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The GFAP is a specific marker of astrocyte, its expression is more higher in the activity astrocyte, and finally the GFAP become the main composition of scar formations. The S -100 is a kind of acidity, dissolubilites, low molecular quantity and calcium hydronium conjugated protein, and it is mainly existed in neuroglial cell and schwann cell. It can promote the growth of axon, glial hyper-plasia and nerve divide and calcium's stability inside of cell, thus regulatin g the shape and metabolism of astrocyte . The quantity of S -100 protein and the degree of ischemia have direct proportion .


These results suggested that the lung Fib were activated and produced excess HA, resulting in the excessive accumulation of HA within the lung at the stage of alveolitis during the process of pulmonary fibrosis. However, increased HA synthesis of lung Fib and increased HA levels in BALF merely reflect the intensity of alveolitis and the disease activity rather than the degree of pulmonary fibrosis.


Six experimental stages were designed in our procedure, those are:(1) metabolite recovery and tested sample preparation: the metabolites were recovered by Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and solvent concentration;(2) antioxidant detection and strain selection: samples were quantitatively analyzed by the inhibition effects on formation of lipid peroxides and TBARS to screen the strains able to produce antioxidants. According to the established screening methods, we chose out a strain of actinomycetes, designed as AMBL-029C;(3) antioxidant purification: the fermentation broth was recovered by a series of separation techniques including centrifugation, Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and a successive TLC purification. The resulting primary purified compound [temperately designed as AMBL-029C-TS] was further analyzed by HPLC to monitor its purity;(4) physical-chemical characteristics: judging from the acid-base fractionation experiments, and the pH and temperature stability tests, the compound was deduced to be a acidic compound with the properties of low polarity and highly pH and temperature stable;(5) mechanism of the antioxidant: in comparison with some other known antioxidants, TS was subjected to investigate its antioxidant mechanism, together with BHT,-tocopherol, as well as two streptomyces metabolites, homogentisic acid and -phenylpyruvic acid, which were previously isolated as the natural antioxidants in our laboratory.

针对本实验目的,我们设计了以下的实验步骤﹔(1)二次代谢物回收及检测样本处理:我们将发酵所得的培养上清液,利用疏水吸附性树酯Amberlite XAD-2吸附回收,并以甲醇溶离及真空减压浓缩脱水等方式处理,以取得提供抗氧化活性筛选之检测样本;(2)抗氧化活性检测及菌种筛选:以「过氧化脂质」和「硫丙二醯尿」的生成量进行定性定量分析以作为抗氧化物质生产菌筛选之用;经此筛选程序,我们选获了具有抗氧化物质高生产力的菌株,命名为AMBL-029C;(3)抗氧化物质的分离纯化:针对生产菌株的发酵回收处理液,以矽胶薄层色层分离法经物质层析纯化后,并以高效能液相层析法(High performance liquid chromatography;HPLC)分析物质可得一初级纯化物质,命名为AMBL-029C-TS;(4)抗氧化物质的物理化学性质分析:由酸碱转溶(acid-base fractionation)实验得知,此抗氧化物质属於中低极性的强酸性物质,对温度(37℃-100℃)及酸碱度(pH3.0-13.0)均表现出高稳定性;(5)在抗氧化机制探讨方面,我们针对数种不同的抗氧化机制进行探讨,即: 1。

Long running performance showed that due to the membrane interception,the nitrobacter is enriched in reactor in the interest of improving the nitrification rate;the maximum ammonia nitrogen loading can be 0.19 kg/(m3·d) with effluent ammonia nitrogen<1 mg/L (removal rate 99%).


A submerged membrane sequencing batch bioreactor was used to treat coke wastewater.Long running performance showed that due to the membrane interception,the nitrobacter is enriched in reactor in the interest of improving the nitrification rate;the maximum ammonia nitrogen loading can be 0.19 kg/(m3·d) with effluent ammonia nitrogen<1 mg/L (removal rate 99%).Long sludge retention time may result in the accumulation of metabolic products and high molecular materials,and thus inhibiting activity of nitrate bacteria and causing a ccumulation of NO2-,which is beneficial to the running of short-cut denitrif ication.However,too long retention time will affect the activity of nitrite bacteria,detrimental to the treatment effect of ammonia nitrogen.


A submerged membrane sequencing batch bioreactor was used to treat coke wastewater.Long running performance showed that due to the membrane interception,the nitrobacter is enriched in reactor in the interest of improving the nitrification rate;the maximum ammonia nitrogen loading can be 0.19 kg/(m3·d) with effluent ammonia nitrogen<1 mg/L (removal rate 99%).Long sludge retention time may result in the accumulation of metabolic products and high molecular materials,and thus inhibiting activity of nitrate bacteria and causing a ccumulation of NO2-,which is beneficial to the running of short-cut denitrif ication.However,too long retention time will affect the activity of nitrite bacteria,detrimental to the treatment effect of ammonia nitrogen.

简介: 采用浸没式膜生物反应器处理焦化废水的试验结果表明:膜的截留作用可使硝化菌在反应器内富集而有利于提高系统的硝化能力,其去除氨氮的最高负荷为0.19kg/(m3·d),出水氨氮<1mg/L(去除率为99%);泥龄长可能使微生物的代谢产物或其他大分子物质积累,从而抑制硝酸盐细菌的活性,导致NO2-积累而有利于短程脱氮的进行,但泥龄过长也会影响亚硝酸盐细菌的活性,从而影响对氨氮的处理效果。

Results Many neuronal cell bodies and fibers with dense mGluR7-like immunoreactivity were intensely distributed in the island of Calleja,hippocampus,dentate gyrus,medial habenular nucleus,olivary pretectal nucleus,zonal layer of the superior colliculus,superficial layers of the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus,paratrigeminal nucleus,raphe magnus nucleus,raphe nucleus pallidus,locus coeruleus,superficial layers and lateral spinal nucleus of the spinal cord.

近年来,大量生理学和药理学实验表明,Glu还可通过与G蛋白偶联的一类受体来调节兴奋性突触的活动和神经元的兴奋性,此类受体被命名为代谢型谷氨酸受体(metabotropic glutamate receptors,mGluRs)。目前应用分子生物学技术已成功地克隆出mGluR的8种亚型(mGluR1-8)[2~7]。

Anthocyanins are plant unique phenolic compounds derived from flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. The red cyanidins, orange pelargonidin, and purple-blue delphinidin are three major anthocyanins, which are reported to have anti-oxidative activity on lipid and scavenge activity on removing free radical.


The inhibitory effect of the volatilizable metabolites of two antagonists to P.funerea was analyzed in contrast with the inhibitory rate of the control . Gvirens , with the highest inhibitory rate of 59.7%, had more excellent and stable inhibitory activity and the effect was more relative with the time, but the inhibitory rate of B.firmus was less relative with the time and the inhibitory effect of B.firmus became stable after 72 hours.


The PVA without limiting the blood flow volume can increase the cross section and blood flow volume of portal vein ,dilate and thicken the branches of portal vein, but the function of reticuloendothelial system, metabolism of bile pigment and bile acid salt don′t undergo significant influences.


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