- 与 口腔镜 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Proliferating cell nuclearnatigen, bromodexoyuridine, and microscopic diagnosis were applied and observed on golden hamster cheek is pouch carcinogenisis model induced by dimethylben-zanthracene in order to seek simple ,effective ,leading and reliable diagnostic way.
Mean difference data were applied to reported standard oral esophagoscopy landmark measurements to conert to standard landmark measurements from the nares.
Objectie: To determine radiographically the anatomic length difference between the nasal and oral aerodigestie tracts and to clarify gaps in the literature regarding standardized landmark measurements and documentation techniques in transnasal esophagoscopy, as opposed to traditional transoral esophagoscopy.
Objective To study the method of endoscope-assisted thyroid lobectomy through suprasternal mini-incision and its outcome.
目的 探讨胸骨上小切口腔镜辅助甲状腺叶切除的方法和效果。
The procedure, called Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery, involves passing surgical instruments, and a tiny camera, through a natural orifice, such as the mouth, to the desired organ.
When an unanticipated intubation by direct laryngoscope was recognized, the GlideScope was used for the following tracheal intubation orally or nasally.
The enteroscopy with general anesthesia via the mouth was well tolerated, followed by non-anesthesia enteroscopy via the anus, and non-anesthesia enteroscopy via the mouth and enteroclysis.
Limited mouth opening prevented laryngoscopic orotracheal intubation; bronchofiberoptic nasotracheal intubation failed due to profuse oral bleeding.
endoscop-assisted thyroid lobectomy through suprasternal mini-incision has the advantage of beauty in shape, minimal invasion and easy operation.
Unconditional reflex, in infancy is not surprising: It is now to consider the condensate伸舌like to stay still too early, it will be舌上of Carex刮下were observed in the exclusion of thrush, and white study confirmed meningococcal infection, the available 2 % sodium bicarbonate solution cleaning the mouth, and then coated with glycerol or nystatin grams triazole acid powder scattered in the oral cavity. 2, the normal 3-month-old boy physical development value: Height: low value: 57.6, mean: 62.4, high-value: 67.2 height of your baby has been achieved on a good growth and development of the fetus in the womb were shrimp-like, after birth There are bow-shaped legs.
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