英语人>网络例句>叶酸 相关的搜索结果


与 叶酸 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analysis revealed that children born to mothers in the highest quintile of plasma folate levels were 1.66 times more likely to have asthma than those born to mothers in the lowest quintile.


Objective To explore the relationship between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms and colorectal cancer.


In this chapter, the folate-EDA was covalently connected with heparin- campotothecin by carbodiimide activation to get a folate-heparin-campotothecin conjugate.


The mobile phase was a mixture of acetonirile-40 mmol·L~(-1) dipotassium hydrogen phosphate solution40∶60,containing 10 mmol·L~(-1 cetrimonium bromide, adjust pH to 7.5 by phosphoric acid and the flow rate was 1.0 mL·min~(-1),with the detection wavelength at 215 nm.

结果马来酸、叶酸和依那普利之间能够达到很好分离;马来酸依那普利的线性范围为202.5~810.0 mg.L-1,r=0.999 8(n=6),平均回收率为99.91%,RSD=1.15%(n=9);叶酸的线性范围为16.28~65.12 mg.L-1,r=0.999 8(n=6),平均回收率为100.11%,RSD=1.20%(n=9)。

If improperly added easily lead to folate deficiency, 4 months after the giant could appear erythroblastic anemia, but simply as a result of insufficient intake of folic acid anemia caused by relatively rare.


Clinical trials are expected in the near future, although Kass says a major challenge in testing is that a high dose of folic acid for humans comparable to that given the rats would require an average-size adult to swallow more than 200 one-milligram pills per day,"an impractical and unrealistic regimen, even if the body excretes the excess."


Because of its very low levels of folic acid, vitamin B12 is also small, so goat milk to feed those who should be added folic acid and vitamin B12, or can cause megaloblastic anemia.


Measuring the levels of folate in the blood of about 4,500 nonpregnant women ages 15 to 44 from 1999-2000 through 2003-2004, researchers found thatfolic acidlevels declined significantly in women across the three major ethnic groups in the United States.

衡量各级叶酸在血液中的约4500名孕的妇女年龄在15至44 ,从1999-2000年,通过2003年至2004年,研究人员发现,叶酸水平显着下降,妇女在全国三大族群在美国。

Objective To study relationship between serum and red blood cell folate, serum vitamin B12 (VB12), total plasma homocysteine, thermolabile genotypes, and activity of methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase.

目的 探讨叶酸、维生素B12(VB12)、血浆总同型半胱氨酸、5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶活性及其热敏感性基因型间的相互关系。

Methods Control group and study group were chosen from the total 36 adult female SD rats randomly copulated with the male normal rats after feeding folic acid involved and not-inolved fodder for 2 weeks.


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Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.


This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.


In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).
