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与 可应用的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thermal hydraulics: feat systems, noesis agitate sending systems, anti-lock braking systems, cerebration gear, render shot systems, astir support systems, lubrication systems* Gas dynamics: pneumatics, propulsion, sterilization, expose and clean cycles, high-pressure gas, pedal transmission, adsorption, pedal form reactions, HVAC, ECS, multi-species aerosolized systems* Multiphase fluids: refrigeration, air-conditioning, status control, cryogenic piping networks, steam/water systems, or render systems with exotic, vaporific fluids.* Systems curb element and code assessment data acquisition distribution rates, anachronic communication, similarity and digital electronic filters, curb wrap enforcement rates, meshwork (CAN charabanc communication, etc.* Fuel cells: stationary or mobile.* Electrical systems: AC/DC machines, noesis electronics, batteries, etc. Flight dynamics, and curb systems of every kinds including digital filters

MSC Easy5的独到之处在于:其一,强大的控制系统仿真分析能力,可以建立各种复杂的控制系统模型,包含稳态分析、线性系统分析、频域响应、根轨迹分析等完整的控制系统分析类型;其二,多学科专业应用库,借助专业应用库中的预定义模型元件,向用户提供独一无二的建立系统级模型和研究多学科系统耦合问题的能力;其三,卓越的代码生成和求解器,可以由图形化系统模型自动生成相应的FORTRAN或C源代码,这些代码可以通过编译生成可执行程序,并可被用户调用;其四,高效的高级建模和二次开发功能,方便用户创建用户化模型元件,并可调用外部FORTRAN或C子程序;其五,与其它CAE软件良好的集成能力,可以将不同CAE软件所建立的模型集成到MSC Easy5中建立完整的虚拟样机,是真正的协同仿真平台。

Applications Suitable for fan-out, control plane applications, embedded systems as well as intelligent I/O applications, PEX 8604 can be configured for a wide variety of form factors and applications.

应用 适合扇出,控制平面的应用,嵌入式系统以及智能I / O应用,交联聚乙烯8604 可配置为了多种多样的形式因素和应用。

And with these results, I delve further into the theoretical issues of MSP and the concentration is on a special class of MSP-Doob skeleton processes. Generalized limit distribution, limit distribution of these processes and conditions and the expressions for the existence of invariable measure of such processes are provided. Finally, these new results are then applied to queueing theory, reliability theory and inventory theory. A detailed study of GI/G/1 queuing model, parallel connection system model, water reservoir model and perishable inventory model is discussed. These models have already been investigated to some degree. In particular, as mentioned above, some scholars have already successfully applied the transient behavior theory of MSP to these models and transient distributions of main variables in such models have been obtained. However, the limit behavior has not been addressed. In this thesis, limit behavior of main variables in the above-mentioned models is established.


In addition, influences of cross-linker concentration and pH of thefilm-forming solution on tensile properties, water absorption and water vaporpermeability of gliadin films were investigated.


Our high quality perlite, which is naturally occurring siliceous rock, can be safely used in construction applications, horticultural applications and industrial applications.


This in vivo study was to examine the historical changes of implanted novel chitosan/collagen composite barrier for confirming the clinical feasibility. Four other commercial GTR membranes were chosen for comparison. Among the resorbable GTR membranes, BioMend Extend and Peri-Aid are collagen base, and GORE-TEX OSSEOQUEST is synthesized membrane, while GORE-TEX e-PTFE (Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) is synthesized but non-resorbable. Beagle dogs were used as animal model. Buccal mucoperiosteal flaps were reflected in the bilateral mandibular premolar and molar areas. Buccal alveolar bone was reduced on 1st、2nd premolar and molar to a level 5 mm apical to the cemento-enemel junction. Root surface was denuded of periodontal ligament and cementum, and notches were placed at the bone level of each root. The tested GTR barriers were implanted in critical bone defect areas. Flaps were coronally positioned and sutured. Two beagle dogs were sacrificed each time as the designed time period after surgery. Histological and histometirc evaluation at 7 days、14 days、28 days、3 months were performed post-operatively to determine the healing response of each treatment modality.

本研究之目的在评估与工研院生医中心合作发展出可吸收性去乙醯几丁聚醣/胶原蛋白复合之组织导引再生膜片,并选择与可吸收性之BioMend Extend 及Peri-Aid 胶原蛋白膜片,和GORE-TEX OSSEOQUEST 合成高分子膜片,及不可吸收之GORE-TEX e-PTFE合成高分子膜片,等其他四种市售商品材料共同对照评估,应用8只年龄为12个月的雄性小猎犬,均分4组(分别为7天、14天、28天、3个月),为动物活体评估模式,在实验犬之左、右下颚第一、二小臼齿及大臼齿的颊侧区制造骨缺损后,分别植入组织导引再生膜片,依实验设定时间将小猎犬牺牲,取下缺损区骨头,以光学显微镜观察量测其牙垩质再生高度与齿槽骨再生高度之变化,以探讨其组织再生模式及评估新膜片在临床应用之适用性。

It has become the restrictive factor of economic development. The implement of water saving rebuild programming in northern droughty areas is an important measure for sustainable use of water.This study is based on the investigation of the type, step and method of SEA, and focuses on the water saving rebuild programming in Mongolia Hetao regions as a case. The SEA technique is applied to agricultural sustaining using of water. The contents and impact factors are summarized along with the objective and standards defined clearly. This paper also offers assessment indexs on water saving rebuild programming, which evaluates the subsequent environmental impacts and public benefits. Some measures avoiding the negative impact are also presented to ensure that this programming is in accordance with the principle of sustainable development.


This article?introduces The Fuling?Information System s present situation,analyzes the question existing in the practical application,and makes the corresponding improvement;Moreover,to a new?system,the transplantability is very imp.


The law of factors' affecting degree, which influences the parameters between geogrids and soils in the pulling-out procedure, is obtained. With the concept of 'equivalent pull-out displacement' brought forward, the whole process of pull out tests is divided into two process-" main process (when x 1.0)" and "residual process (when x 1.0)", and three stages-static friction resistance stage, slip friction resistance stage, and residual friction resistance stage.2 The value of friction coefficient between reinforcement and soil varies with their definitions of friction, but each factor' s affecting degree influencing friction pa


The service provider performs the following steps: receiving a request from a customer to establish communication with another customer; confirming the identity of each customer; transmitting to each customer executable code enabling encrypted communication therewith; obtaining from each customer information regarding the customer's computing environment; preparing a set of applications for use by each customer, in accordance with the customer information and the customer's request; transmitting the set of applications as executable code to each customer; establishing a communication path to each customer; and specifying the communication path to the customers, thereby permitting the customers to communicate over the path using those applications.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
