英语人>网络例句>可见性 相关的搜索结果


与 可见性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: MR demonstrated capsule wall and papillary solid lesions in one case with cystic and solid lesions of hepatobiliary cystadenoma. Poly cystic form tan if different sine in sew case, capsule wall and septation was thick, part of capsule wall was obviously thickened and nodes form, intrahepatic bile duct was dilated, large poly-antrum cystic keen form structure in one case, capsule wall and septation were smooth, part of capsule wall was uniformly thicken, capsule wall, septation, mural nodus form and solid lesions in three cases wee all slightly hyperintense on T2WI and slightly hypointense on T1WI. Part of cyst fluid was hypointense on T2WI the diameter if tumor ranged from 3.4cm to 13.5cm. Part of capsule wall, septation, solid lesions and mural nodus west obviously enhanced in arterial phase in three cases, the extent of enhancement showed a little degrade in port vein phase, balance phase and delay phase, but dense to liver parenchyma at synchronization.


Low signal was also seen in the motor cortex on T2-weighted images in three of the eight normal volunteers and four of the 16 disease controls: one with a bulbospinal muscular atrophy, two with leukoencephalopathy and one with Binswanger's disease.


Four field strains of infectious bronchitis viruswere isolated from chicken kidney, trachea and lung of the young layer flocks in some regions of Shaanxi province. Biological characterizations of the virus were investigated by virus pathogenicity to chicken embryo and healthy chickens, hemagglutination test, hemagglutination inhibition test, dwarfing embryonated chicken eggs, electron microscopy and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. It demonstrated that allantoic fluid of each passage virus could hemagglutinate chicken red blood cells by treatment with 1% trypsin. The standard positive serum to IBV could inhibited the hemagglutination. The isolates could make respiratory and kidney diseases in chickens.

采集陕西省宝鸡市、扶风县、兴平市和榆林市等地鸡场疑似传染性支气管炎发病鸡病料,通过9~11 日龄非免疫鸡胚进行了病毒的实验室分离和传代,并对分离毒株进行了病毒的血凝性、血凝抑制性、致病性、鸡胚矮小化、电镜特征等生物学特性鉴定,结果表明,4 株分离株经1%胰酶处理后的各代病毒尿囊液均可凝集鸡红细胞,标准阳性血清可特异性的抑制其凝集性,回归试验可复制出与自然发病相同的病例,病毒传代物有明显的致鸡胚矮小化作用,透射电镜下可见有近似球形、直径100 nm左右的冠状病毒粒子,将分离鉴定的4 株IBV 定名为BJ-04、FF-04、XP-03 和YL-04。

TyPe II collagen induced arthritisln the rat ank1e joint andoVathumin as antigen induced arthritis WA in the rabbit knee joint wereestab1ish2 Qualitative evaluation of me in skin, muscle, synovium, cedilagearound joint and blood was performed by OMA3 The CIA rats were treated on day 7 after hind paw swelling and erythemaAnimals were injected intravenously with ase at a dose of 10mg/kg,tWenty minuots 1ater, one ankle of the rats random1y assigned was exPosedlaser irradiation at l00J/cm fOr l000 seconds, and another ankle wasM grouP wihout laser The other two groups is unmanipulatedcontrol group and untreated CIA group Bimaleolar ankle widthmeasuremellts were taken in all animals every tWo days using amicrometer The histopathology of the ank1e Joint was assessed at day 21after disease onset4 The pro1iferating cell nuclear antigen WCNA of CIA treated by PDT andthe HMME group without laser was doterdrined by immunohistochemiStry5 The AfA rabbits were treated on day 7 after knee swelling and erythemaThe theraPy invo1ved lntravenous injection of l0mg/kg HMME, fOl1owedby 20 minues period in dim light, and transdermal light treatment with\l00 J/cm2 fOr l000 seconds The inner sides of the treated Anees wereirradiated at first, and then the outer side did 24 hours later, the synovialtissue of the Anees joint were removed and in situ cel1 aPoptosis wasdetCCted With tednal deoxync1eotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nickend labelingR6suIt8:l The pathologic changes of CIA and AIA include subsynovial inflammation,opovial hyPerplasia, pannus formation, cartilage and bone destructionresemble RA.2 The studies demonstrated that there are different uptake of HMME withinskin, muscle, synovium, cartilage and b1ood, and the synovium cou1draPidly uPtake more ase than skin and cartilage at the firSt 30 minuesaller intravenous injection of HMME3 The bimaleolar anke width had no different among PDT treated group,H group withollt 1aser and untreated CIA group But hlstologicalevaluation showed statiStical1y significallt reductions in synovialhyperplasia, pannus formation and cart1lage reosion, bone destruction andtotal score in PDT treated group4 Image analysis showed that the ratlo bforeen the areas of the coufltedobect to that of the entire area in PDTtreated grOup is lower than that in conirol group, but the integrated oPticaldensity had no different between the two groups5 Imape analysis showed that the ratio between the area of the countedobject to that of the e

治疗组在大鼠出现踝关节红肿后1周,炎症达到高峰时进行PDT治疗。随机治疗大鼠一侧的踝关节,另。2。一一侧作单纯HMME 对照。治疗方法是大鼠麻醉后尾静脉注入 HMME10ngkg,20分钟后踝关节照光,激光波长627.sum,功率密度 100mwcm',照射时间1000秒,能量密度100)/。治疗后避光喂养72 小时。隔日一次测量大鼠的踝关节左右横径,治疗后两周取关节进行病理d 观察。 4。大鼠CIA模型用上述方法进行PDT治疗后,治疗组和单纯HMME 组用兔疫组化SP法检测石蜡切片的核增殖抗原。 5。兔AIA模型在关节炎出现第七天进行PDT治疗,随机治疗一侧膝关节,另一侧作自身对照。兔耳静脉注入I'arrainrelomg/Kg,20分钟后,膝关节用金蒸气激光照射,激光能量密度100)儿旷。24 /J'时后取膝关节滑膜作病理检查,并用脱氧核昔酸末端转移酶介导的缺口末端标记法原位检测凋亡细胞。结果: 1。模型观察:CIA大鼠炎症高峰期滑膜下炎细胞浸润明显,滑膜细胞明显增殖,炎症达到高峰后二周,血管缀形成,并侵蚀和破坏软骨和骨, CIA模型病理改变与人类RA相似。兔AIA模型膝关节滑膜病理可见滑膜细胞增生,滑膜下炎细胞浸润,也与人类RA滑膜改变相似。 2。关节周围组织中光敏剂含量的测定结果表明,各组织对HMME 的吸收速度和吸收量不同,荧光值一时间曲线不同,滑膜组织比皮肤和软骨对 HMME的吸收多,在 2 0分钟时即有明显差异。 3.PDT对CIA模型的治疗结果表明:PDT治疗后关节炎组、单纯 HMME组和治疗组踝关节左右横径统计学检验差异没有显著性,但病理评分PDT治疗组滑膜增生、血管资形成及软骨破坏、骨破坏和总分比关节炎对照组和HMME对照组好,统计学检验差异有显著性。。3_军医进修学院硕士学位论文中文摘要 4.PDT治疗组PCNA阳性细胞较对照组少,图像分析结果表明面密度(阳性染色的面积总和与统计视野面积的比值)治疗组小于对照组,统计学检验差异有显著性。。 5.PDT治疗组凋亡阳性细胞较对照组明显增多,图像分析结果单位视野内阳性细胞数和面密度PDT治疗组高于对照组,统计学检验差异有显著性。凋亡细胞核直径PDT治疗组较小,与对照组相比,统计学检验差异有显著性。结论:二。CIA、AIA的病理改变类似人类RA,可作为研究RA病因、发病机制、检查及治疗方法的模型。 2。各组织对HMME的吸收速度和吸收量不同,滑膜组织比皮。

Results The ultrasonic examination of tuberculosis hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone with clear sound transparent;pleura was thickened uniformly;opaque dark area of fluid had no parenchymatous phyma.Ultrasonic examination of cancerous hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone filled with full of thin light spots;sound transparent was not very clear;pleura showed uniform thickening;opaque dark area of fluid had parenchymatous uniform phyma.

结果 结核性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区透声清,胸膜均匀性增厚,液性暗区内未见实质性肿块;癌性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区内充满细小光点,透声欠清,胸膜多呈非均匀性增厚,液性暗区内可见有实质非均质性肿块。

Ultrasonic examination of cancerous hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone filled with full of thin light spots;sound transparent was not very clear;pleura showed uniform thickening;opaque dark area of fluid had parenchymatous uniform phyma.

结果 结核性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区透声清,胸膜均匀性增厚,液性暗区内未见实质性肿块;癌性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区内充满细小光点,透声欠清,胸膜呈非均匀性增厚,液性暗区内可见有实质非均质性肿块。

While the tissue spaces surrounding a few blood vessels wasAl and Fg positive,no Al or Fg positive cells were observed.In antemortem injurygroup,diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage,cerebral edema,swelling or pyknotic neu-rons could be observed.The axons showed irregular swelling and disconnection at1~3h,marked swelling and disconnection at 6h,and retraction ball at 15h whichwas more remarkable at 24h after injury.The space between myelin sheaths andaxons was increased at 3~6h after injury.Tortuous and wavelike myelin sheathswhich adhered on axons incompletely,or even peeled off could be found from 15hto 24h after injury.Perinuclear lysis of Nissl bodies began at 24h after injury.Thenumber of GFAP positive cells in cerebrum and brain-stem increased significantlyfollowed by decrease,and then increased again,but the time courses of the changesin different areas of brain were not same.Al and Fg positive neural cells,mainlysurrounded blood vessels,with diffuse or peripherally distributed positive matter incytoplasm could be observed at 0.5h after injury.The number of Al or Fg positivecells and the intensity of immunoreaction increased with the time of injury.The areaof SYN positivity in medulla oblongata and pons decreased notably 3~6h afterinjury,then return to normal levels and continued to 24h after injury.


MPR and VR were applied in the imaging post-processing. Results: All cases were divided into four groups according to the thoracic CT findings and pathologic results as follows:① spheral caseous pneumonia;② tuberculous granuloma;③ fibrous caseous nodule;④ Focal pulmonary consolidation with cavitation. The spheral lesion appeared inhomogeneous density (44/58). cavitation (14/58) or satellite foci (21/58). Contrast scanning was carried out in 31 cases, of which peripheral or ringshaped enhancement was seen in 15 cases, no enhancement in 9 cases and extensive enhancement was seen in 7 cases.


Ten cases which were first found showed regular oval shape, 4 of 5 recurred lesions appeared as irregular shape. On bone algorithm reconstruction of CT, 11 lesions revealed heterogenous "ground-glass like" mild hyperdensity or hyperdensity masses compared with brain tissue with cystic areas, stippled calfication was seen in 1 cases, the typical eggshell like bony capsule in 7 cases, 5 cases under it showed ring or arc hypodensity line.


Results:In this group there were 5 mucinous cystadenoma; 4 serous cystadenoma; 4 teratoma; 2 lager ovarian cyst; 4 subserous leiomyoma of uterine. The massive cystic-solid tumor with irregular cystic wall was seen in mucinous cystadenoma and serous cystadenoma; Teratoma appeared non homogenous density with fat density mass; Subserous leiomyoma of uterine showed large cystic tumor with clear edge, and the size of uterine was normal.


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I am accused of being overreligious," she said in her quiet, frank manner,"but that does not prevent me thinking the children very cruel who obstinately commit such suicide.""


Designed by French fashion house Herm è s, this elegant uniform was manufactured in our home, Hong Kong, and was the first without a hat.

由著名品牌 Herm è s 设计,这件高贵的制服是香港本土制造,是我们第一套不配帽子的制服。

Do not 'inflate' your achievements and/or qualifications or skills .

不要 '夸大' 你的业绩或成果,条件或者技能。