英语人>网络例句>合并的 相关的搜索结果


与 合并的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result:322 cases,The trouble CT scanning sees the cerebellum star type cytoma 1 cases;cerebritis 18 cases;Ametropia 51 cases;The adenoid body is light, moderate large 79 cases;The encephalitis merge has nasosinusitis 37 cases;Nasosinusitis merge has the nose polyp 12 cases;The merge has the paranasal sinus mucous membrane cyst 6 cases;The merge has the mastorditis 29 cases;The merge has nasosinusitis, the mastorditis 22 cases.


Most of these managers have no need to work for a living; they show up at the ballpark because they like to hit home runs. And that's exactly what they do. Their combined financial statements (including those of some smaller operations), shown on page 49, illustrate just how outstanding their performance is. On an historical accounting basis, after-tax earnings of these operations were 57% on average equity capital. Moreover, this return was achieved with no net leverage: Cash equivalents have matched funded debt. When I call off the names of our managers - the Blumkin, Friedman and Heldman families, Chuck Huggins, Stan Lipsey, and Ralph Schey - I feel the same glow that Miller Huggins must have experienced when he announced the lineup of his 1927 New York Yankees. Let's take a look, business by business: o In its first year with Berkshire, Borsheim's met all expectations. Sales rose significantly and are now considerably better than twice what they were four years ago when the company moved to its present location.

大部分的管理人根本就不需要为了讨生活而工作,他们参加球队的原因只是为了要击出全垒打,事实上这正是他们常常有的表现,他们合并的财务报表,显示他们的表现是如此的优异,以历史投资成本做基准,他们现在每年的税后盈余高达平均股东权益的 57%,更甚者,他们并不靠举债,帐上所拥有的现金就足以清偿所有的借款,当我念到这些管理人的名字- the Blumkin, Friedman, Heldman families, Chuck Huggins, Stan Lipsey 与 Ralph Schey ,这感觉就好象是名教练 Miller Huggins 在宣布 1927 纽约洋基队的先发阵容一样。

The methodology applicable in the making of the Consolidated Financial Statement includes the purchase method, the pooling of interest method and the fresh-start method while the methodology adopted in the ...


This paper will discuss in the first part how the data of borehole distances being transmitted from an ichnographic layout to the section planes employing a computer program, and a method of merging analogy soil sub-layers to a major layer with the same statistical properties to facilitate the mechanical analysis using the fuzzy clustering is introduced.


In 2007, the 35-year-old Norwegian company Statoil merged with the oil and gas division of the 102-year-old Norsk Hydro, to form StatoilHydro, an energy and oil company with presence in 40 countries focusing on the production of oil as well as the consumer distribution of oil through various gas stations - with different brand names, some of them still named Statoil - around the world.


Part personal scrapbook of all things that have infuriated him over the years, part political, psychological and ecological polemic, the book is a manifesto on how the merger of design and commerce is eviscerating the spontaneous, individual, creative, healthy, happy, messy soul of our world and replacing it with nothing more than a consumption-driven pseudo-culture.


During the first part, investigate the numbers and location of the different nature reserve, and review about its development, discuss the cause about the rapid developmeng about the protection areas of nature around Beijing. During the second part, this paper use the Geographical Information System to analyze the different sight function, plot our distinct function about the protection area of nature around Beijing. In the third part of this paper, the ecology function was special analyzed. This paper picked up several factor about the ecology and establish mathematics model to detect the most rational ecology distribution, bring forward the new constructive, wilder constructive and combination project. In the last parts of the paper, this paper use the Geographical Information System to analyze the different brim about the protection area of nature around Beijing, calculating the p/a and figure coefficient, and bring forward the brim theory for the nature reserve and city system.


ACP is membrane-bounded, its formation is the result of the progressive coalescence of the smaller pigmented vesicles in vacuole and fully developed ACP is typically spherical and more deeply red-colored than the vacuole. In vacuole, ACP is high density and insoluble globule highly concentrated with anthocyanins. The emergence of ACP can provide intense coloration in the vacuole.


In his new book, which coincides with the first anniversary of the Bear Stearns crisis, Mr Cohan, himself a former investment banker, provides a riveting, blow-by-blow account of the days leading up to the government-backed shotgun wedding, based on interviews with more than 120 of those who lived through it.


In his new book, which coincides with the first anniversary of the Bear Stearns crisis, Mr Cohan, himself a former investment banker, provides a riveting, blow-by-blow account of the days leading up to the government-backed shotgun wedding, based on interviews with more than 120 of those who lived through it.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
