英语人>网络例句>叶状体 相关的搜索结果


与 叶状体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Base of vegetative stems forming a stout caudex; leaves and calyx lobes with white cartilaginous margin and midrib keel.


Nov.. The main symptoms of the bacterial disease on Vigna angularis were canker of stalk.The strains were straight or curved rods; polar flagellum one; Gram-negative; could infect Vigna angularis、 Glycine max、 Vigna radata、 Vigna umbellate、 Phaseolus vulgaris、 Pisum sativum、 Pisum sativum var.humlie; oxidase negative; nitrate reduction negative; 5% glucose agar mucilage positive; esculin hydrolysis positive; starch negative; milk hydrolysis positive; H_2S positive; acid from L-arabinose, D-mannose, D-galactose, cellobiose, trehalose and fructose; 5%NaCl positive; G+Cmol%-69%.

红小豆溃疡病主要症状为茎部溃疡;各菌株菌体均杆状;极生鞭毛1根;革兰氏染色阴性;人工接种能侵染多种豆科植物;好氧;氧化酶阴性;硝酸盐反应阴性;5%葡萄糖营养琼脂黏液生长阳性;七叶灵水解阳性;淀粉水解阴性;牛奶分解产碱;产生硫化氢;能从阿拉伯糖等产酸;最大耐盐量为5%;G+Cmol%为69%等特征,根据《手册》9th ed相关部分,确定该病由野油菜黄单胞菌苜蓿致病变种Xanthomonas campestris pv.alfalfae(Riker,Jones et Davis 1935)Dye 19781引起。

Results:(1)PCNA expression of tumors with diamenter over 3 cm was significantly higher than those 3 cm or less 3 cm;and higher expression with deep lobulation or spiculate protuberance,necrosis or cavity and mediastinal lymph node enlargement than those without.

结果:(1)CT显示瘤体最大直径>3 cm者,深分叶征、棘状突起、坏死和空洞及纵隔淋巴结肿大者与PCNA阳性表达面积升高有关。

The CT appearance of peripheral NSCLC of tumors with diamenter over 3 cm,deep lobulation,spiculate protuberance,necrosis or cavityy and mediastinal lymph node enlargement closely correlate with PCNA expression,which indicate higher degree of malignancy and infere a poor prognosis.

周围型NSCLC的CT征象瘤体>3 cm,深分叶征、棘状突起、坏死和空洞及纵隔淋巴结肿大与PCNA阳性表达面积密切相关,具有更高的恶性程度,可作为推测预后的指标。

Base of vegetative axis usually slender; leaves and calyx lobes without white cartilaginous margin and midrib keel.


ResultsMorphological features with diagnostic value were established as follows:①Irregular or round-mesh basket type nucleolus;②Malformed nucleus and lobate nucleus with fine bridge;③Perinuclear microfilaments;④Nuclear bodies;⑤Nuclear inclusion bodies;⑥Marked cell pleomorphism arranged irregularly,like a disordered stone pavement;⑦Strange cell and/or giant cancer cell were found;⑧Peculiar papillae or cell clusters were formed;⑨Specific function structure on the surface of cell differentiated poorly.

结果 确定了具有诊断意义的形态学特征:①不规则奇形核仁或网孔状核仁;②畸形核,分叶核伴细桥-核间桥形成;③核旁微丝;④核体;⑤核包涵体;⑥细胞重度多形性,排列紊乱,似乱石铺堆;⑦出现奇形细胞和/或癌巨细胞;⑧形成奇形乳头和奇形细胞簇;⑨细胞表面特异功能结构分化不良。

In the Filicinophyta, Sphenophyta, and Lyophyta the embryo sporophyte produces a footlike structure that remains embedded in the tissues of the parent gametophyte plant, absorbing nutrients like the suspensor of higher plants.

在真蕨门 filicinophyta ,楔叶门 sphenophyta,和石松门 lycophyta 中,胚胎孢子体产生足状结构,仍然包裹于双亲配子体植物内。胚胎吸收营养的方式同高等植物从胚柄那样吸收营养一样。

Leaves alternate; stipules early caducous, intrapetiolar, 2-cleft; leaf blade 3-5-veined, often woolly abaxially, margin crenate-serrate; cystoliths punctiform.

叶互生 托叶早落,叶柄内,2半裂;叶片3-5-脉,具绵状毛的通常,边缘具圆齿锯齿;钟乳体点状。

The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.


The green,filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and moss es and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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