英语人>网络例句>右侧的 相关的搜索结果


与 右侧的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1、Neural network correlated with LIFG and RIFG exists in normal subjects in resting-state,which might be the neural foundation in retaining the normal language function;2、The left fusiform gyrus,bilateral medial frontal gyrus and right anterior cingulum in aphasia patients after stroke showed low degree correlation,that might be one of the mechanisms of aphasia;3、The brain regions showed positive correlation with RIFG in aphasia patients only exist in right hemisphere in resting-state as well as which exist in bilateral hemisphere in normal subjects,suggested that RIFG is out of correlation with the left hemisphere in aphasia patients;4、The left thalamus showed positive correlation with RIFG only in normal subjects, inferred that the left thalamus might be an important mesomerism structure in the correlation of bilateral hemisphere;5、Left insula showed stronger positive correlation with RIFG in normal subjects than that in aphasia patients,suggested that dominant hemisphere insula is important in retaining in normal language function.


The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma. This is a hemothorax .


The Vairocana Buddha in the center represents wisdom of the nature of law; the first one from left to the center is Ratnaketu in the South Land of Pleasure, representing good deeds of wisdom of the identity of all things; the second one left is Aksobha in the East Land of Happiness, representing consciousness of great mirror wisdom; the first one right to the center is Amitabha in the West Land of Utmost Happiness, representing wisdom of profound insight; the second one right is Amoghasiddhi in the North Land of Lotus, representing course of wisdom of success.


Comclusion: transpetrous presigmoid retrolabrinth approach was rational approach for surgery on petroclivus and -4- CPA; it抯 important for accomplish the surgery to study and master the anatomy and variance of this approach; there was relative anatomical relationship among those structure on posterior of petrous bone; AAMP was the extracranial mark of inflexion of TS and SS; LAM and PSC were obvious bone marks for operation; we can confirm the abraded range of petrous bone lean upon LAM and/or GSS beside abrading step by step as literature, and it抯 unnecessary and unrational to emphasize to show PSC if the surgical space was enough; preceding sigmoid sinus and high jugular bulb often appeared at right and would bring disadvantage effect; interspace ,between CN V and CNVII or CNVII and CNJXI, were available to reach clivus and manage the mass on the range.

经SS前迷路后入路是处理岩斜坡区、桥小脑角区病变理想的手术入路;研究和熟悉手术入路中的解剖结构及部分变异对指导手术十分必要;岩骨内测面的骨性结构之间有着相对稳定的空间关系;顶乳缝前角是SS和TS转接处在颅外的标志;IAM和PSC等结构可以作为手术中的重要骨性标志;以PSC确定岩骨的磨除范围是较安全和可靠的,但亦可以结合影像检查,以内耳道和乙状窦前缘为基点判定切除范围,如果操作空间足够,过分强调磨出半规管是不适当的;右侧GSS的宽度和深度较对侧大,SS前置和颈静脉球高位较对侧多见,这些都对右侧入路有不利的影响,但仍可以进行手术操作;三叉神经和面神经间隙及面l 神经和舌咽神经间隙方便到达斜坡并处理病变。l

RESULTS: Compared with patients in the non-AD group, those in the AD group showed decreased cerebral glucose metabolism mainly in the temporal and frontal lobes and the limbic system in the right cerebral hemisphere and the inferior frontal gyrus and precentral gyrus in the left cerebral hemisphere, and increased cerebral glucose metabolism mainly in the temporal and occipital lobes in the right cerebral hemisphere and the parietal and occipital lobes and limbic system in the left cerebral hemisphere.

结果: 抑郁焦虑组与非抑郁焦虑组比较,脑葡萄糖代谢下降的脑区集中于右侧大脑半球,主要位于颞叶、额叶及边缘系统,左侧大脑半球较少,主要位于额下回和中央前回;脑葡萄糖代谢升高的脑区集中于右侧大脑半球的颞叶、枕叶和左侧大脑半球的顶叶,枕叶及边缘系统。

Two months after a reading invention program based on auditory training, the dyslexic children received another imaging scan using the same tasks. The results showed that the bilateral brain activation of the dyslexic children was significantly higher than the pre-training, especially in the cingulate gyrus (BA23) of bilateral frontal lobe, the bilateral supramarginal gyrus (BA40), the left precuneus (BA7), the right temporal-parietal region (BA22 and BA48) and the right middle frontal gyrus(BA8), suggesting that the activation pattern of the dyslexia for phonological processing gradually changed to that of the normal ones.


When the parameter matching of the wheel location is improper, namely, the matching between the wheel toe-in and the wheel camber angle is ill-suited, abrasion of the two wheels of the same steering axle is inside or outside simultaneously, because of wheels sideslip. However, when double-front-axle steering system failure take place, abrasion of the two wheels of the same steering axle is in the same side, and that, tyre abrasion direction of front and back steering axles is rightabout. That is to say, if tyre abrasion of front steering axle lie in the left side, tyre abrasion of back steering axle lie in the right side to a certainty, which is the rule of tyre abrasion of double-front-axle steering automobile.


Results Adolescents taking psychostimulants differed from those not taking psychostimulants in the rate of change of the cortical thickness in the right motor strip, the left middle/inferior frontal gyrus, and the right parieto-occipital region.


Perfusion in the right parietal lobe in group2 was significantly lower than in group1 (P.01).(2)Average perfusions were higher in the right temporal and parietal lobes than in the left in all 3 groups.(3)Gray matter volumes were significantly smaller in group3 than in group2 (P.05); total cerebral spinal fluidsvolumes were significantly larger in group3 than in group1 and group2(P.05); right hippocampus volumes were significantly smaller in group3 than in group1 (P.05). Conclusions Age-related change of cerebral blood perfusions in the healthy elderly over 65 years is characterized with hypoperfusion in the right parietal.


It includes back, left spring, left sliding block, right sliding block, right spring and cylinder. They are formed stiffness changing mechanism in back. The left spring is set between the left vertical surface of the left sliding block and the left inner wall of the back. The right spring is right the opposite.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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