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Positioning rural infrastructure is thought to be closely related with the strategy of environmental planning.
In this theory, we firstly introduce the basic theory of discrete wavelet transform and lifting scheme. Secondly, we adopt a fully pipelining VLSI architecture for lifting-based DWT. Hence, we can operate on higher working frequency. Besides, we merge a QCB-based DWT method to achieve the higher parallelism for JPEG 2000 encoding system. By changing the output timing of the DWT process, the internal tile memory size can be reduced by a factor of 4. Moreover, the architecture can efficiently perform shape-adaptive DWT and solve boundary extension and subsampling problems. Finally, according to the comparison results with other architectures, the efficiency of proposed architecture is proven.
在这篇论文中,首先我们介绍离散小波转换和提升式架构的基本理论,接下来我们改良提升式架构采用全管线化的硬体架构,因此我们可以操作在较高的工作频率,并且我们合并了以四个编码方块为基础的方式来使得JPEG 2000编码系统具有更高的平行度,藉著改变离散小波转换的输出时序,内部的记体体需求可以减少为原本的四分之一,接著此架构也可以有效地支援可适应形状的离散小波转换,同时解决了边界延伸和子取样的问题,最后根据与其他架构比较的结果,来说明所提出之离散小波转换架构的贡献。
This dissertation lucubrates the architecture of ATS, hierarchical structure and resource models of testing software and the physical structure of hardware.
主要成果是:(1)研究了 ATS 执行机制,首次提出了基于虚拟仪器测试引擎的开放式 ATS 体系结构,从根本上实现了 ATS 硬件无关性和测试代码重用性;(2)研究了采用 IVI、IVI-MSS 和组件技术实现 ATS 仪器互换性的技术与方法,对实现 ATS 网络化奠定了基础;(3)研究开发了测试流程描述语言及相关仪器描述模型、开关矩阵描述模型、测试适配器描述模型,实现了测试软件的结构化和模块化,使大型复杂武器装备测试系统的开发与维护效率大大提高;(4)研究了与 ATS 体系结构相适应的硬件物理结构,该结构实现了 ATS 的通用性、开放性和可扩展性。
Additional high-tech extras for the Audi Q5 include the advanced key for keyless access to the vehicle, a tyre pressure monitoring system, the large panoramic glass sunroof with additional tilting function, the triple-zone climate control system, sun blinds for the rear side windows, the dynamic cornering light system known as Audi adaptive light, an electric tailgate and a swivelling trailer hitch.
Woods response to changes in climatic conditions is predictable regardless of where in the world it is and all piano makers use the same kiln drying method to control woods reaction to the world's climate changes.
May profit from in not the ready-made advanced construction technology in the situation, I to with utilization convention fishing way at the same time, boldly explore the new craft, new method, careful organization, strict construction, thus grasped an entire set to be able to adapt the complex technological level well overhaul fishing craft technology.
The conclusions show that the new type of seal fabrication is self-tightening. The original clearance between the cylinder and plunger is not the main cause of leakage. The new seal fabrication method is superior to traditional designs, and can seal up to 1 GPa.
结果表明:新型的超高压动密封结构是一种自适应的动态密封结构;初始间隙对密封性能的影响表现出不敏感性,新型超高压密封是可行的密封结构,可实现1 GPa压力的动密封。
Under the steering of the architecture model and management mechanism proposed in this thesis, an intelligent, self-adapting and scalable hierarchical distributed network management system is constructed on the CERNET. Then it was successfully checked and accepted by Ministry of Education, and is widely used in practice.
Hopfield networks have learning capabilities; the circuit in this design idea can apply different adaptive-learning rules by using alternative comparator-inverter/comparator-follower schemes, conductance-node-layout schemes—reciprocals of the feedback resistances—between the input comparators, and bit-order readouts.
Magnetotelluric field finite difference migration tomography Found on the researches of Zhdanov etc. in MT finite difference migration tomography, we analyze and summarize both fruits and limitation of foregone peoples' achievements. So more precise finite difference extrapolation equation can be deduced, and it can be easily applied into the migration tomography. New equation reserved the derivative terms of wave number both at vertical and horizontal direction, so that more exquisite geoelectric diversification can still be accommodated, that is the very requirement of practical data interpolation.
大地电磁有限差分偏移成像技术:在Zhdanov等人建立的有限差分偏移成像研究的基础上,总结分析了前人在 MT成像技术方面的研究成果和存在问题;推导更精确的有限差分波场延拓方程,采用改进的有限差分法进行大地电磁场偏移成像,差分延拓方程保留波数对水平方向和垂直方向的一阶导数项而提高求解精度,可适应电性纵横方向变化剧烈的地电构造,使成像分辨率得到增强。
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Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.
Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.
This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.