英语人>网络例句>右侧的 相关的搜索结果


与 右侧的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The right pleural cavity is filled with a cloudy yellowish-tan fluid, characteristic for a chylothorax .


CT scan and MRI both revealed acute left anterior cerebral artery infarction involving cingulated gyrus and corpus callosum. His right side weakness gradually improved after rehabilitation.


Voxel-based morphometry was applied to schizophrenics'cerebral structure images. Significant decrease was identified in gray matter density of schizophrenics relative to the normal subjects, mainly in the right anterior cingulated gyrus, right superior temporal gyrus, and frontal lobe.

应用体素形态学方法(voxel-based morphometry,VBM)分析精神分裂症病人的脑结构图像,发现精神分裂症组相对正常组被试在右侧前扣带回、右上颞叶和额叶有明显的灰质浓度降低。

Use palmar palm root or rachis is carried on the back after boxing face is put in the patient on two side muscle (make from left muscle first, on the right side of redo muscle), do light, downy circumnutation, it is certain to notice the hand wants to press muscle to bring to bear on pressure, do not want to chafe on the skin.


An otherwise healthy 12-month-old girl presented for evaluation of reduced abduction of the left eye detected at 6 months of age. The remainder of the examination was unremarkable. A special MRI sequence-fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition-visualized the right but not the left sixth nerve cisternal segment. This is the first reported use of the MRI FIESTA sequence to diagnose aplasia of the sixth cranial nerve.

应用快速平衡稳态取像核磁技术检测第六颅神经发育不全:本研究首次报道利用 MRI FIESTA 诊断第六颅神经发育不全,一例12个月的婴儿其他各项指标正常,在6个月时发现左眼诱导注视减少,其他的检查未见明显异常,利用 MRI FIESTA 可检测到右侧第六颅神经,但左侧部分检测不到。

Methods:The edentulous patients of senile males and postmenopausal females were selected.All the edentulous subjects were divided into two groups according to the degree of RRR of mandibles: well-rounded ridge group and atrophied ridge group; The BMD of mandibular angle and coxofemoral region (femoral neck,trochanter,and wards triangle) of all subjects were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.The BMD were compared between well-rounded ridge group and atrophied ridge group in the same sex group.


The physical risk identification task, however, resulted in stronger sustained activity in the right cuneus/precuneus and increased transient activation in bilateral amygdala.


The decreased ReHo is distributed over left occipital lobe, left cuneus, left precuneus, left lingual gyrus and right frontal lobe, right middle frontal, right gyrus, right frontal Lobe, right inferior frontal gyrus and right precuneus.


The increase in either OCDAS or AAS scores associated with provocation was statistically significant (P<0.01). A statistically significant increase (P<0.05) in rCBV during the OCD symptomatic state versus the control state was found in the right inferiofrontal cortex, postcentral cortex, angular cortex, and bilateral orbitofrontal cortices, cuneus cortices, heads of caudate neucli, thalami and amygdalae.

结果 静息期和诱发期的强迫症状评分结果分别是1.00±0.33和6.65±0.71,有显著性差异(P<0.01);静息期和诱发期的焦虑症状评分结果分别是1.20±0.42和2.75±0.42,也有显著性差异(P<0.01);与静息期相比,右侧额下回、中央后回、角回、双侧眶额部、楔叶皮质及双侧尾状核头、丘脑、杏仁核rCBV在症状诱发期显著增加(P<0.05)。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
