英语人>网络例句>可代谢的 相关的搜索结果


与 可代谢的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the process of long-time adaptive evolution, wetland plants adopted a series of special strategies to acclimate to salt stress. The main strategies are: 1 life history adjustment, e. g., to adjust seed germination time, implement seed dormancy and viviparity, and change reproductive manner to escape from direct salt stress, 2 morphological adjustment, e. g., to adjust biomass allocation pattern, age stem, defoliate, and carnify vegetative organs to isolate the redundant Na(superscript +) to the inactive-metabolism shoots or exclude the Na(superscript +)from tissues; 3 anatomic adjustment, e. g., to sink stoma, develop aerenchyma, and thicken cuticle and phellogen to maintain normal photosynthesis and respiration; 4 physiological and biochemical adjustment, e. g., to exclude and excrete salt, compartmentalize ions, adjust osmosis, do selective absorption, regulate hormones, and induce antioxidative enzymes to maintain the osmotic equilibrium and eliminate the active oxygen in cell; and 5 molecular level adjustment, e. g., to start up many salt-induced genes to regulate the metabolic responses to salt stress.


The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors play an important role in adipocyte differentiation and fatty acid metabolism, activation of PPAR may induce the differentiation of adipocyte,influence the expression of genes involved in lipogenesis and fatty acid oxidation,eventually lessen ectopic fat accumulation and improve the impaired insulin signaling,so the medicine which targets to the control point of FFA metabolism would be hopeful in the treatment of a cluster of metabolic abnormalities resulted from insulin resistance.


The research results show:(1) we combine time series method with the dispersed Markov Chains theory of stochastic process, and present a Markov Model based the time series analysis for predicting the precipitation for groundwater resources evaluation. Results show that the time series-Markov Model is efficient, and it has higher accuracy than that of the single model of time series;(2) started from the systematic point of view, we analyze the metabolic process of groundwater, establish the ultimate metabolic equation of groundwater for protecting the water resources, and discuss the value of reducing evaporation for making full use of the water resources;(3) Through a theoretical analysis of the results of the experiments, we draw a conclusion: the critical depth on evaporation of groundwater is in step with the height of the maximal capillary rise of media.


BE a person machine body because of metabolism but creation various metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, cause'common cold', mouth cavity ulcerate, various burning disease, various wet, oil, stem skin disease, Sao Yang, ache etc. machine quality disease, these be"don't disease";Person machine body the organ have no decrepitude, but the body falsely can't go out various metabolism thing metabolism not, can also cause the paroxysm relapse and these be also"don't disease".


The relationship between standard metabolism (R〓, mgO〓/h/fish), wet weight and temperature was: lnRs=0.830+0.021T+0.670lnW in short term respiration trials. The relationship between feeding metabolism rate (R〓, mgO〓/g/d) and feeding rate was R〓=0.264C+36. 740 determined in short term respiration trials. The relationship between feeding metabolism , body weight and temperature for gibel carp at maximum feeding rate was R〓=-6. 237+0.697lnW+1. 940lnT.


The conclusion indicated that pyruvate supplement could accelerate the speed of body energy metabolism and slower weight and body fat gain during exercises. Due to the influences of pyruvate supplement on the levels of enemies and hormones to adjust body lipometabolism during exercises, body blood lipid and glucose levels decreased, and the process of fat metabolism came under.


The measurement of nicotine and its major metabolites cotinine and trans-3 -hydroxicotinine together with other minor metabolites (e.g., cotinine N-oxide, cotinine, and trans-3 -hydroxicotinine glucuronides) in conventional and nonconventional biological matrices has been used as a biomarker to assess the exposure to environmental tobacco smoke during childhood.

常规和非常规性生物基质内尼古丁、尼古丁主要代谢产物可替宁和反式-3-羟基可替宁及其他代谢产物(可替宁N-氧化物,可替宁和反式-3 –羟基可替宁葡萄糖苷酸)的检测可作为评价儿童期环境烟草烟雾暴露的一个生物标志物。

IDO inhibits the proliferation of eukaryotic intracellular pathogens or tumor cells by depriving them of tryptophan. IDO has been targeted for neurological disorders: it causes decrease of serotonin level in the brain resulting depression, and it causes the accumulation of neurotoxic quinolinic acid. IDO plays a key role in the suppression of T cell response and antitumor immune, it induces immune tolerance to embryo and explant.

IDO可通过降低微环境中色氨酸的浓度而达到抑制病原微生物增殖的作用; IDO与神经系统疾病也密切相关,它能降低5-羟色胺的水平而导致抑郁,也可造成脑中喹啉酸等具有神经毒性的代谢产物的累积; IDO在抑制T细胞免疫和抗肿瘤免疫、诱导母胎免疫耐受和移植物免疫耐受中均发挥重要的代谢性免疫调节作用。

In conclusion, our studies indicated that, by reducing the concentration of corticoid, increasing the GH concentration, dietary glutamine could maintain the N balance in the body, induce the intestinal glutamine extraction from blood, maintain the glutamine store in muscle tissue and plasma, decrease the glutamine flux from muscle tissue and protein catabolism. As the key fuel of intestinal mucosa and lymphocytes, exogenous glutamine maintained the intestinal structure, function and the CD4〓/CD8〓 ratio. In addition, glutamine normalized the SIgA containing cells'quantity and distribution through stimulating the IL-6 gene expression.


Music alcohol mechanism of anti-fatigue: Nano-peptide can promote aerobic metabolism, the rapid removal of excess lactic acid in muscles, faster removal of fatigue; when fatigue or liver disease, the other blocked amino acid metabolism, and branched-chain amino acids in muscle tissue can be metabolism, provide energy as the material, nano-peptide can be slowed down muscle protein breakdown and damage the body to ease the friction, and added the supply of glycogen after exercise, play the role of anti-fatigue.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
