英语人>网络例句>司法的 相关的搜索结果


与 司法的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author mainly presents his ideas in this thesis from the following aspects: To perfect Chinese sports law, China should have its own sports arbitration system so that the law could catch up with the development of Chinese sports and international sports as well; Sports arbitration should aim at fairness and effectiveness; The popularity of sports arbitration institutions and the lawfulness of arbitration procedures and verdict effect make sports arbitration quasi-judicial; As long as sports arbitration is listed in the regulations of sports organizations, it could be applied for its compulsiveness; Sports arbitration is supposed to address the disputes caused by the disciplinary punishment, and that caused by the such major problems like the registration, circulation, and qualifications of the sportsman, and disputes caused by the contracts in sports activities; Mediation procedure and immediate arbitration procedure should be given special attention in the establishment of arbitration procedures; Sports arbitrators should be neutral in solving disputes, and should be a qualified sports worker.


"Applicable Law" means any national, federal, state or local law, statuute, rule, regulation, ordinance, order, decree, directive, requirement, code, notice or rule of common law, now or in the future in effect, and in each case as amended or re-enacted from time to time, and legislation supplemental to it, and any judicial or administrative interpretation of it by a Governmental Authority or otherwise, including any judicial or administrative order, determination, consent, decree or judgment applicable to or having jurisdiction over, as the context requires, XXXXXXXX and "Applicable Laws" shall be construed accordingly

"适用法律"是指任何现在或将来有效的国家、联邦、州或当地的法律、法规、法则、规定、条例、法令、政令、指示、要求、法典、通知或普通法的规定,和在一段时期内修改的、重新颁布实施的、立法补充的、政府机构作出的任何司法或行政的解释,或包括其它任何司法或行政的命令、决定、同意、法令或,将按照上文的规定,适用于或对于XXXXXXX,具有管辖权的判决;而"该等适用法律"将须据此解释;总觉得"适用法律"的翻译很是别扭!"适用法律"是动词词组,而applicable law则是名词词组!cnki 则有三种译法:准据法,法律适用,适用法律

We can see that community correction can recollocate the limited judicial resource which is in favor of saving the cost of execution from a series of data, on the other hand, it is propitious to rebuild the light criminals. See from the penal base, the goal of the criminalistics in the 20th transfered to the criminal from the crime, the idea of correction was advanced on the base of going deep into the personality causation, because of which parole, probation and other community correction appeared and developed. See from the policy base, the popular international penal policy "polarization policy" also take a moment to community correction. It must divert some burden to the community if the country want to focus the strength into beating these terrorist, the fearful criminals. See from the environmental base, the developed country apply the community correction above 50%, which offers abundant experience and upstanding international surroundings to us, it also provide a largo flat roof for intercourse.


With the statistical data analysis method, according to the Criminal lawsuits with civil lawsuits attached of some railway transportation intermediate court during 3 years, in my dissertation I commented on the actuality of the institution of the Chinese Criminal with civil lawsuit attached ,revealed many problems of this institution during judicial practice and moused out the reasons from the following 3 sides, judicial concept, legislation and judges' quality. Also, I analised the value and legitimacy


Finally, the author figures out some issues of Narcotics Transport in judicial practice and puts forward concrete judicial measures based on his experience. The first is the difference of penalties between Narcotics Transport and drug-selling. The second is the difference of responsibility and punishment between the principal and the accessory. The third is the cognizance and responsibility of the inside men and meritorious criminals. The last is the cognizance and punishment of drug users convicted of Narcotics Transport.


It is stipulated by The Code of Criminal Procedure of the People''s Republic of China, the 42nd item; The Civil Procedure Act of the People''s Republic of China, the 63rd item; and the Code of Administrative Procedure of the People''s Republic of China, the 31St item, that the audio-video material is an independent kind of evidence, so established the legal effect of it, symbol the development and the perfect of our country''s socialist law, Being a new type of evidence, audio-video material needs our study, probation and practice deeply, carefully and urgently, summing up the successful experience and failure moral, and then forming the comrades'' common interest, enriching and partaking the system of evidence science, developing it higher and wider; filling the vitality of the action of procedure, broadening the buglers'' outlook, raising the quality and level of enforcing the law.


So, detailed legislative provisions of the "interpretation" on how to apply a law or how to apply a law to a particular kind of cases or issues are as same as the legislative "regulation" aiming at legislative blank are actually lawmaking, and the Supreme People's Court should not do them; reform judicial interpretation of "reply" and make it be apt to legal comprehension and application; absorb judge-made law reasonable factors and endow the typical cases of the Supreme People's Court with judicial interpretative effect.


Therefore in this paper myself brief analysis officer of the court (various Grass-roots court, public security, each kind of people discussing dispute which Redressing committee's staff) could often meet is the key point, elaborated some question which could meet in each kind of mediation work activity, to the judicial mediation system, the judicial mediation's principle, the function, the mediation work's matters needing attention, how as well as to regard the mediation in civil action's function practice the common force mediation, this mediation not to give the mediation, the unprincipled mediation or "smooths over differences", the long accent several questions not definitely to make the superficial analysis.


At last, by analyzing the similarities and differences of legislation and judicature systems concerned of foreign country, the article discusses some good defense countermeasure that we should adopt by drawing lessons from the foreign country. Later it analyses providing concerned about criminal law, civil law, maritime law which are related to crime of cheat on L/C and points out the defects our legal system. Following that, it puts forward concrete proposal of legislation and judicature on proposal of legislation and judicature on improving legal system and taking strong measures against the behavior of crime of cheat on L/C. At last the article discusses the way to solve the self梥aving measures that every party should adopt and the concrete measurers that international organization uses to defense against cheat of L/C.


The city is responsible for the administration of justice system, ideological and political work, police officers education and training and team building; management of the municipal judicial administrative system of the police and rank evaluation delegate work; Bureau of bodies and agencies responsible for setting up and preparation work; is responsible for Bureau of organs and units directly under the management of cadres ; is responsible for administrative affairs bureau organization work; is responsible for Bureau of organs and units directly under the personnel files and the county Bureau of Justice Association for the management of cadres to collect a copy of the file management; is responsible for Bureau of Labor organs and units directly under the work and the wage fund program management, incentive funds, Welfare Fund for the use of subordinate units reviewed and approved wage plan; is responsible for system-wide professional and technical cadres in the management of post titles.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
