英语人>网络例句>可进入的 相关的搜索结果


与 可进入的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

People want to establish a continuously developable system in order to release from these crises.


Cooling air flow through the low-temperature part then effuse from the high-temperature part. This can enchance the efficiency of radiation and reduce radiators of each locomotive.Furthermore, it syffice for use of diesel engine and reduce needed assistant power to cool fans.


What little Wind there was blew me towards the Land; and thus, having found two or three broken Oars belonging to the Boat, and besides the Tools which were in the Chest, I found two Saws, an Axe, and a Hammer, and with this Cargo I put to Sea; For a Mile, or thereabouts, my Raft went very well, only that I found it drive a little distant from the Place where I had landed before, by which I perceiv'd that there was some Indraft of the Water, and consequently I hop'd to find some Creek or River there, which I might make use of as a Port to get to Land with my Cargo.


Agriculture in China has already entered a new development stage. The construction of agricultural modernization must stick to the development way of intensive agriculture and sustainable agriculture.


Results the image data of spiral CT have been sent into PACS and recorded in CD-R At any moment the pictures of image data can be shown on terminal, can be applied to make teaching lantern slide by Power Point and to make multimedia teaching software by Authorware.

结果 :运用FTP软件把工作站里制作好的彩色图像信息传入PC机并进入我院PACS系统进行光盘刻录,存储于光盘塔中,可随时用PACS系统中的任一PC机调出,用ACDSee32、Photoshop、Win98 映象等软件显示和打印彩色图象,用Powerpoint来制作教学幻灯片,用Authorware来制作多媒体教学软件。

To increase the accuracy, the missile nose cone, 1.5 tons in mass, was made separable during flight.


The addition of Re slightly decreased the formation temperature of MC carbides and promoted the precipitation of μ phase from the oversaturated γ matrix.


It is said that the British Parliament meeting, the king should sit on the throne of the King of the House of Lords, but the Prime Minister and needed to enter the House of Commons from their seats, ordinary citizens can also be in the public gallery to watch parliamentary process.


Quarterfinal,of or relating to one of four competitions in a tournament, whose winners go on to play in semifinal competitions.

在一次锦标赛中四场比赛之一的,或与之有关的,其获胜者可继续进入半决赛。a quarterfinal round。

New fund in the near future, may re-enter the debt-based head of household situation.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
