value of his shares upon dissenting to a merger or consolidation unless an open market on a recognised stock exchange or interdealer quotation system exists for the shares at the end of the dissent period, and the merger or consolidation consideration consists of shares of the surviving or consolidated company or depository receipts in respect thereof, shares or depository receipts of any other company which are listed on a national securities exchange or designated as a national market system security on a recognised interdealer quotation system or held of record by more than 2000 holders on the effective date of the merger or consolidation, cash in lieu of fractional shares or depository receipts.


People look on the question differently in nineteenth and twentieth century. FromField Code in 1848 to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938 different systemsabout joinder of parties are established in legislature and judicial practice, but thediscussion continues behind it, and how to join parties is still a problem which has notassured answers.


Based on the rules and the facts that covariance matrix is positive definite symmetric matrix, new split-and-merge methods are proposed and the improvements for the SMEM algorithm are designed.


Starting with the connotation of enterprise consolidation in the sense of Anti-Monopoly Law, the paper evaluates and analyzes various principles on which foreign countries firmly believe that enterprise combination leads to monopoly. And based on the analysis of the rule on such a recognition, the paper conceptualizes the theoretical frame of how to affirm monopoly is made up of enterprise combination in chinas present economic background.


Third,international community has already proposed anti-monopoly law, we can make reference to European Anti-competition law,through case laws and mechanism,e.g.how to judge the monopoly behavious of corporations in the market,how to determine the corporation\'s leading position in the market,to monopolize the market through merger and acquisition of other corporations;besides,we can also make reference to law of other countries such as Fair Trading Act of the U.K.,the Competition Act of the U.K.,the Guidelines of merger in the U.S., Antitrust Act of the U.S.,the Guidelines of European Anti-trust laws, Guidelines on merger in European Union,and the Trade-Related Anti-Trust Measures,the Trade Related Investment Measures and etc.

第三,国际社会提出制定反垄断法的模式,我们可以参考欧盟垄断法,通过案例和机制,例如:怎样判定企业在市场的垄断行为、怎样界定市场支配地位、对公司通过合并与收购的行为来把市场垄断;再且,我们也会参考一些其它国家如英国公平贸易法、英国竞争法、美国的合并指引、美国垄断法、欧盟垄断法规指引、欧盟合并条例,还有《与贸易有关的及垄断措施协议》(Trade-Related Anti-Trust Measurers)、《与贸易有关的投资措施》(trade Related Investment Measures)等法规、条例来参考讨论。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
