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In this thesis, the methods of surrounding rock masses stability classification on the basis of the geological documentation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM are approached, especially as follows:①The geological documentation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM in the Yellow River Diversion Project.of shanxi province is summarized systematically;②Based on the geological documentation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM, that whether the common methods of surrounding rock masses stability (the methods of regular factor classification) classification are feasible, is carried on the discussion;③According to the corresponding relation of muck and the boring parameters of TBM and the surrounding rock masses stability type, the extension assessment method of tunnel surrounding rock masses stability classification is set up, also the corresponding fortran calculation procedure worked out, and not only rational result in conformity with the reality can be obtained, but also the stability situation of surrounding rock masses in front of the working range can be predicted according to the change of the dependent value in the application instance of Yellow River Diversion Project;④Combining with the application instance of Yellow River Diversion Project, extension assessment method in the application of surrounding rock masses stability classification is compared and verificated in detail by applying fuzzy synthesis method by forefathers, and a certain degree discussion and summary about the application achievement of surrounding rock masses stability classification, which is assessed by extension assessment method and fuzzy synthesis method, are carried on.


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Turbo Photo的设计使用了一流的独创的图像处理技术,使得这些应用的最终效果不逊于任何单项软件,甚至有所超出,譬如她是世界上第一个把皮肤自动识别与美化结合在一起的全自动处理软件,可以在1分钟内达到数字美容的效果;综合去噪技术可以有效去除感光噪声和色彩斑点;同样,首创的,面向问题的'照片门诊部'可以轻松的解决照片里的多种不足和瑕疵,自动/半自动的将您的照片调整到最佳的曝光与色彩;独具创意的HSB曲线调整、色调大师等功能从新的角度为您的创作提供可能;大量可扩展的边框、配色方案、特效插件等(注1)帮助喜欢玩的您创建个人风格的作品。。。

This thesis investigates the profile extraction and shape optimization on the result of topology optimization of planar compliant mechanisms. The main context includes the following work:(1) summarizing and analyzing the recent research status, some harvest and unsolved problems;(2) analyzing the conceptual design of planar path-generating compliant mechanisms and its mathematical model and tools;(3) Modifying the method of density contour as the method of profile extraction, and developing a method to optimize the density function in the profile extraction according to the requirement of the design of compliant mechanism;(4) developing a method to abstract the compliant mechanism into a form of links and joints by using the principle of connectivity on topology;(5) developing a method of shape optimization of planar path-generating compliant mechanisms, by representing the profile of the abstracted compliant mechanism as simple curves such as straight lines and arcs, establishing the models of the size optimization of the parameters of these curves, so that the compliant mechanism has a machinable shape;(6) At last, proving the feasibleness and effectiveness of the design method by making simulation design and validating it in FEA software.


The goal of Grid resource management is integrating all kinds of autonomic resources and applications,and managing them unitedly to provide expandable,security,unanimous,pervasive,high efficency and wide scope resource sharing and computing service.


This will benefit a wide range of applications; motor control algorithms can be improved to allow the motor to run more silently or consuming less energy, sensor data can be filtered or analyzed to suppress noise and capture more useful information, and audio data can be processed without loss of fidelity. The 32-bit AVR UC3 Floating Point Unit is compliant with the widely accepted IEEE 754 standard. This ensures compatibility with a wide range of existing math libraries and application code.

这种技术有利于多种应用:对于电机控制应用,可以改善算法,让电机运行更安静或耗电更少;对于传感器应用,可过滤或分析数据,抑制噪声并撷取更多有用信息;对于音讯应用,可处理声音数据而不会失真。32位的AVR UC3 浮点单元与广泛被接受的IEEE 754标准兼容,可确保与现有的多种算法软件库和应用程序代码的兼容性。

This may be explained by follows: First, Decoction Shenkangling can regulate the homeostasis of NEI network and reduce the increased activity of NF-κB to restrain the action of inflammatory-sclerotic media; Second, it can redress the disequilibrium of the ratio of TXA2/PGI2 to reform the hypercoagulable state; Third, it can enhance albumin and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride; Fourth, it can amend the renal damage and protect the function of renal tubule and stroma to prevent the transformation from MCD to FSGS; Last, it can lessen urine protein in AN rats markedly and relieve the side effects of prednisone.4. NF-κB, TXA2 and PGI2, along with the renal pathomorphology and so on can all be the indexes of the diagnosis of Symptom of "Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stasis" and the application of Methods of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation" in TCM.5. The curative effects on AN rats by treatment of integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine with prednisone are much better than using prednisone only. And the curative effects on AN rats by treatment of matching Decoction Shenkangling, having the function of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation", with Prednisone are much better than using Prednisone only.6. When it referred to decreasing urine protein, cholesterol and triglyceride and increasing albumin, Decoction Zhibodihuang excesses Decoction Taohongsiwu. However, when it referred to regulating the disequilibrium of TXA2/PGI2 and meliorating renal lesion, Decoction Taohongsiwu exceeds Decoction Zhibodihuang.7. The curative effects on AN rats by treatment of matching Methods of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation" with Prednisone overmatches using Prednisone matching Method of "Benefiting the kidney" or Method of " Promoting blood circulation" only.

益肾活血中药肾康灵能显著改善AN鼠的肾虚血瘀证的临床表现和实验指标,这可能与中药肾康灵能调理AN鼠机体的NEI网络功能稳态,降低异常升高的NF-κB活性,抑制免疫炎症/硬化介质环节,纠正失衡的TXA2/PGI2,改善AN鼠血液高凝状态,提高AN鼠的血清Alb,降低Ch和TG,减轻AN鼠的肾脏组织病理学变化,保护肾小管-间质功能,阻止MCD向FSGS转化;显著减轻AN鼠的尿蛋白水平以及减轻激素副作用有关。4、NF-κB、 TXB2和6-keto-PGF1α以及肾脏病理形态学改变等,都可作为中医肾虚血瘀证诊断和益肾活血法应用的客观指标。5、中西医结合干预AN鼠疗效优于单纯激素治疗;强的松配合益肾活血中药肾康灵组的综合疗效显著优于单纯强的松组。6、知柏地黄汤组在降低尿蛋白、提高血清Alb、降低Ch和TG疗效上优于桃红四物汤组;桃红四物汤组在纠正失衡的TXA2/PGI2和减轻肾脏病理损害方面优于知柏地黄汤组。7、激素配合益肾活血法干预AN鼠在一定程度上优于激素配合益肾法或活血法。

In management practice, many experts made a lot of research on material motivation means, which can be measured. With this study advantage, it has formed a perfect, structural system, and, it also develops in the new era, for example, the stock-share motivation etc. comparatively speaking, there are less research on the immaterial motivation, let alone to form a perfect, systematic structure. Research on the immaterial motivation should be put on the agenda as the richening of material situation, the rising in management cost as well as the decreasing of marginal effect in material motivation.


A design and implementation method of the high speed modulation system, which adopted the new techniques of the FPGA and DAC based communication system,is presented in this paper. The effect of the key techniques of this system, such as the high speed digital signal processing for modulation, high speed based-band signal conversion, wide-band modulation, carrier suppression, high frequency and high precision system clock generation, is analyzed, and the solutions and performance analysis is also given. Finally, a high speed modulation system for space applications is implemented, can be used for high speed data transmission with QPSK, 8PSK, QAM or other kinds of digital modulation.


Mechanization transit more and more extensive get application, have become in recent years develop the most quick profession one in mechanize transport field in, chain transport can realize vertical, level, incline , bend and make up mutually various transport locus, can again meet bulk, take pack wait for the stock of various types carry ; can satisfy operation steady, transport at low speed may control with metre automation production the late requirement of operating mode, again can in bad environment in reliable work, chain conveyer is performance good continuous conveyer, it need not stop in same one side to transportation stock, load and unload need not stop machine, have very high productivity.


According to the function of distributed emulator, optical information processing and image multi-object tracking system, the following three aspects were emphasized in this dissertation. Firstly, a vast virtual terrain, ground radar models and canyons were created for the distributed emulator with modeling software Creator. The radars were driven to scan during emulating and the real time terrain code was sent to Radar module. Secondly, an optics channel simulating the optics camera of a virtual aircraft was implemented with simulating software Vega. The 2-D information got from the channel was translated and sent to multi-sensor information fusion system as an optics information source. Thirdly, the dissertation studied some motion estimation methods and analyzed the factors which influence the speed and the precision of the block matching algorithms. Then an improved block matching method was proposed for image multi-object tracking system and applied in the system combined with frame difference method.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
